An Engineering Student

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An Engineering Student

Compiled to complete task of English


: Dimas Lesmana
Odam Setiawan
Uup Nurjaman

Department : Civil Engineering


: B


: 1


Jalan Mayor Syamsu No. 01
Tlp. (0262) 232773 Garut 44151

With all the praise and thanks to God the Almighty, who has given Hislove and mercy
so that a paper entitled "An Engineering Student" can we finish well. The paper is structured
to meetone of the tasks of the courses Translation 1.On this occasion, we would like to thank
profusely to all those who havehelped us in completing the writing of this paper, to Neni,
S.Pd as lecturerin Translation 1 for the support and motivation and also to friends who
havecontributed their ideas and motivation for writing this paper. We are fully aware that the
many flaws in the writing of this paper, interms of material, technical and presentation
material. Therefore, we expectcriticism and constructive suggestions to further refine the
writing of this paper.Finally, we hope that the writing of this paper can be useful for readers.

December 2015

The writer

An Engineering Student
Seorang Mahasiswa Teknik
Tuning In
Tuning Dalam
Task 1 List some of the subjects studied by engineering students Share your List with others
in your group
Tugas 1 Buatlah daftar mata pelajaran yang dipelajari oleh siswa teknik. Kemudian sebarkan daftar
yang telah kamu buat ke kelompok yang lainnya.

- Math
- Chemical
- Physics
Task 2 Find out what these terms mean in education. Use a dictionary if necessary.
Cari tau apa arti kata ini dalam pendidikan, Gunakan kamus jika perlu.

Drop out

= Nilai
= Remedial
= Tugas
= Tidak mencapai tujuan
= Dikeluarkan
= Jam Pelajaran
= Seharian penuh
= Buku Panduan

When listening, it is important to have a clear purpose so that you can concentrate on the
parts of the message which best meet you roads. It also helps to think about what you will
hear before you listen. The next two tasks will help you to prepare for listening and to have a
clear purpose.
Ketika mendengarkan, sangatlah penting untuk memiliki tujuan yang jelas, supaya kamu bisa
berkonsentrasi ke bagian pesan yang sangat penting. Hal ini juga membantu agar kamu bisa
memikirkan apa yang akan kamu dengar. 2 tugas yang selanjutnya akan membantu mu untuk
persiapan mendengarkan dan mendapatkan tujuan yang jelas.

Task 3 You are going to hear an interview with David, a student of electrical engineering
at a Scottish college of further education. He is a mature student with previous service
in the Navy. Here is David's weekly timetable. Some of the information is missing.
Before you listen, try to answer these questions about the timetable.
Tugas 3 Kamu akan mendengarkan percakapan dengan David, David merupakan seorang
mahasiswa dari teknik listrik di Kampus Scotlish untuk pendidikan lebih lanjut. Dia adalah
seseorang yang telah tumbuh dewasa karena pengalamannya di angkatan laut.
1 What time does David start each day?
2 When does he finish?
3 How long is a class?
4 How many classes does he have each week?
5 What do the numbers mean after each class. e.g. 150?
6 How often does he have breaks?

1 Jam berapakah david memulai harinya?

2 Kapan selesainya?
3 Berapa lama di kelas?
4 Ada berapa kelas yang harus dia ikuti?
5 Apa fungsi dari nomor-nomor yang ada di bawah jadwal kelas? Contohnya
seperti 150?
6 Berapakali waktu istirahat yang dia punya?

David Courses

Task 4
Tugas 4
Part 1 ( Bagian 1 )
Listen to Parts 1 and 2 of the interview in turn. Answer these questions.
Compare your answers with a partner.

Dengarkan bagian 1 dan 2 dari percakapan secara bergiliran. Kemudian jawab

pertanyaan berikut ini, Lalu bandingkan jawabanmu dengan temanmu.

What is the name of David's course?

How long is the course?
How old is David?
How long was he in the Navy?
How many types of submarines are there?

Apa nama kursus yang david ikuti?

Berapa lama kursusnya?
Berapakah umur david?
Berapa lama david di angkatan laut?
Berapa banyak jenis kapal selam yang ada di sana?
Part 2 ( bagian 2 )
How many weeks of teaching does he have left?
How is the course assessed?
What happens if you fail the tests once?
How many are in his class?
What kind of problems has he had?

Berapa minggu yang dia punya ketika belajar?

Berapa banyak pelajarannya?
Apa yang akan terjadi jika kamu gagal di test/ulangan sekali?
Berapa orang yang ada di kelasnya?
Masalah apa yang dia punya?

Task 5 Listen to Part 3 of the interview. Try to complete the information missing from the
timetable. Compare your answers with a partner.

Tugas 5 Dengarkan bagian ke tiga dari wawancara tersebut. Kemudian isilah informasi yang
kurang lengkap dari jadwal. Lalu bandingkan jawabanmu dengan temanmu.
Task 6 Listen to the last part of the interview. Answer these questions.
Part 4
11 When does he practise sport?
12 Where can you go for sport?
13 What kind of sports can you practise there?
14 What is he going to do after the Certificate?
15 What does he want to be?

Tugas 6 Dengarkan bagian terakhir dari wawancara tersebut. Lalu jawab pertanyaan berikut ini.
Bagian 4
11 Kapan dia berolahraga?
12 Dimanakah tempat yang bisa digunakan untuk berolahraga?
13 Jenis Olahraga apa yang kamu bisa lakukan di sana?
14 Apa yang akan dia lakukan setelah mendapatkan sertifikatnya?
15 Dia ingin menjadi apa?

Task 7
Now listen to the whole tape. Answer these more difficult questions.
1 Why did David leave the Navy?
2 Why did students drop out of the class?
3 Why did he dislike school?
4 Why do most students find PSD a bit of a nuisance?
5 Why does he want to know when it's raining?
6 Why does he not have to use the library?
7 Why does he enjoy technology most?
Sekarang dengarkan keseluruhan isi kaset tersebut. Jawablah pertanyaan yang lebih susah.
1. Kenapa David meninggalkan Angkatan Laut?
2. Kenapa banyak murid yang keluar dari sekolah?
3. Kenapa dia tidak menyukai sekolah?
4. Kenapa kebanyakan murid sangat susah untuk mencari PSD ( Peter Say Denim )?
5. Kenapa dia ingin tau ketika sedang turun hujan?
6. Kenapa dia tidak menggunakan perpustakaan?
7. Kenapa dia sangat menikmati teknologi?

Task 8
Write your own timetable in English.
Buatlah jadwalmu sendiri dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Task 9
Now complete this table. Note any similarities and differences between David's week and
your own.
Isilah tabel ini. Catat persamaan dan perbedaan antara jadwal David dengan jadwalmu

Task 10
Write a short comparison and contrast of your timetable and David's. These
expressions may be useful:
more time/hours/classes/maths than
less time/maths/physics than
fewer hours/classes than
not as much tiie/maths/physics as
not as many hours/classes as
start/finish earlierllater than
Note that less and much are used for things which cannot be counted.
Ex :

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