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fil, BBe RR ARAA NAP SUI CHONG Construction & Engineering Co., Ltd. Our ref.: 20149057/0M/4.0/382 14 December 2015 Ho Tin & Associates Consulting Engineers Ltd Rm 1201-3, Westin Centre, 26 Hung To Road,, Kwun Tong, Kwoloon At fr. Li Kok Keung Dear Sir, Contract No, 20149057 Construction of Lift Towers at Oi Man Estate, Kwong Tin Estate and Hing Tung Estate Formwork design for wall at Hing Tung Estate We submit herewith the formwork design for the wall in the wall strengthening works at Hang Tung Estate for your kind approval ‘Yours faithfully, For and on behalf of Sui Chong Construction & Engineering Co., Ltd. Daniel Wong Construction Manager DW/fw Enel. hit 5, UF, Sun Cheong Industral Building, 2-4 Cheung Yee Sweet, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong & ARR DM Re RASA B38 AILS © "Tel: 2854 D608. Fax: 2545 3482 oe SECTION 1 ~ PRELIMINARIES GENERAL SPECIFICATION 2013 FORM EPS-F2 (SHEET 1 OF 2) Contract Tile = Opis fhuctiON Of EL QAR ML OL thy estate, Kitae Tin BiATe DO Ke Tas ContractNo. + Dol Sosy ert Works / Certificate" Submission by Registered Structural ingineer (RSE) / Registered-Geoteehnieal Engineer RGE}*/ Qualified Engineer (QE)* / sign-Certifying Consult: = To: Hong Kong Housing Authority Attention: Contract Manager Tnaccordance with the provisions of the Contract for demolition / foundation / building* ‘works as detailed it-Speeification-elause/Drawing no." vet hereby submit the (here specify the type of plans) Fuwacguy nition Tere sme AT Hine Task, GTA A plans-/geotechnicelreportsupporting-decuenentationF structural detaile/ calculations / certifieate-an- ‘Temporury Works* for your approval /-eonsent* prior to works commencement. The said plans / calculations / cestifieate* have been prepared by AR AY (RsB/RGE /QE/DCC*) Chinese) FuatyKAy (ame in fll) the appointment of whom has been notified to you in the Form BPS-F1 submitted om 2 Fen 201s, Pate: iy DEC 201g = ‘Authorized Signature ofthe Contractor vot Tus ef ‘Nene in full Peogect Memate Capacity Sth CHone, Cee & GHG, CoO ‘Name of Company + Delete whichever is inapplicable = GS 2013 / SL / Page 59 of 64 = SECTION 4 — PRELIMINARIES sf _GENERAL SPECIFICATION 2013 FORM EPS-F2 (SHEET 2 OF 2) Preparation of Plans* Checking on Temporary Works* Foundation Design* In accordance with the provisions of the Contract, I hereby certify that: a. tho plans / geotechnical report / supporting documentation / structural details / calculations / Temporary Works design / ‘Temporary Works inspected by me on Site as shown on the plans* attached relating to the cbove demotition! foundation / building works and which have been signed by me, have been prepared / ehecked* and found satisfactory as being properly and safely designed / cnstructed* for the intended purpose by me or under my supervision or direetion and that 1, the attached plans / geotechnical report / supporting documentation / structural dotals / ealeulations / ‘Temporary Works* comply in oll respeots with the provisions of the Contract Date: Vy DEE wis a ‘Signature of RSE7RGB/ QE /BEG* Wone TuAig 1h ‘Name in full Certificate of Registration No.* Mwo ST 3igo Date of Expiry of Registration : arf 3/20 + Delete whichever is inapplicable Notes :- 1. Certificat of Registration and Date of Expy of Regiiation is applicable fo certification by RSE end ROE only. = GS 2013 / Si / Page 60 of 64 ~ eos ‘Construction of LIN Towers at O1 Man Estate, Project Kwong Tin Bstate and Hing Tung Estate- neering Cow Lit romserana.o Summary Type oF Structural Size of Critical Element [Spacing of Timber Stud] Spacing of Timber _| Spacing of Tie Bolt Element (mm) (om) Waling (eam) (mm) Wall 200 thick 250 600 600 @ x 600 | Timber material data Plywood -Canadian 19 mm CORI Douglas Fir 7 Ply Modulus of Elasticity EB 5950 Nimm2 (Table 43 BS5268) Second moment of inertia 1 = 486000 mm4im —_ (Table 30 BS5268) Sectional modulus Z = 54.0 mm3/m (Table 30 BS5268) Basic allowable bending stress 637 Nimm2 — (Table 43 BS5268) Basic allowable shear stress. = —«0.36.-« Némm2_—_ (Table 43 BS5268) Short term loading faetor - 1s (Table 15 BS5268) Allowable bending stress ff «= = 9.56 Némm2. Allowable shear stress q = 054 Nimm2 Sectional area A= 180000 mm2im — (Table 30 BS5268) Bending Stiffness EI 2.89 kNm/m ‘Moment resistance z= 0.77 Nini ‘Shear load capacity qA= 14.58 Nin Douglas Fir 50 Modulus of Elasticity m x 100 mm Strength Class SC4 EB 11000 Nimm2 (Table 9 BS5268) Second moment of inertia 1 4166667 mm4 Sectional modulus 2 = 83333 mm3 Basic allowable bending stress - 7.50 Nimm2 (able 9 BSS268) Basic allowable shear stress = «0.85 N/mm2_—_(Table 9 BS5268) Short term loading factor - Ls (Table 15 BS5268) Allowable bending stress f 1125 N/mm? Allowable shear stress 4 128 Nimm2 Sectional area 5000 mm2 Bending Stiffness 4583 KNoY Moment resistatice L4lkNmeim Shear load capacity gA= 9.56 KN Project Construction of Lin Towers al Oi Man Project Estrtate, Kwong Tin Estate and Hing Tung _[No.2014905 TuLTSTAEL-0 [Cale sheet aera ee [| Par of — Formwork Design for wall Project thong Construction & Engineering Co. Ltd. Hy Design Data Concrete Unit Weight, ye = Mh kNAn® lb) Plywood - Canadian 19 mm COFI Douglas Fir 7 Ply Bending Stiffness, EI = 2.89 kNm/m Moment Resistance, fZ = = 0.77 kNm/m Shear Load, A. = 146 kNim lc) Timber- 50 mm x 100 mm Strength Class SC4 Bending Stiffness, El 45.8 kNm? Morhent Resistance, £2, 141 kNmi/m Shear Load, gA = 9.56 kN ‘Vibration Load on Formwork Deflection Limit I) Reference Formwork - A Guided to Good Pratice Concrete Pressure on Formwork, CIRIA Report 108 ~ The Concrete Society Wall Data ‘Wall Thickness, ¢ = 200 mm Wall Span, L = 1000 mm — (Typical) Formwork Data Vertical Form Height, H = 745m Rate of Rise, R 1 mh Formwork Coefficient, C1 1 Concrete Coefficient, C2 = 0.45 Conerete Temperature,T = 23 +, Temperature Coefficient, K _ 36 2 “(ae 36 23 + 16 Pot Project Construction oF LIN Towers at Oi Man Project Fstrtate, Kwong Tin Estate and Hing Tung _}No.2014905 Fee ett rete ‘Sui Chong Construction & Engineering Co., Ltd. [Part of _ Formwork Design for wall Project : Pressure Calculation Maximun Hydrostatic Pressure = ~ x H = wx 745 178.80 KN/ot Maximun Conerete Pressure, Pass = yw xf Clx R™+ @ x K x( H- Cl x R%)*] = M@ xf | x 1 %+ 045 x 08S x( 745 - 1 x 1%) 8] = 4 xf 1 + 097] = ATA KN? Pressure Envelope for Formwork Design K 4737 a Jd) Maximun Design Pressure for Formwork 4137 + 2 = 4937 kNimt Project Construction of Lit Towers at Oi Man Project otttate, Kwong Tin Estate and Hing Tung _{No.2014905 Part of _ Formwork Design Tor wall Project : Design of Formwork Design of Sheet Form Material 19 mm Plywood 50 x 100 timberstud at 250 mm e/e Moment. x x Lb ? x 49.37 x[_025_} 0309 KNm/m =< 0.77 kNm/m Maximum Shear 0.05 14.58 kN/m flection 1 1 as * 046 llowable Deflection 0.46 kNm/m ‘Sui Chong Construction & Engineering Co., Ltd. Design of Formwork (cont'd) Design of Stud Material 50 x 100 timber stud at 250 mm/ee 50 x 100 waling at 600. mm/oe Design Load, W. = ow xf. = _4937_x = 1234 kNin Moment 7 jx wx = Ot x 1234 xf = 0444 KNm < OK. wun Shear jx Wo ox bk 1234 x[_ 06 4443 kN < 9.560" kN ed Odis Witte ae tt 1234 xf 06 | a a x 1000 = 045 mm Allowable Deflection span. 270 -wong Tin Estate and Hing Tung _[No.2014905 Project Construction of Lift Towers at Oi Man rtate, Ki a Project Construction of Lift Towers at 01 Man [Project Estate, Kwong Tin Estate and Hing Tung [No.2014905 eee Cateset roca no. Part of — Formwork Design for wall Project, Sui Chong Construction & Engineering Co., Ltd. Design of Formwork (cont'd) Design of Waling. Material 50 x 100 walingat 600 mm/cc (2Nos.) 16 mm ® MS. tie bolta 600. mm/ce Design Load, W___ wox 4937 x 06 29.62, KN/m x 29.62 x “06 | 19.12 kN x 2.82 al 08 eeroab 384) 0.55 man llowable Deflection span yo X 1000 0.93 mm > 055 mm “OK Design of Tie Bolt Material 16 mm ® MS. tie bolta 600 mm/cc Root diameter of boli 14.8 mm Load on Tie Bolt, 4937 x[_ 17.77 kN Tension Capacity of Tie Bolt 148 7 x . 28.39 kN > Project Construction of LIN Towers at Oi Man [Project Estrtate, Kwong Tin Estate and Hing Tung _}No.2014905 : [Cale sheet 7 frre No. Design of Formwork (cont'd) Anchorage capacity of 16mm tic bolt with Hilti RE500 injection adhesive Embeddment depth = 120mm From Basic Loading Data, for ¥12 with 120mm embeddment depth, ultimate pull out =74.2 KN > bolt ca”. O.K. HIT RE500 Injection Adhesive with Rebar (Foatar ase mnaterial concrete Trjection system wih high Toading capacity ‘Good performance ia damond drifed holos afd wet holes . ‘Suitabo ex waler saturated concrete Targe damater applications Teng working time al eleveted temperatures ‘Odeatoss epoxy resin No expansion fore in'base mataral ‘Small edge distance and anchor spacing jean ane simple application ater [Rebs ‘Stoel grade yy: 460mm ara SS Sse en | ea ia Ho Se Se pcwnwe PRRs nr atanr se a Rebar section ‘Pe000D (lor 140m packagay HIT RE 500 oll ack. mixer Basic loading data & Installation Details vio | viz | vis | Y2o | yas | va2_| vo Rebar diameter (mm) 12d) 7 | 2 | 1 | 20 | 2 | 32 | 40 Hole dlametar (mm) (dal 2 | | 2 | 2% | 3 | 4 | 47 Embodment Depth (mm) thi) yoo | 120 | 160 | 200 | 250 | 320 | 400 Ultimate mean pull-out load as per BS5080Partt (ki) | 48.6 | 742 | 128.8 | 192.2 | 330.0| 472.2 | 662.2 Yield toad of rebar (kN) 26.4 | 620 | 025 | 1445 | 2258 | ses | 5760 Installation system Dail bit 7EONa | TENG |TeOe0] Tes] TENG] TEV ybriling system "Te TET TERO/TENGITESS E40 | TEeO/TES6/ TEAO/TEO| Care bit Doc | 0-C16 | an-c~ | no-<25| op8s0 | vod | OBIT [Bian cao atm ODE BB 190708 180/00 18 Remarks: = Itis based on non-cracked conorete with strength SONimm?; = Yield strength of rebar fy, is 460Ninm?; «There is no factor of safety introduced in the ultimate mean pull out load. Please apply appropriate factor of safety in your design; ~ Allthe spacing and edge distance requirement for reinforced concrete design should be reference to BSE110; “if there isa fire resistance concem, the loading should be referred to tho tables on page 26 - 44; ~ Influence factor for water saturated concrete is applied Notes: The reduction factor shall only be applied, if anchor is settled into water-saturated concrete, ¢.g, concrete members in water, filed water tanks, pre-

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