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JohnS PariSh, Moira


May 2016


Holiday Club
Moiras Big Weekend
Praise Party!
Prayer Times

Choose to put God first

And Much More.

Parish Mission Statement
Growing closer to God in love and obedience
Growing closer together in caring and sharing
Growing closer to others in friendship and witness

Parish Website

St Johns is registered with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC 101047

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St. Johns Parish, Moira -

Who is who at St Johns



MAY 2016

Rev Joanne Megarrell

t 028 9261 1268(H); 9261 7136(O)

Youth Ministry Co-ordinator

Mr Simon Henry(9261 7136)

LOGIC Development Officer

Mr Matt Peach (9261 7136)

Parish Administrator
Diocesan Lay Reader

Mrs Jennifer Swift (9261 7136)

Mr Tom Finlay
Mrs Irene Cunningham;
Mrs Linda Doogan
Mr Bertie Logan

Parish Reader

Mr Barry Harrison

Hon Secretary

Mr Matthew Simpson

Hon Treasurer

Miss Maxine Leckey

Rectors Church Warden

Mr George Gardiner

Peoples Church Warden

Mr Wellesley Wells

Rectors Glebe Warden

Mr Ken Little

Peoples Glebe Warden

Mr David Kerr

Graveyard Superintendents

Mr William Derby; Mr Ken Little

Gift Aid Secretaries:

Mrs O Laird; Mr G McMurray

F.W.O. Secretaries:

Mr W Derby; Mr K Little

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St. Johns Parish, Moira -


MAY 2016

Rectors Letter
Dear friends
Choices are part of our every day lives - some which are vitally important and others
which are less so. Over the next couple of months we will be asked to make a number of
choices. In May, we will elect members to our local assembly; in June we will be asked
whether or not we wish to be part of the European Union. These are choices which
affect our future.
As I thought about these imminent choices, my mind went to choices which we make
during our lives which will affect our future and even the future of others:
The most important choice which we will ever make is to trust in Jesus as Lord and
Saviour and seek to live for him. Whenever we do that, all of our other choices should
be informed by this one. Joshua decided that serving the Lord was the most important
thing for him and his family. In the face of being presented with other idols and gods,
Joshua made the proposition and declaration to the people choose from this day whom
you will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. (Joshua 24: 15).

Choosing to live for Jesus every day is not an easy thing, but it is a choice which we have
to make. We can choose to stand up for the Biblical principles which we believe are
true; we can choose to live in ways which are counter-cultural; we can choose to spread
the message of the Gospel; we can choose to take the consequences of devoting our
lives to Jesus in the work place. If we make any of these choices, we know that there
will be cost(s) involved - people may think that we are crazy, they may laugh at us, they
may be offended by us but, as Billy Graham recently commented we are more
concerned about offending other people than we are about offending God. If we
choose to be silent, if we choose to live our lives half-heartedly for God, we are
offending him. That is not a something which we would want to do. If however we
choose to live for and serve the Lord as he asks of us, we are investing in not just our
future, but the future of others.
In the light of choosing to live for God, we can choose to:
make choices which value fellowship with God over fraternising with the world;
make choices which value Gods eternal promises over immediate pleasure;
make choices which value godliness over our own gratification;
make choices which value God-given priorities over man made personal preferences.
Choose this day whom you will serve, Joshua advocated. May we choose Christ because
in choosing Him, we are choosing, life!


St. Johns Parish, Moira -

Page 4


MAY 2016

Prayer Time
Teaching Time

Wednesday mornings 6.30am 8.30am (drop in and leave as you


4 May @7.15pm

At the Rectory

in the Acorn Room

James 5:16 The prayer of a

righteous person is powerful and

Prayer Breakfast
Saturday 21 May
@ 8.00am
At the Rectory
Join us as we pray and have some
breakfast together.
You do not have to pray out loud but we
can all say Amen to those who do.

Moiras Big Weekend

Please note the following dates :
Tuesday 17 May @7.30pm
Leaflet Drop in the village

Join us as we continue to study the

lesser known book Haggai

Mondays at 7.30pm
The Acorn Room
(St Johns Parish Centre)
Living with grief is not easy. Its often a
long and painful process on the journey
toward recovery. If you are grieving the
loss of a loved one we encourage you to
come to GriefShare - a seminar and
support group for people who are grieving. If
you know people who have been
bereaved please tell them about
GriefShare - invite them to come along.

Tuesday 24 May @ 7.30pm

All volunteers (stewards, prayer ministry,
security, car parking, fun day etc) to meet
at Moira Baptist Church for a briefing

Diocesan Website

If you would like further information please

contact Daphne Edwards via the Parish

Please send notes for June Magazine to by 15 May
Thank you.

St. Johns Parish, Moira -

Page 5

Moiras Big Weekend!

Friday 10 - Sunday 12 June
An Inter-Church Event organised by 5 of
Moiras Churches
A 1,000 seater marquee will be going up
in Moira Demesne to host a wide variety
of events over the big weekend.
Friday morning - 10.30am - 12.30pm Moira Primary and Rowandale Integrated
Primary School fun morning
Friday night - Acoustic Caf
Saturday afternoon - a free Family Fun
Day with bouncy castles, face painting,
fast food, fire engine cage football etc
Saturday night - Acoustic Caf


MAY 2016

53 Main Street
The Select Vestry have been in
negotiations over the past number of
months to purchase 53 Main Street. This
house was previously rented by
ourselves, always with a view to buying.
The sale is now complete and was made
possible by funds held in the
Representative Church Body in Dublin
from the sale of the Glebe Land at the
start of the millennium. These funds are
for capital projects only, not routine
maintenance (such as the church ceiling
for example). This property will provide
opportunities to expand the ministry of
St Johns.

Summer Holiday Club

Monday 25 Friday 29 July
Volunteers needed to help!

Sunday morning the five churches will

come together at 11.00am for a joint
morning service in the marquee with a
collective choir and the Primary Schools
involved. Bishop Ken Clarke will be the
speaker for the weekend.

Sign up Sheet for volunteers available at

Parish Centre and Church.
Please pray for our Holiday club, for the
leaders, for the young people and for
Simon as he co-ordinates it all!!

All of this can only happen if we all do our

part. We need everyone to support this
outreach in our village and we need your
Prayer Time in Moira Presbyterian
Wednesday 25 May @ 8pm
Bishop Ken Clarke will be in attendance

To ponder:
To spend an hour worrying on our knees
is not prayer. Indeed, there are times
when it is our duty, having committed a
problem to God in prayer, to stop praying and to trust and to do the necessary
work to arrive at a solution.
Oliver Barclay

Page 6

St. Johns Parish, Moira -

Womens Guild
Tuesday 24 May
The Quirky Bird
@ 8.00pm in the
Acorn Room

MAY 2016


The Mustard Seed

- Crafts
Where? The Bateman Suite

Thursday 19 May @7.30pm

All welcome.

We meet once a month and will learn

new crafts as well as developing our own
craft skills.


Come along and enjoy craft, a cuppa and

a chat. Whether you are a beginner or an
expert come along with your crochet
hook and thread/wool
All welcome!

All men welcome. Please contact

Matthew Simpson or David Johnston for
further information.
Details of what is happening will be
announced in church

Sunday School
Sunday School from 10.30 to 11.15am in
the Parish Centre. Children who are
attending Morning Worship leave the
service to go to Sunday School.
If you have children of Sunday School age,
who arent yet involved in Sunday School,
then why not give it a try?

When you have read this box, take a

moment to stop and pray


Saturday 7 May
St. Johns Parish Centre
Cost? Car 5 Van 10
6 for an indoor table

Contact the office or Ken Little for further details

If you dont have stuff to sell why not
drop in and see whats on the stalls and
have some coffee/tea/fresh scones/buns.
If you have any items which you would
like to donate to the Mission Stall
please contact the Parish Office.

MAY 2016

St. Johns Parish, Moira -


Page 7

Diocesan Childrens Praise Party!

An invitation goes out to all our Sunday school children of primary school age
to come and join the celebration

Date: Saturday 21 May

Time: 2.00-5.00pm
Speaker: Lynne Gibson
Venue: St John's Parish Centre
The day is overflowing with things to engage children praise, puppets, games,
crafts, fun, friendship, food and a fantastic goodie bag.
Registration forms available now from all Sunday School leaders or contact
Simon for further information.


Monday 25 July - Friday 29 July
10.30am 12.30pm

St John's Parish Centre

Announcing this year's Holiday Club! Calling all astronauts! Training is about to lift
Join us at Space Academy as we head out into the great unknown space ! As an
astronaut in training, you will be making amazing discoveries about God. You will
hear how God works through Daniel and his friends. You will be challenged to
follow God, live boldly for him almost like visiting another planet !!!
Holiday Club welcomes all primary school kids P1-P7 and those about to start
Primary school. Please note that similar to previous year, we will be having a
Special P7 programme throughout the week.
Pre registration days will be announced soon.
Volunteers needed to help - Sign up Sheet for volunteers available at Parish
Centre and Church Porch now.

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St. Johns Parish, Moira -


MAY 2016

St. Johns Parish, Moira -

MAY 2016

Revelation (Year 8 - 18 years)

Sundays 6.45pm-8.30pm Parish Centre
Hello all !
We are enjoying the light nights and
extra time for Frisbee on Sunday
evenings in-between getting our Bibles
open and learning more together. We
have plenty happening in this term
including studying the book of
Ephesians, 6 chapters over 6 nights. It
is great to see our young people
engaging in Gods Word and asking
questions about what the Bible says.
We are also planning a sponsored walk
in Castlewellan in June to raise some
funds for our link with St Peters
School in Ibba, South Sudanweather
permitting of course !
We look forward to Moiras Big
Weekend in the Demesne in June.
Please pray for our young people going
through exam season and making
important decisions at this time of
Love and God Bless, Simon


Page 9

Small Groups!
A new season is an opportune time to
join one of our Small Groups.
What happens?
Bible reading and discussion in
an informal setting
To find out more about times contact
Joanne t: 9261 7136 (O) e:

Men Together
Meets again on 3 May
in the Acorn Room - Parish Centre
Join us as we meet for tea/coffee,
as we learn together from the Bible, pray
and encourage one another in Christian

Women @ One
A Small Group for women - meets on first
Thursday of each month at 1.00pm in the
Acorn Room.

You are invited to

All Age Worship & Praise

Sunday 22 May
@ 7.30pm
in the Parish Centre

Bible Study
8.00pm in the Acorn Room in the Parish

Page 10

St. Johns Parish, Moira -


MAY 2016

General Easter Vestry Appointments

One of the duties of the annual Easter Vestry is to appoint/elect a People's Churchwarden, People's Glebewarden and twelve vestry members. The Rector also nominates
a Rectors Churchwarden and a Rectors Glebewarden.
The following appointments were made:

Rector's Churchwarden: Mr G Gardiner

People's Churchwarden: Mr W Wells
Rector's Glebewarden: Mr K Little
People's Glebewarden: Mr D Kerr
Select Vestry:

At a subsequent Select Vestry meeting the

following appointments were made:
Mr M Simpson

Mr W Crockett


Miss M Leckey

Mr W Derby

Gift Aid Secretaries:

Mrs O Laird

Miss R Dillon
Mr W Dillon
Mr D Johnston
Mrs O Laird
Miss M Leckey
Mr B Logan
Mr G McMurray

Mr G McMurray
F.W.O. Secretaries:

Mr W Derby
Mr K Little

Graveyard Superintendent:
Mr W Derby
Assistant Graveyard Superintendent:
Mr K Little

Mr J OConnor
Mr M Simpson
Mr P Warwick

Request from Cubs

Following the success of the last few years we are again collecting Sainsburys Active
Kids vouchers in order for us to obtain games equipment and we would be very grateful if you would be willing to donate any spare vouchers which you may have. Please
give your vouchers to any of the Cub leaders, or leave them in sealed envelope at the
Church office or the Post Box at The Parish Centre.
Thanking You in anticipation. Margaret (Leader In Charge)

MAY 2016

St. Johns Parish, Moira -



Moira Friendship Group


(An initiative of St John's to promote fellowship

and friendship for those who are over 50)

3 May

Tuesday 10 May

St Johns Parish

Visit to Balance House, Glenavy

If you would like any more information you

can contact Alison Bell on 9261 2119 or

Page 11

All children who are of Primary School

age are invited to come along and join us
on the first Tuesday of each month.

Update on Church Ceiling

At the time of going to press, we have just yesterday had our Gift Day for the ceiling
repairs - thank you to those who contributed (further details next month). You can
still return your envelope to the Parish Centre or pop it on the offering plate.
The repairs to the ceiling are beginning today (26 April) and until further notice, the
services will be held in the Bateman Suite.
Many thanks for your co-operation during this necessary work.

Financial Update 2016

Thank you to all who continue to give through Weekly FWO and Building Repair Fund
envelopes. Your giving enables us to continue to maintain and develop the ministry and
mission of St John's.
Weekly envelopes to date
Building Repair Fund envelopes 2,693

Please contact the Parish Office if you would like

Weekly Envelopes
Information about Direct Debit
Gift Aid Declaration Forms

9261 7136

Information about Gift Aid is also available from the Gift Aid Secretaries:
Mrs O Laird, Mr G. McMurray

Page 12

St. Johns Parish, Moira -


MAY 2016

Our fun packed Easter Activity Scheme took place at the end of March, the four
days of activities included trips to the trampoline park, Clip n Climb, Mini Golf,
the Zoo, Air Softing, Ice Skating, Bowling and the Cinema! We had a great turn
out every day and worked with over 40 young people throughout the week

The Moira Vipers Cheerleading Squad have been invited to take part in a show
this coming June, the girls are practising hard for the show in order to get their
performance perfect for the day. It was a sad month for the squad this month
as we said goodbye to Andrea Black our assistant cheerleading coach. As a
former LOGIC girl herself, Andrea has been with the squad from the very start
she moved from Cheerleader to Coach 5 years ago and has been a real asset to
the club. Andrea has moved to Malta to start work and we wish her Gods
richest blessings as she starts a new adventure in life.
I cant believe that were now into our summer term which only means one
thing... P7 Club! We started on Monday 18th April with 56 young people in
attendance. The programme is yet again fun packed this year and we are
looking forward to getting to know this new group of young people.
Were always looking for people to help with drop in and our other
programmes if you are over 18 and interested in helping out please contact
You can sign up to raise money for LOGIC too by going to the link below and
registering on the website. Then every single time you go to shop online just
search for the store on and start shopping!
Get started now
For more info on whats happening visit our website and
click on events calendar. Contact: Matt Peach 028 9261 7136 or 078 7962
God Bless

Matt, James, Holly and Stuart

St. Johns Parish, Moira -

Page 13

New Horizon
6 12 August 2016

The Jesus Way

What did Jesus say about the Kingdom,
the lost and the Church?
Venue: University of Ulster Coleraine
Main Speakers: Trevor Morrow
Gavin Calver


MAY 2016

Junior Choir
Wednesdays 6.307.00pm
All children of Primary School Age

Parent and
Mondays at 10.3012.00
All welcome

Clothes Collection for LOGIC

We have a year round clothes collection, were we raise money by collecting your old
or unwanted clothes.
Put the items in a black bin liner and choose one of the options below: Drop the bags
in the clothes bank in the car park of St Johns Parish Centre. Call us and we will come
and collect your clothes (contact details below)
Where & When?
St Johns Parish Centre
In the car park there is a blue clothes bank with the LOGIC logo on it, clothes can be
dropped into it any weekday and evenings.
If you are unable to get to drop the clothes down please call Matt (details below) to
arrange a suitable time for us to collect them from you
Contact: Matt Peach 028 9261 7136 or 078 7962 5355

Page 14

St. Johns Parish, Moira -

Parish Records


MAY 2016

Please let us know if you move to a new


Parish Registers


17 April

New Address________________________

Eli William Johnston

Postcode __________________________
Telephone _________________________
Former address______________________

Prayer Requests
If you would like Joanne and/or
people in the prayer ministry team to
pray for someone or for a particular
need, then please contact Joanne or
complete the slip below and send or
give it to her.
Name _________________________
Phone ________________________
Address ________________________
Please tick the box if you do not wish
your prayer request to be passed on to
the prayer Groups
Please pray for .

Kurt Hull

14 April
Neville Johnston Anderson and Julie
Pray for those who are preparing for their
marriages in the near future
Pray for those who are ill
Pray for young people approaching exams



Mrs I Cunningham
Mrs M Magill
Mr & Mrs T Hamill
Mrs S Herron
The McCartney Family
Mrs M Purdy

Recording of Service
The 11.30am Service is recorded for those
who are unable to attend Church.
Please contact the Parish Office if you would
like to receive a recording of the service.

St. Johns Parish, Moira -

MMAAYY 22001166


Page 15

Services during May

Sunday 1 May

The Sixth Sunday of Easter

9.00am Holy Communion
10.00am Morning Worship in the Parish Centre
11.30am Holy Communion
6.30pm Evening Prayer

Sunday 8 May

The Seventh Sunday of Easter

9.00am Holy Communion
10.00am Morning Worship in the Parish Centre
11.30am Morning Prayer
6.30pm Evening Prayer

Sunday 15 May The Day of Pentecost (Whit Sunday)

9.00am Holy Communion
10.00 Morning Worship in the Parish Centre (Junior Choir)
11.30am Morning Prayer
6.30pm Evening Prayer

Sunday 22 May

Trinity Sunday
9.00am Holy Communion
10.00am Morning Worship in the Parish Centre (Holy Communion)
11.30am Morning Prayer
6.30pm Evening Prayer

Sunday 29 May The First Sunday after Trinity

9.00am Holy Communion
10.00am Morning Worship in the Parish Centre
11.30am Morning Prayer
6.30pm Evening Prayer
Sunday 5 June

The Second Sunday after Trinity

9.00am Holy Communion
10.000am Morning Worship in the Parish Centre
11.30am Holy Communion
6.30pm Evening Prayer

Page 16


St. Johns Parish, Moira -


MAY 2016


Sunday School in the Parish Centre

Year 8 (1st Year) to 18 years?

Come to REVELATION 6.45pm in the Parish Centre

10.30am -12.00
5.45 6.45pm
6.30 - 8.00pm
7.30 - 9.00pm
8.00 - 9.00pm

Parents and Toddlers Group in the Parish Centre.

1st Moira Rainbow Guides (Age 4-7yrs) in the Parish Centre
1st Moira Brownies (Age7-10yrs) in the Parish Centre
1st Moira Guides (Age 10-15yrs) in the Parish Centre
Senior Guides (Age 15-18yrs) in the Parish Centre


2.00 4.00pm
7.45 - 9.15pm
8.00 - 10.00pm

Moira Friendship Group in the Parish Centre

2nd Moira Guides (Age 10-15yrs) in the Parish Centre
Bowling Club in the Parish Centre


6.30 7.00pm
7:00 7:45pm

Junior Choir in the Parish Centre

Prayer Time in the Parish Centre
Choir Practice in the Bateman Suite


5.00 - 6.00pm
6.15 - 7.45pm
6.45 8.00pm
8.00 9.30pm
8.00 9.00pm

3rd Moira Rainbows Guides in the Parish Centre

3rd Moira Brownies in the Parish Centre
Beavers (Age 6-8yrs) in the Parish Centre
1st Moira Scouts (Age 11-15yrs)
Bible Study in the Parish Centre


5.00 - 6.00pm
6.30 - 8.00pm
7.00 8.30pm

2nd Moira Rainbow Guides (Age 4 - 7yrs) in the Parish Centre

2nd Moira Brownies (Age7-10yrs) in the Parish Centre
Cubs (Age 8 -11yrs) in the Parish Centre



Bowling Club in the Parish Centre

Womens Guild meet on the fourth Tuesday of

each month at 8.00pm in the Parish Centre.

Rev Joanne Megarrell
Youth Ministry Co-ordinator:
Simon Henry
The LOGIC Caf Development Officer: Matt Peach
Parish Office: Tel: 9261 7136

Tel: 9261 1268

If you are admitted to hospital please let Joanne know.

Dont depend on the Hospital Chaplain informing her

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