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( As per Sec. VIII, UG- 32 )

1. Torispherical Heads - 10%

Crown radius (R) = Diameter (D)
Knuckle radius (r) = D/10
Height (H) = D x 0.194 + SF + t
Blank Dia. = D x 1.11 + 2SF

Volume (SF are not included) :

[D(in.)/12] x 0.582 = gal.

2. Ellipsoidal Heads - 2:1
Crown radius (R) = 0.90D
Knuckle radius (r) = 0.17D
Height (H) = D x 0.25 + SF + t
Blank Dia. = D x 1.15 + 2SF

Volume (SF are not included) :

[D(in.)/12] x 0.954 = gal.

3. Hemispherical Heads
Inside Dish Radius (IDR) = D/2
Height (H) = D/2 + t
Blank Dia. = D/2


[D(in.)/12] x 1.958 = gal.

Thinning Allowance

- 10% on all thickness OR

- 12mm and Under Add 1.5mm to the minimum
Over 12mm Add 1.5mm or 15% of minimum, whichever is greater

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