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Mary Yousif
English 12
1st hr.

A. If you are reading this, you are unimportant, unusable, and worthless. I
am going to suck the energy out of your life, make you feel like your
drowning and you cant do anything about it. I am going to make you not
even want to get out of bed in the morning. I will make you want to kill
yourself when Im done with you, trust me Ive done it before. Who am I?
I am depression.
B. Depression is a mood disorder causing a persistent feeling of sadness and
loss of interest. It is a very serious issue. Depression causes severe
symptoms that affect how you feel, think, and handle daily activities, such
as sleeping, eating, or working.
C. 25 million Americans suffer from depression year and over 50% of these
people die from it. This impacts our society very greatly because people


are constantly dying because of the way they feel.

Brief Overview of Opposing Position: Counterargument
A. Many would argue that depression is all in your head and that if you really

wanted to be better you would try just get over it.

B1. For example, when someone commits suicide from depression some
people may say that they are selfish and were not really depressed and they just made than an

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B2. Additionally, 15% of those who are clinically depressed commit suicide.
Research shows that nearly one half of those diagnosed depressed also suffer with anxiety. That
is quite a hardship having to deal with both.
C To summarize, many of the people who do not believe depression is a
serious and threatening issue have not looked at the facts.
D Indeed, depression is not taken seriously by many. However, it should be
because it is dangerous, suicidal, and harmful to a human being.
III. Your Argument Main Point #1 (Strong Point)
A. Initially, depression should be taken more serious it can cause people to
be incapable of communicating and doing daily activities and can lead to
B1. For instance, in 1997, suicide, most cause by depression, was the 8th
leading cause of death in the United States.
B2. Depression affects approximately 14.8 million American adults.
B3. The median age of depression according to research is 32.
B4. Major depressive disorder is more prevalent in women than in
men. (Journal of the American Medical Association, 2003; Jun 18; 289(23): 3095-105)
B5. As many as 1 in 33 children have clinical depression.
C Based on this research, Depression has become a serious issue in the
United States. It is becoming a very common disease, even something kids joke about these days.
Depression needs to be taken more seriously or it is going to be an even greater issue.

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D. In Summation, If there is this many facts about how depression causes

many to commit suicide, distance themselves from their family and
friends, and so on, then why is depression not taken as seriously as cancer
or many other diseases?
IV Your argument: Main Point #2 (Stronger Point)
A. Depression is not something others can understand if they dont have it as well.
B. It is almost impossible for someone who has not experienced something to
understand it. This is the case with depression. The pain of severe depression
is quite unimaginable to those who have not suffered it, Styron wrote. Mental
health has carried a stigma with it for many hundreds of years and is still
misunderstood today. Because of this, many people are suspicious of those who
claim their depression is a mental illness.
C. Obviously, this essay isnt going to change peoples minds on how they feel. If
they dont believe depression is a serious cause they probably arent going to
change their minds. But, there is so many facts and research on depression
stating that is should be taken more seriously.
D. As a result, people are still going to kill themselves because they constantly feel
as if no one understands how they feel. Depression is very hard to understand
but people need to be more sympathetic.
V. Your Argument Main Point #3 (Strongest Point)
A. Ultimately, depression should be taken more serious because people feel as if
they cant even tell people they are depressed anymore because people will either laugh at them
or not believe them. It is a sick mental illness.
B. In Particular, There is teen depression for example. 2.8 million Youth age 12-17
had at least one major depressive episode in 2014. Between 10 to 15 percent of teenagers have

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some symptoms of teen depression at any one time. As many as 8.3 percent of teens suffer
depression for at least a year at a time.
C. All those statistics and facts mean that depression has affected a lot of people. All
different ages all for different reasons. But all these people should feel comfortable discussing
this in front of anyone.
D. Therefore, teens shouldnt feel scared to tell a counselor or someone at school that
they are depressed. Adults should not feel scared to tell their good friends, family members, or

VI. Conclusion
A. Depression should be taken more seriously because it is harmful and even
more depressing when others do not believe that you are depressed.
B. Depression slowly eats away at your mind. Making you think you are
drowning, all alone, and that you have no one that cares about you.
C. Depression should be taken more seriously so that everyone can feel
comfortable with themselves. There will be less suicides from this issue and
hopefully less people will be mentally diseased with depression.

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