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IMB Teaching Clinical Lesson Plan

Direct Instruction Lesson Plan
Meredith McDaniel
Grade Level/Subject:
Central Focus:
3 , Literacy, Comprehension
Students will be identifying the main idea and supporting
details of a text.
Essential Standard/Common Core Objective:
Date submitted: Tuesday
Determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details
Date taught: Wednesday
and explain how they support the main idea.
Daily Lesson Objective:
Performance: Students will know how to identify the main idea and supporting details of a
passage. The students will apply their understanding by completing a detailed graphic organizer
with the Topic of the passage and the main idea and 2 supporting details of each paragraph in
the passage For Your Health.
Conditions: The students will complete a graphic organizer with the main ideas and supporting
details of the passage For Your Health for evaluation. The students will use the passage For Your
Health to complete their organizers.
Criteria: The students should have at least the topic of the passage, main idea of each paragraph
and one supporting detail of each paragraph to meet the objective of 70%. There are a total of
three paragraphs in this passage with one main idea and at least two supporting details in each.
With this, there are a total of 10 possible points. I will give 2 points for each main idea, and one
point for the topic and each supporting detail. There are 10 possible points but students should
get at least 7 points to meet the objective.
21st Century Skills:
Academic Language Demand (Language Function and
Information Literacy, Analysis
Identify, Explain
Prior Knowledge: The students should already know the definition of main idea and supporting
details, what they mean and have an understanding of graphic organizers and how to complete


1. Focus and Review

2. Statement of
for Student

Description of Activities and Setting

The students will come to the carpet in front of the smart
board for a review. I will explain to the students that when
they are reading a passage and identifying the main idea
with details that it is important to remember that the main
idea tells what a paragraph or text is mostly about and the
details tell more about the main idea. I will give an example
of this to the class. For example, I will choose the game
Connect Four and as a class we will fill in a graphic organizer
with the main idea and one supporting detail of the game.
Ex: Connect Four
Main idea: to get four pieces in a row before the other
Supporting Detail: If you get four in a row before the other
player you are the winner of that game.
You will use the passage For Your Health to complete a
graphic organizer with the main idea and supporting details
of each paragraph during the independent activity. It is
important for you as students to be able to identify the main
idea and details of a passage to better understand the text.


5 min

2 min

3. Teacher Input

4. Guided Practice

Today we are going to identify the main idea and

supporting details within a passage and we will complete a
graphic organizer with the information. When we first read a
passage it is important to use a few strategies during
reading to make sure we can have a good understanding of
the text. When reading students should Think aloud: ask
yourself what the passage is all about and then figure out
what the author wants me to know about this topic.
For example: if I have plants and Plants need many
things to grow which one is the topic and which one is the
main idea? *The correct response is plants is the topic and
Plants need many things to grow is the main idea.
The author will give details that tell more about the main
idea. For example: if we have the main idea of Plants need
many things to grow then one detail that supports this is a
plant needs sunlight and another supporting detail is a
plant needs water to grow.
Now you are going to practice finding the main idea and
details in two passages. When you know the main idea,
youll be sure of what the author wants you to know.
When you are reading a paragraph the main idea is usually
the first sentence and the rest of the sentences in the
paragraph are the supporting details. This is not always the
case but it usually is. When there is more than one
paragraph, each paragraph may have a main idea and
supporting details.
I will now pair the students together for our next activity.
The students are now in pairs and I have spaced them out
around the room. Each group will have the passage Unusual
Birds and they will complete a graphic organizer with the
topic, main idea, and supporting details. This passage has 2
paragraph so the students should have a total of 2 main
ideas and several supporting details, this passage has seven
possible supporting details. The students will write their
answers to the graphic organizer on a piece of paper. Once
each group has finished I will have each group share one
main idea and one supporting detail to that main idea and
where they found the answers to the whole class. While the
students are working in their groups I will walk around and
observe to make sure they understand the task. I will
provide help if needed.
Students will return to their desks for the independent

7 min

15 min

Students will work independently on a written graphic

organizer that will be collected for a grade. The students will
5. Independent
be given the passage For Your Health and they will complete
15 min
a graphic organizer with the main ideas, supporting details
and the topic of the passage. The students will be given a
piece of copy paper to complete their graphic organizer on.
The independent graphic organizer activity will be the assessment I
give to check for understanding on the topic. After the students
complete the activity I will collect it for a grade. I will grade them on a
total of 10 points, 1 point for correctly identifying the topic, 1 point for
6. Assessment
each supporting detail and 1 point for each main idea. This passage
Methods of
has 3 paragraphs so there will be 3 main ideas, one topic, and at least
all objectives/skills:
2 supporting details in each paragraph so there are a total of 6 details
in the passage. This makes up the ten possible points when added
together. Students who score 60% (6 points) or lower did not meet the
The students will return to the carpet for a group discussion.
I will ask for a few volunteers to share the topic, one main
idea and one supporting detail to that main idea that they
found within the passage and where they found the answers
7. Closure
to the whole class. This will allow the students to share their
5 min
thoughts with their classmates and allow me to check for an
understanding on the material. After the students share I
will review how to identify the main idea and supporting
details of a passage.
8. Assessment Results
18 out of 18 students met the objective of 70% or higher. Each student
gave me the topic and all three main ideas and at least one supporting
all objectives/skills:
detail of each. This allowed all the students to meet the daily objective
Targeted Students
Student/Small Group
Students who have trouble identifying the
Students who are placed in a small group for
main idea and details in the story will be
further instruction will review how to identify the
place in a small group setting and I will
main idea and details of a story and how to
provide further instruction for those
complete the graphic organizer with the
information. For ELLs I will provide a written
explanation of the material we are learning in their
language and work one on one them to make sure
they have an understanding of the material and
can complete the required assignments. For
advanced students I will have those complete
more examples of supporting details in the
passage and have them try to find an overall main
idea for the whole passage.

Smart board, copy paper (1 per child), pencil, The passages: Unusual Birds and For Your Health
for each child.
References: Reading A-Z
Reflection on lesson: Overall I feel that this lesson was very successful and each student gained
an understanding of identifying the main idea and details within a passage. All the students met
the objective so that showed me that they learned the material I taught and can apply it when
completing activities. The students did really well with following directions and respecting me as
their teacher. I feel this lesson was a wonderful and successful experience.

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