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Wolf- Facing the End of One's Cycle with Dignity and Courage, Death and Rebirth, Spirit

Teaching, Instinct Linked with Intelligence, Social and Family Values, Outwitting Enemies,
Steadfastness, Skill in Protection of Self and Family, Taking Advantage of Change, Intuition,
Learning, the Shadow, Guardinaship, Ritual, Loyalty, Spirit, a Pathfinder, Psychic Energy,
Inner Divinity, Teaching, Careful Study, Cunning, Escaping Hunters, Ability to Pass by Dangers
Invisibly, An Astral Wolf Could Lead You to a Spiritual Teacher, Strong Protection, Spiritual
Guidance in Dreams and Meditations, the Teacher, Success, Perseverance, Stability, Thought
The wolf is a bit of a darker and mysterious soul, with the strength of a fighter. A person with this
patronus has had a lot happen in their life, and do to that they wear a mask over their emotions.
They do, however, have a very big heart that is full of both passion and fire. They have a lot of
emotion within them that they are willing to give, but only once they completely trust you, and since
they have been made cynical over the years this can be difficult. The most common house for a wolf
patronus is Gryffindor, the most common signs are Taurus and Sagittarius.

Deer, Stag- Gentleness, Healing, Connection to the Earth and the Forest, Keen Scent, Grace,
Swiftness, Being Alert for Any Danger, Psychic Powers, Innocence, Love, Kindness, Sensitivity,
Pride, Independence, Purification, Strength, Nobility.

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