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Persian Language Teaching Elementary Course BOOK 1 by Yadollah Samareh Ph.D. univercitie’s Professor of Tehran ALHODA Publishers & Distributors 2005 ALHODA PUBLISHERS IRAN - TEHRAN Tel: 66406261, Fax: 66406240 P.O, Box: 14155 - 4363 FE Name: Persian Language Teaching (AZFA), Book 1, Elementray Course, Series No. 1 3y: Yadollah Samareh, Ph.D: *ublisher: ALHODA Publishers & Distributors Fourth Edition: 2005 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by ny means without permission in writing from the publisher From The Publisher We are at the threshold of the 21st century. The relevance of peace and cooperation among peoples will be marked more by knowledge, understanding and study of cultures than anytning else. Social scientists have subscribed to the notion that a clash of cultures and civilizations will be inevitable in the not too distant future. It is easy to see taht Iran and its persian language is one of the engines that is and will be required to function in the pursuit of cultural development. The demands of today and tomorrow have called upon us to effectively participate in the process of maintaining and spreading our cultural sagacity. The five - volume persian Language Teaching (AZFA) is an important step to acquaint foreigners with the Farsi (Persian) language. It is natural that those who wish to learn comprehensively about Iran’s civilization, heritage, traditions, culture and how this nation thinks and works, must first acquaint themselves with its language. Yadollah Samareh’s AZFA is the best available guide for foreign students of the Persian language. With the help of five books and 20 cassettes, Samareh has made a noteworthy contribution to learning and teaching Farsi. The task of this new edition, compiled and published jointly by Al Hoda International Publications and Iran’s Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance (International Relations Dept.), is to make Persian learning easy and interesting for non - Iranians. We hope this initiative will help foreign students attain excellence in terms of studying about Iranian society, education, science, literature and art. Publisher Preface This book is the first part of the Elementary course of the “Persian Language Teaching” (AZFA). The whole AZFA series comprises three courses: Elementary, Intermediate, and Advance. The aim of the AZFA series is to teach Persian (Farsi) to foreigners from the beginning to the end, i.e. reading, writing, as well as speaking so that the learner could make use of radio, television, newspapers, and the literary texts, poetry and prose. The Elementary Course consists of two books by which the learner will get acquainted with the spoken and written styles of Persian to the extent of daily practical needs. At the end of this course he will be able to establish linguistic communication with the Farsi speakers, to read the elementary school texts, to understand and use the idiomatic phrases and grammatical structures of the colloquial Persian. Farsi, like any other language, has two colloquial and formal styles. The difference between the two varieties, in some cases, is so great that the non— native speaker would confront difficulty in understanding, and will find himself obliged to learn. The colloquial style is characterized by shortening some words and verbs by means of elisions, assimilations, and certain vocalic changes; the word order is not so fixed and, in some cases, some elements of the sentence may be omitted. To illustrate the type of differences between the two styles, consider the following examples of which the first form is formal and the second is colloquial: mineshinam = mishinam “I sit” miravand miran “They go” nan nun “Bread” Ube khane 2mad unumad khune “He came home” Both varieties of the language have been dealt with during the elementary course, and parallel! to the written form the spoken form of the words, verbs, and the sentences are given. From amongst the various dialects Tehrani accent, which is regarded as “standard” and is used in radio, television and cinema films, has been chosen. The grammar is dealt with through phrases and sentences, just in the same manner a child learns his mother tongue. But, since the user of this book is already familiar with the grammatical concepts of his own mother tongue, an extract of every grammatical subject has been presented in the shape of a formula, and a short explanatory footnote in English is given. Every grammatical subject is supplied with many examples and different, sometimes long, exercises all of which are in daily common use to make the learner feel himself in a Persian environment so that his desire for learning would continue. English is used as a medium only to the extent of necessity. But, of course, the English equivalent of the words and the English translation of the pattern sentences have been given. The translation is mostly word-for-word because Persian, and not English, is the traget, and a literally translation can better show the grammatical characteristics of the Persian sentences. This is why some of the English sentences might sound non-English. Since the correct pronunciation of the words, phrases, sentences, as well as the intonation carry vital importance in speaking, every effort has been made to make maximum use of audio-visual aids so that the task of learning could be easier and more delightful and, at the same time, maximum result would be obtained in minimum time. Accordingly, all the content of the book has been recorded on magnetic tape or cassets, which should be used in conjunction with the book itself. In addition, some short video films on the basis of the dialogues in the book have been provided, which has, no doubt, good effect upon the task of language acquisition. It is noteworthy that the book and the corresponding tapes may be used as a Self-tuition device when the Persian-speaking teacher is not available, provided that the tapes are so sufficiently heard and repeated that the words and the sentences can be pronounced as they are heard. But, in any case, the lranian teacher will be very useful in assessing and correcting the learner's pronunciation. As you know, Persian language has played an invaluable role in manifesting the most magnificent thoughts and in stating the finest humane feelings and sentiments during the centuries. Literary giants such as Ferdowssi, Mowlavi, Saadi, Hafez, and many others have presented their immortal masterpieces in this language. Learning Farsi and gaining command of it is, therefore, a key to a very rich and wonderful treasure. And it is hoped that the AZFA series would serve to make the learning of the language easier and more delightful for the learner. | would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Dr. Jaleh Amuzegar, the professor of Ancient Languages at the Ui:iversity of Tehran, for reading the manuscript of this book and making very useful comments and suggestions: Finally, | am indebted to my wife, Dr. Iran Kalbassi, for the peace of mind | enjoyed during the compilation of this book. Yadollah Samareh Ph.D. univercitie’s Professor of Tehran Notes on how to use the book as a self-tuition device 1. The symbols used are as follows: a)[ ] shows the colloquial form. b)(_ ) indicates what exists in English but not in Persian. c) ( =) indicates what exists in persian but not in English. e.g. (it) is pretty. It ( = the air) is cold. d) { } means equal choice. e) / means “‘or’: 2. The book comprises eight lessons, which can be covered in about 8 weeks at a rate of 6 hours in the class and at least 6 hours of work at home for doing the exercises and listening to the tapes. 3. The first 2 lessons, which include the sounds and alphabet, are of special importance, and must not be left behind until the correct pronunciation of the sounds is attained. 4. There is a vocabulary at the beginning of each lesson. The learner should first listen to the tape and then try to imitate the pronunciation of the words with a loud voice a few times. 5. The pattern sentences marked by “listen and repeat” show grammatical points, and must be studied carefully. The learner should first hear them from the tape and then repeat again and again. 6. There is a “‘key to exercises” at the end of the book. But on the tape, the key has been recorded instead of the exercise itself. The learner can correct his mistakes by referring to the keys. 7. Try to use the tapes as much as you can, because the more repetition the quicker learning. 8. Finally, there is a word list at the end of the book for the learner's reference. ‘eM! glaaled y Wasbe osl, Idiomatic words, Phrases, and Sentences. aoe Crawl re Bote py epi) ety vey Moll bag ol] yl, V¥y aSi] ABS 23 Ws cus yyy oat, NO See (eg ae A Se Oe NY. ls NS 4 vy es LS Vp ae] Come oS \\N bet sS VV Yocptgy Let [pte] pte vr [SGA] Sle yyy Isles AO pee * ible Ad wt SELINA WH Whelome Exo AP wags 1b 1. For the usage and meaning, see the relevant pages. yellow 22d fe [opl] al yesterday Jan? yesterday morning oe jan? yet Sy yoghurt [ob] Cole 2 you (sing.) 2 you (pl.) Ls young loss] ole youth oly Z Zahra (name) a5 Zhale (name) al5 why? wicked wife wind window winter wise with witness wolf woman word work world worm Yazd (city) year walnut warm watch water water —-meton way we wealth weather week well what? when? where? which? whistle white who? [45 gta] ail yaa alt u Susp Hae unripe uproar usually vase veal veil verb very very much vest village vine vocabulary votes vowel walking Sly ns trousers true cee lund y tulip ay Turkey (country) aS i turkey 0. ya iy twelve ea5ly9 twenty Tne] ey wb we 8 , twice [453 99] aadd yo Qh ys two » U ugly ee) uncle (maternal) wv \> uncle (paternal) ye under 2 unfit ol u unfortunately wll’ ° Kush 2 university university student silo a, : 4 tomato Ss P= s tomorrow I> ps tomorrow evening a Lepatlo tomorrow morning a lap tomorrow noon a \s 3 tonight qa! 1 too ny tooth ols torpedo » i to say to see ow to sit to take away Oy to tell os 2? to wash Cet train lbs tray om tree cs): time (s) tiny tired tiresome to tobe to bring to buy to carry to come today to eat to exist together to give togo to have Toman (money) [433] add OL 2 Gow ed dy wal they [byl] gi opt] glal thin FY thing ~ thirsty aes thirteen 03 jue thirty o this wl this morning oe Say this year Sheed thorn ye thousand JI > three aa thunderbolt dicle tidy ps tie oll S tight SE till G time a. isa wy surface 3 sweet om table x» Tabriz (city) 2 tangerine taxi os G tea [ol be teacher pone teapot Gos ten 6 thankful cgiae os that [ysl] ol the day after tomorrow \o55 wv the day before yesterday jap? then fas we there [kes 3] bul the same on rs spoiled uw 3 ’ spoon we spring oe square Lost] olay state of affairs gle ‘| stem Stun still jy stocking vl J Aes store Sarg 8 iglSd ve5kee story toey be street Logle] oll student > Js la subject t +. ie sugar pe sugarbowl summer superlative adjective +» >» oe supper pls sixty size skin skirt slow slowly small snow soaked soap soft wool sometimes son sorry sound soup sour spearmint cig anal aly [Se S1 SS Sad she ni} sheep ake is shining aly shirt lose] calle shoe it shop oj a8] lS shopping a > short ob 5S shut Kay sick wap oles sigh al simple past tense ool pony since 3 on singular 2 pe sir! wi sister Pls six [ oe s] ks sixteen [e335 gt] oo le oY salad Salar (surname) oy salty jy saucer [Sk ] Sas school dy iva screw we second asl secondary school secret self og nA seller odiasy 5 sentence al seven [ua] Cie seventeen [03 p>] via seventy sls several oe ake shabby 05 shame ole yy4 rebelion we vd tr nd refusal ul reject > ib relative wees request Lolit respect ‘| os returning sale! ’ review e399 Reza (name) lo 2 Rial Jka rice e Zn | right cml road Toate] oble el, roar ° a room oti S sad ok prison professor prohibition pronoun pupil pure pyjamas quantity quarter quick quickly rain Raji (surname) Rasht (city) reading ready [ash3] olay skeud gm ot at Lossb] oll ro) ry please! lab} pleased Cie > plenty bs ol ploughshare [Once plural oo pocket — police ok pomegranate oul portico fore! oly possessing Z & possessive pronoun Su yee potato stim , preaching abe + preposition aslol o> present indicative sols! Je present stem Je Stu pretty a) price cad pants paper particle Parvin (name) past stem peach peace pear pen pencil people Persian piece pig pink pit place plate vey . , cay dels 09> I, wtih Ste often eel , old 44S ye on S32 once aid SQ dybal hQ one HQ one third edt on foot ooly onion jhe only ee open sls] 54 opposed wo or L orange Jie, on orange juice Ji, ol order oi pain 253 ’ ” pair [ae] Cae nineteen ninty no none none of them noon no one notebook nothing now object (of the verb) objection occasion of office offspring O.K. Nahid (name) Aaa nail fo name ol el namely ot narcessus vt > Naser (name) poli near SoZ ’ fo. nearly dyd> 92 hyd neck ce ‘3 needle 3} Tod negative ie never cay a new , 2 new - born child oy next oe, nice 88 wg hight a , nine a VG light lip Jd literate sl gel little oS long al ol 2 loose, loose-fitting loss ar? lovely! aa wy junch gal 4. madam pe Majid (name) “y man 2 i many on wh3 .? - matter trex oh > meat rare rs medicine 1,5 a melon p> YA milk million minute miserable mode money month moon more morning most of mother much multiplication mushroom mutton Nader (name) Lessee] oy yelea [aid] ais os she S cu § N pol lady lamp lane language large last night last year late later leaf learned left lemon lesson letter lettuce lie s S55 JLsb jacket jasmin juicy K Kerman (city) key Keyvan (surname) Khordad (month) kilo kilometer kind kindness knife ) aS \ wa ae if only! Sl ignorant oll i wap isle iNiterate a jo imperative yl Ji in [sg]. indefinite @ Si India de indirect object cy no nt J gaia infinitive puna information ole yb) inheritance cA, intelligent a] gal into [ g] 9 Iran (name) olyl wow hold on! hole home honey horizon horse hospital hostess hot hour house how? how many? how much? humble hundred hungry husband gt sd the J [as] si ja gil cue dk ley slashes alse we [ad] a’ ays hand oe handkerchief [ JlLu3] Slaw’ happy aye > Slt se harm lj! hat Ng he Jl head ~ headdress Sm healthy a heat ole heavy oS Hegira-solar ent sre hello! 1S pe fe help KS helpless oghey here len! hidden ole ; high ak good bye la Sl BLS good morning grandfather grandmother grape grateful great greed green ; , I Cre pee In ae, dee JF pol. 235i ogee Si3 Tee oe ’ 2 green-groceryshop (+9 5.5 jw grocery shop guest habit habitable hair half Hamid (name) , 2A shits Lopate] clog H friend 9? free J il freedom vl i from i fruit oo furniture oui G gallows vl garden ch genetive aslol gentleman wi Gilan (province) ons girl 3 glass old glove [2X3] Sad os go jn gold a) good oF fight first fish fit five five hundred flour flower flute food foot for fork fortunately four fourty France fresh : at om be eight Cb eighteen [0352] oda eighty lite electricity on elementary school okays eleven 095k employer ol Jl os engineer ute England lS! eruption ol a8 evening es ‘ pas every > everybody os > ws p everyday ja A excuse me! ty exercise 7. yw expensive lo9 5] Js eye Upton) eatin eyebrow pl FF. face Cy ye faithful (to a secret) dlogly far away 29 Farhad (name) se Faride (name) oa 2 - fast 3s ‘em fat be fate Lai father oy, favour oS i feast to festival ne tow Thc og] Bad oh fifteen [0355 9] ool fifty oles ve. discipline dish distant disturbance of mind dog doctor, Dr. donkey door dragon dress driver dull dumb ear early easy effort dark wv 4 date (fruit) L ee 2? daughter > Davari (surname) Sol day d90 dear (after names) ok deep 2 definite ay delicious add , departmental store AK 5 a? description Gl! designer cb devotion oly! dialogue oy y WS dictation aS direct object Cr Jt dirty aS disease wy consonant constant consuitation cooking oil cool correct cough country cow creation cube-sugar cucumber cup cutting cycle dad dairy shop clever & 5 2 clock cel close SoZ closed oe clothe oll cloud P| coat sl coffee ° os cold 2 po collar [aa ] abu colour 5 come u& comparative adjective 7, Cte complaint cy WSs condition (of health) Je confectioner os a congratulation! 1S yl Conjugational endiny 98 ~odae Lt YNA butcher's shop butter button calf cane car cat chair cheap chearful cheese cherry chicken child cinema city clean way lad (date lassi] abi ole wlole waka ce ky Behzad (name) benana big birth bitter black blind blossom blue book boy brain brother bread breakfast brown bus but fos] ob thine slo gad ’ was art ass assistance at aunt automn avenue Azar (month) Babak (name) bad bakery barren bathroom bazaar beautiful beet before 2 es sob Be ae ok obls ool all allof all right almost alphabet already also always America and angry animal answer any anybody anything appearance apple a Lose] ole ago agreeable agreement Ahmad (name) Abvaz (city) air aircraft airport Akbar (name) Ali (name) alittle NA aclio sls Vocabulary od = aed a Abadan (city) about acquittance address adjective Afshin (name) after afternoon again agent A a glob! ti ab 5 = wl osha weather, air \ > aircraft Ley! none, any ee nothing, anything One ae none of them plus no one, anybody kee never cia Pf s u assistance Gob eleven 035k jasmin ok collar [az] abu Acity in the center of Iran oR namely eX one, a Ke once ok K once 4053 SK slowly, gently oly vA to exist, to be eight eighty seven seventy week seventeen peach too, also consonant always uproar the same india water-melon art still, yet flute, cane so half > 3 : and 3 vocabulary olS5L word o5ly vowel S ly inheritance cals time oa, pious foundation sy but ’ 3 eighteen ode Hegira - solar ww $ Sacoed every -~ everyday 399 > everybody, anybody os * thousand J > Afemale name narcissus near, close to sit half discipline order roar saucer spearmint indefinite new ninety new born child nineteen nine no no square Lose] clase | grateful ogee table ao ' o million Lode] ake home, house Jy fruit 44 | prohibition o . negative i 0 ’ pure ot vine unfit LE | hair y ? ignorant glob agreeable il i” Amalename ob agreement cal i “1. , unripe wk benana jy tangerine Sigh | matter, story, subject tre ve ’ barren 156 preaching abc YY .? Amale name poli occasion, time 2. ca name ph | kinid lone] obles letter ab | guest Loses] olage bread [og] ot hostess allege log Ae o bakery lols s] lst engineer oe lunch ala | nail ow favour yp man 4 d- people fo disease wr 2? chicken t sick, il ay infinitive ona definite an teacher pee ‘ ° usually Vine shop, store ojlea brain * an singular one object (of the verb) J ae direct object ere dake indirect object wr et Jats quantity oldie sheet ome spoiled lemon glass me mother grandmother yoghurt car month, moon fish congratulation! sorry unfortunately thankful Amalie name Pencil school veal mutton hold on cherry at os NE ct aL oa $ ihe SF cut wid ht Anorthern province in Iran ons thin dumb tulip lip dress, clothe(s) dairy shop delicious kindness please J ; By JY ay cat walking neck wainut hungry wolf warm loose, loose to say, to tell dialogue flower pear vase tomato deep pit calf sheep small lane,alley dull blind wound up star old when? who? who is (it) kilo kilometer Asurname cow sometimes [Sn S] SSS aS as 8 SS simple past tense «al set dS expensive los 8] lS book obs dirty as where? 1S which? ly sa8 ] pes tie ALLS soft wool Ss is worm 7s Acity in the south of Iran butter anybody country shoe hat key little, few help. alittle short hs VRhuk RRR o ww cutting piece pen confectioner cube - sugar hot water with sugar sugarbowl teapot coffee brown price work knife paper unripe lettuce Jacket E &, b Eh bE. el [os] glad os imperative yl js only es cue) loge] oles eruption ol a8 re) mushroom & i wale spoon we judge gol ago, before J ae already MS before oS reading als aot good bye, thankyou Lud ob red +s pretty,nice, beautiful = Sat butcher's shop o (as fate lias train lbs food sad Persian agent devoted France tomorrow tomorrow morning tomorrow midday tomorrow evening airport departmental stores seller Amale name Afemale name verb mode appearance noon, midday ivory habit shame Asurname honey angry evening Amale name building uncle (paternal) aunt (paternal) festival ole BR € ub hundred do sound Nowe adjective Cie comparative adjective 2 Z che superlative adjective cy. S 2 Che peace che chair (save face 2) ye pink Sore opposed no multiplication Y. po loss i) pronoun pee possessive pronoun A wee designer cb reject 3 b trousers you conjugational ending salty consultation pants rebelion husband city milk sweet soap thunderbolt morning breakfast good morning correct, true Cox om thirteen 0 cinema Lace tray om v chearful ole chearful, joyful glee student, pupil ofls supper pls sixteen [od55 gt] oo ysle witness sale night, evening wet wicked 29 ro) ee to wash et six [het] he sixty Cos complaint alike sugar oe blessom a5 Ss cough fast, quick effort white dog hello! hello! heavy soup whistle hole needle three easy thirty black apple potato 4 4 Afemale name aly shabby ow 5 ow hour, watch, clock cosh year Jl salad ov Asurname yu healthy pl green ~ 4 - green grocery shop rots light (weight) Sh stem, root poh present stem Je Su “4 past stem atdS Sl head a » red t. 7 cold oye tiny, very small po 3 miserable a3 language (o23] ob3 gold 23 yellow 23 clever S55 ugly at) winter Lo gnma 5] kena 3 woman, wife 3b prison [5345] olay early, quick 235 Afemale name a5 much, many, plenty ok beautiful Ws underneath 22 under, beneath gw vest eps secret jh faithful toa secret glogly right, truth cowl driver eal, road, way oly , quarter Ce fight (32 Acity in the north of tran ) Amale name le, togo ot colour SS top, surface J) day 399 village lew headdress Ges <3 cooking oil FID on Ly] goo Rial (Iranian currency) Jka again twice cycle far away, distant review friend ten tosee late yesterday , yesterday morning = @m 59> last night dictation 3 particle 4 direct object postposition Asurname tree pain lesson lie hand glove handkerchief notebook time (s) minute shop doctor, Dr. button tooth two medicine, drug twelve twice oer ae wo . C2 cud [yiSe5] tSeu [Jlawd] Slims 38 [43] ani [aag3] aaa 15383] olf 753 [4455] aS ols » 155 035199 s skys to give gallows to have hot skirt wise university student university Asurname uncle (maternal) elementary school secondary school daughter, girl in, into, at door long about, nearly , ta Sobol S grocery shop sister als 4 : g00d, well, nice les] op all right [45>] 4 self fy ’ dish Syd <4 toeat Oo a 2 Youarewelcome! |! oye fortunately 4“ beste pe happy Jaa 3b happy, pleased oa ie re pig S * relative ye street, avenue, road[ 4 pldJolLls cucumber ols soaked oe Ploughshare oe very, very much, a lot thorn ye aunt (maternal) ae lady, madam, wife © & house, home [ae] ob good bye bs Lhe thank God! [SX 9, ad] good bye Nags lab donkey, ass > melon 3 > 3rd. Iranian month ala date (fruit) La a shopping aS to buy Rees tired diab tiresome wai ad cool SB humble oly how? 5 she how much? S[ae] ouie fourty [Je] ee what? ioe thing cag what is (it)? Smee ready Cc poe condition (of health), present JL~ now Ye present indicative syle! Je tense i possessing pe heat ol > greed ve preposition alol > bathroom pe Amale name Oya animal lose] oly Naa young, youth loss] oly sock, stocking ele world ole pocket ee € veil pe fat bk tea [lel be left os why? he jamp tle eye [ete] poe few, how many? [ye] a few, how many? [U ol & de several, many oO ae fork JIS what? Sam four Le] alge LL. birth ay Toman (Iranian loagloby currency) in, into, inside Ly] os e constant my second asl wealth oy a ’ one third ob offspring ° AI spiritual reward ol# t place & dear (after proper names) oe matter, story ob = ' 2 2 pair [a>] Cae plural ow sentence ala answer ole dark fresh taxi Acity in the north of Iran egg sour Turkey thirsty nearly, almost, about bitter all allof exercise clean, tidy fast, quick, quickly tight you (sing.) in, into, inside na tr te on. ot e ee BRE police five fifty window hidden cheese skin money on foot onion screw old shirt pyjamas till, to, so that shining summer \av a lose] ole al sy & ol Lopngli] oboe most of ys sick, ill oly hospital olin zley a foot \ last year dle st Coat, overcoat ah fifteen aazh five hundred ail, automn kh father a grandfather Soy oy violent throw by orange J wy A female name IA the day before yesterday jonn ‘son, boy ae the day after tomorrow lo,3 vs later, then after afternoon long, high yes tobe turkey to spring fovely, how nice! Amaie name in your opinion come helpless twenty illiterate more Excuseme. | cpatiy child bad brother shining for acquittance to take away, to carry snow electricity leat rice go big, large , great feast closed, shut plate next, then ” So here portico with fit dad Amale name wind time (s) rain open hawk bazaar, market learned, literate O.K. garden together intelligent las! fosxl] oly ot Ub Sl ob ak losskl] olok (la) 5b tonight etl pomegranate oul size, measurement ajlat England ol! oa {si he, she gl descriptions ley! , state of affairs ple 3 times ob | first Ji Acity in the south of iran shal Italy Wht creation bel objection dy! {ran ol yl they Lope!) oll if only! 1 Als this ol dragon horse professor Asmall cup for tea noun, name genetive disturbance of mind information returning, return often, very often Amale name horizon Amalie name ass, donkey alphabet today this morning this year slow, slowly, gently nual iron onl | refusal ul cloud al eyebrow aul tools 4 Iai room ol 2 bus vngl furniture oi respect ‘! as point of death alata! Amale name ell office oylal employer gh ol cheap lossail abl from, of, since iI torpedo 25) greed free freedom harm gentleman, sir, Mr. to come America that, it there to bring sigh var aslo sls Vocabulary etl = old wyi water habitable Acity in the south of Iran orange juice juicy blue address qth. Iranian month votes flour yes ol oul oloti Jey ol oll vl ol all oJ! [ei] wed Le cus ladle 9 Spl sll’. VF ond weaned les ge Conga gh at yg] SE Step ol pillow oly piles ite -Y A, pti IK J 4 Ul - BE) aaly UT like |. ye Jz, cl Gate BIE yo Lege | ee Cte Sle Chad Cat U te be cel oS Se FEO Gel « cathe Sp Soe | Ate Le. > > <= +» oO w * ols Je ge sot 4 ol. ee Ge gly GS cde SK gl ds scl ge Lame ooh ojlail VN ed Gaye lS 9h VY GPS lB 5 | tls sie HAS ua lB AY weet yi Oe OAS Gy 9 Mtns kaage HS gf Cad VY 03 ctl LG add3 03 8 Cole 3I 5929 aU ado y Lt A hoy of tubal 49 digdd Comey appetite ben Se 3 yd 73.9 ety Lead pee 9 pe 8 Say banal oS ae 5yn0 6 tthe ab yueg | Sly Oe Ge fate GULL Vy Soules! 5t nye gle a VY bee WS Katy onl jl ated Lt Le WY VO ons sewed shal oIKtile symtila ote poli .' sole QUES 4 353 ge Faye ZS Bjlee weal Ser abe oy Za 8 ols pe. cond fb cpl MG op Op na ait p Bags fay UB lima} sha » pa : dint g Jade yl $32 Aadieads ole - wg on 5) FESS Sle 035143 ¥ - Fema LOS yt pl dptdey « - > < ©’ OD -& ee oli ly 32 vlo uy adie Jade ol xy othe GE aga of 4 23,5 3 0 by gl f a glia s Isl F UFOS 9 pt obs Soy ghd iI poe ¥ Saree glia,d lite 353 lil .A sel ade HG Les Jct A de pth Sa Jy coal ololul 44 aye BLE VS Soemwl Spgs VF ond I ¢g4 Ate dy 59h pp» In oe | pe S oY sual ghey Giga yl sel oo ge SI Fae Fo ae fF wee 5! las Lad pls .0 wewabe shiny 5 Cn fISlab Lage F vv wal ege ye BULA a, acd oe Shp 99 cn! S319 9 etSaind aby de | ooe Neel Kin Ciel se je gl FP Nous! Go ge am 0 we & Jue lS go ls Fae > glS ae V $53 FAT onthe plas vA uel JSso 35 esd bybal ay ojles ALS A Fenn Sle 3 | SIE IE gpl. wend hae SUT foe taal ole oy ol MY weal oye gallo Fg gab EL SL ES lps cel NY Ua Laat Sle cad S/T S Sle sigs elyetiS cyl MY ty! Sa ge ogee ta ages elaS 3h Ugl VE Frost SL NO W nd post bai poe oe) wade) gliags Le .Y VW ond spade ce | pint lle on «1 wee Gt a Let | dean Led « spins dined ba plaid Le vais y vas ye Gl | tenn ated 9 Gare Ul. coal Slate 9 ose yl. seul abd | lake y alse 593 GH ne fated LS | Sayles . weal Sab acted Hl scalable 558 ly se he poe 4 - Scull oghe ObS yo SLY spins tales | iLL V) = >< ~’ oO 46 £ 9 den glen » d9yp2 gh das NY wcalny! Ve Let cyl VY W ond Nae jay ne | ae bowl Ble cane | ae oh oY otal, 9 S553 2 Sle a o9 Bm geile eal V TB Guile plas A 5355 tal A $5555 asl, plus... weep MAE SI cg fe Md I wy jv lh SN WSu9F Cougs SK NY - $55 Slaal a ete alla (lad AY wal osbys gliat tail, VF $24] oyhys GS NO jay! 9 jan VF an Seat yg le wpe | ad songet GULT y Gt F Gla SIVA WS 5 glaiats Sar | aia Bs FS y ats Kis SMA gla F td Gly oft claw Bute 9 chek glee | oles yal gul, ple SK .1 wal Uns! gaye | 3 Ye agg bad eel ST geal VN oe Jae 53 oncom oy Sk ope S| Glow VY oy eas 6991 50 HK YF ile 50 VO gil bye VF cles ae yl VV Ustsl cela me YA cael joe S99 Ghd | glalf S14 4 gl bob gl ol ab ola ab Ql oly. Ve on lady.) hiS leis cp! . sla 3-9 oo c ore et ial cls oil - wold gi. oy ol wpe Cuda yl FP Sesla S an 0 ea S ol F AS dew gpl V Soom gpl A seal lb Se cyl 4 SouueS gl V+ wml a6 Se gh NY Sound pile gl WY cml gle yl AT Solas ae AF Smal oS ppt dom yl VO cal Spud cpl VF seal ly Ye AV cmb! Sol Sal | calmsl 5941 SL VA wcmabeial glade | ay SM 05 SK, VF 03 ah! wfb5 YA wp, Oe VA wel KY wel. unt PY SeuleS gl PY Soules (le YY Sena! Set S99 a | Somme jet 590 rf fouled of gh YO fowl! oo gh VF www! ale 50 Sa YY wcoal Ske 95 pli YA 1B 90 gl WA 10) Awe g ye 99 Cpl Fe A nd wale ol S151 plas A Sle a 4 Sie 4 $99 Se pla 25 iS eal $4 Ses 5! $b ol oe. NO deol by ont eal | Gul getty [a gpl fale a gp Ege et aD et Si gt oS wt 095k. [soya opal]! gop Klop Kl oop op Se. on see fuk ea CII GIGS Ne AY AY AY \F¥ AF .W ANA V4 Y. YN YY vY AVF YO wdidleee GEM gh ly ached dain ool gpl .Y wayho jek SES Ty ae alge Sl gl - end 2 fr Shine 93 9 pS olin 33 ole lea. soya Le Coy fy Se yes ile gpl . og laa! ath Cute oh, Somes Jl pat ule al. cunlgsl GUT Jl closed plydiiio gy. tbh lie py, JS ile oll. => > < ~*~ Oo = + PA on ps Pe oy cpl.’ a5 plas .¥ ae ol lt [Sxe> p95 4] S pbs pls a .¥ atl ol 4 .0 [obs cl ra / lS ol » vy [Sale pyaS] / falas pla ¥ Bepales pli sao ylie Lt el F Sater Ly GU sol gk ae clas LV Leorete, dhe bay arp 9 bed ery] A Lets ap oly ge ly) A se dbo bly ob pu «1 Shes Ly AT olde gl ol Ue VY Bye OWS poe othe a al Lgl VY Sajla dle a olS 5 355 Ba begat abate sli Ly SES ule gpl Let Le VF Soy gle alias | 1) ob pls Lt Le 10 Soja aS U ate Les ll VF Soe tet oe fae by lol Lt WV TS cai ct Ly othe gs gel pl gl Le A SS jase WS 1p GeS lylice gpl 5 V4 Ba yghege Slate ele ae Vyees Ls AW na wend SB lal Sy ay pF bt go) AF nnd dee Ge Se 0d cele 539 oh Le gla A deg Soh Ot S C5 ren Je Y soul GS ase ie ol sy Sette ashe b 1p Coleen Im F gt Aaa Ay Ny gh 599 PB Ane gale 0 Wa jegs Leis & oboe UL Wade > F put oh Sot Ate |) ol i inte V fork abl s Ly olaby bo5 A eS gd F909 ce pr A Satie 1 ola leeeo ok ee S527 yaad Les 1 ony Sa slo Jy stip «1 pala obagt Gad y olde y sath y slje yo ge. Smale Cay jie LY ysis C55 Coke pe bets Lt Safegt aS a Ly tee tO \va AV ony [eaten 0S yl cond AT ating] 1 Fete eS 99.9 bara! wad iE Gyo lets sl oY ie a Labs vealed Ls aS Sb ool oailty J tT] Ley coy Se S Led om go i orl SE oS Ss onl S31. wt Fe het Na SiT gel tty J lil pte] 0 [Sorter oo sks Ash iy Jy jm cna Soh te ge hd SI ELF Loa ge Gh gy Coe path elon ep fad ye 5S Lib val lil] V Lepesls 25 Cele peg bid aes Bb aly Seops Jaile onl 599 sul Keo Libs A Bp SSE hr 9 ty 5 Gin y olyye Clie ae A Leafy Jab S globe a coal Lt oly ol gt gpl] V AVA toatee hae pial VA NdE yoy gd 5) sy V4 wd, Jl woh Ve nnd 4 Sa cot & Ly Eye Lib.) Sy cowl dinar .¥ SEB Basel il lisa gered oy! Cal WUD [4541 rts ot Suap ly gay f wept | dents Jano gl sy) hii 0 hey gry Ve Sol F Leese 39 Og ele ae 4b} 05] V wey SES 9 Gab Ly cilde A cm Cnet an A Lord o & 99 ogplinty Ui] .V. wld ga dy agg glad S bibl 1) Lacey piers | gee Cogs a col olgd a Cab] VY wad gl ty Sle Kina! SG .v¥ vw OA ey 0 pl il LS. do ty web ole ott Las 3h fF set Cina il hs pdf les a SS. alee cole ol Js. we AN bee se gay 3) ha .N> dd dle gi.) Soe oh a USMY a jay \¥ »> > <« * © wats SK 3] de VP “oF 3 dy 10 pt jlon vy cel. — Fr wtb jlau: de cele ot ae AY wale dim . [aplity U aie 4]. OE Ga, Sow G te. ph & See. SK sip. Sdn sale. Scud oly pie GL SG alg 5! . Feud a ghS te alginol & jljat jl. JES 5 GU b ae Y- fol jade wl glyd U ate. went F LS sim. [forte Ub eal cond] « Som! te a hS ay. vol Cauas NN hg aw NY be Chai 7 vce oagd y Se dew haa VO wad Ghai WY OF es 4i53 ah .\ [cele tim a] .Y to Sls b ae oly dim .F Spyy we 0 [ut hs am 4] Loge Uae a V [alu aie ay] A dad dim 4 pede Oba y O56 jt LE AS ad Qte bob A pine BLS yal ab yal a ys sab jh aad oa yl A sass fojl> Slur tig led S533 sol 1+ widen cyt ty Ly GANE Cina gh YY [ode cy de gy Gilde Gina gl] AV 00 en pai Sle» nai. cele a AY ee 3 ol le chai. y ¥ wolS Guat .0 ¥ Vv A vague Chea « Sy teas A ps 9a re ate ys D3 mt op Pret Ogee linus HT jitter lien 30 Gye VN spree Fata ogee bina 33 ce page ogee foley Slee cal Couty bo gee o5 lee 59 gue VY phe ab Sigh tle [9183 al ge WT 9 tard sal ge tjlke get 8 LI ge 3! ow VF tA obs) cath SIE edt 3h BIS § pe pba et Sha get 39 V0 OF ees Sunol, yl QS Le.) 9264 Ltaake gs 4 gles) yaa shy pa late 4 lie GUI par bi lt Fata ly oS ae ow 5! LST pie alginal yo i Sle aie Ly Let S53 ou cy 0 [Sete og ppt A jlasl] F Sy cath y tae y Nya cle b lye y coe Sa yl V wal po Cole 90 alg jy po VN Sg sly pt gle AV Sart te ple 4 YE 9 poset let & par lod cp VF O° ond Coul ober ontS eS oK —.\ cod ye tS ol .Y cand Sle Juad oy 2p oben} poset NIL & 128 Ley ee ala & laud om - [adele ged pool ese old S51 . cel ge gS tt SF pel : [a poe eel] - ee ee ee die 50 ad 5 pied ola! 95> 59) - soul fae dl le ow ps a A etl aie Si 3 SES eI Sy oe bi cel Saal Una! Gy ge Lit AF px daw ye pu “ ctl Go WV OU yeh Lat eke 95S ST 0S eS Sal ga ce NA tae so Sao 5 wets Ly getty ge Koz ly V4 spade SUS 3p Lt S554 gal y ST AUS Ghd oY Y8 onal seul Seg 095k Sly hS 49-1 Saasne LAS Gat Lod Les Saye 18s S oe SES ply eb ailgden hS Ghd jy ps Gar pw» 7 ¥ Feel SUUS (lS yo eum GgliT Silke .0 FemnS SI pat olRatile skeal aise Sah ge feats Cad 39 pla 5 ol V $asdy, LS cata cole Gute byl A See Mat Sle cod SSS Lat Noga 4 SA Sued [ole 5 tS plas jl Ns \v. FA ond Sate LaS Cot Ios Last. Sralesl la lera ecg iy [Send Leal US Ul] ¥ Saud sa OS gs F ntiggs jo pb oF 0 Sadad aul sil oS Lat F Baile Sl iTS al fase ADS Le A Sol 5t 399k Ge Cd» Seo5i Tentiggs LoS Let A Sogdian b al L EA ie ge Lt Cage st tS SL y gree gS ten oe lB I 93 VY Ad dle Sate S Jy op all tee wb ILS 22 IS feed 6 CS of Ij le tee He MY $y Kyl a Se Ul Le 1 Styne 095 9 dale po ed Le VF Stati ge (ge | Ae 539 Lact VO 55 US 4 ere Sol als | pls YF Acme S512 =) Coasts aly Slal & SHS 531 .YO “on a YF voles! a | gl a .Y¥ sla a YA wh & YA waa apa VN lat ay ye 3h YY ole! / gla b si rr wor gly a lad ght wats 531 YO w0a51g2 G 0a 31 YF 23k cele Gad cele Slav wlRsy s Ga I KA 293 Lye TA [ode gS Usl ple / 4a] Fe sprenth oh Seo Sho 55) ys ae [.peaeyl Le] .F wd gl V wal gl WA wad gh atl ge hay bey! Led scaucts dy pag be ay (gl sae Slat as ee . [ogfnts Uite | Updo coy bell. phe Glalyae S| sly Kop Ve ad gs St gl. poy SIE 53 oe - WD So 9S 1 SSS ULE LK Jl gh 3! ph (oto - vow Ne ay AY AY AF NO . AY Yo wml hd 3h BIS he 5.) wom oe Ah tt oh S151 al yan hS YS col 5S 5h fate hs oben condlinelt 31 SB SK AS yt [ae Jl 3 Phd ghd oslle / Lt glib] 0 seal glial ole on 2a 8 alan F cael oS 9 Epgdd there AS! oA Y Ladle 9 af fabs | Ate Ska / slob ogee sll A woolen pt ty on Say de Mtg 3 A wed dab 5I Jay5 gl .V> FF nd pins cp oy gl fete Hel) As Lows] 0 scold Se 25 GREP deed jet | Wee 599 Cle 5b 0 Ll sd oplase pol F pale cul, AS ¥ a cal sleet A salt yy she GS pte A oll 4S shady 03. old tage gl 5 | ile NY 15) GS gl yt VY oy baal thd pbo lt ve [nghan Unigl | beds! ayia plan pled I Aaa] AF wet 29 | page ce NO slag oo] Gia abs \F led og5 | yliagd Lat WV tidy, Lab! 5y22 Yl od | glias Upl VA ScabaS lj oh | toe al5 M4 [gia LAS Ugh age | a ytod Lgl] .Y- cml JL VE 5 oy § Ji 599 OLS yl .F scoala Sle datnad 79S gpl .0 wend spt Sle od slaje pls | ad .F weed [ash gle EL Sle 255 clad gpl V scwsil yl Sle cil gel ol A Canlading Sle gl Sle y Curls Jl ge Jl 4 ithede | ai] S Je SE hd GUS Ga! 1 Sam Je cle gy! SoS al yd lee VY wtien Le Sle baie gy! AY wemegl Sle shew (lite of VF Yn poet 9 ed poo.) faun LS olay .Y Say, LS ats olin go vce cael 9 for Antal Sy pS get slo VO | Sle 0B old Sy cael 5 sth al ald pol old VP cual aig 5 oo wgpetils cddia y 2 SLs ea5lso .1V Cael SUB EE 99S, a y ce W Cd 39S yl VA PIS Aan cl Sa Lg dan Ge uae ned Sy WA en er shes 699 oie cole gt aie 59 GbS ee ol wCunal 4 SSI gy shew by pS) dade y alae by SS, see C559 S97 Garin 9 olen wCmnal Gye Cony gelion (69 bad Ga Coens vy wed eed pd Ul fe ple oy SS oY YF ned Scala Lad Sle hy acd ga Sle gl. veel gla | UpT Jl ay S55) BE ol Scmngl Je Ge slat li pul wet eel) Caed NO se ott ae S ot S. Sb ao lose pid - A pe gle cel So hd ole Els cual JST SE jee SU al th po iS ak Let IS og Acad agp ge =) Come ge lye 5 Mceol flys =) mails Soi pet olgiel « cel ha gg =) Combe s68 ott lg Cod dees a, (4 2 oS =) lls ZY cleo al . Soy Leal by p> be slap ol Y- Kn th. Ot Sew ge Sip eh gbolys . a he 255 Sens ; wg CS). oo ils cl a A A \. \\ AY AY as NO A [plas Ve Ge | plaS ge YE. Leojee 59 yy C559 all - [olnsl aS olpsi8] . SeulaS Els ye op. rug tab LY [anal fae’ Sb dg =) claus 9]. [ose ab SB lye jy yl]. Lola oS 4 5h LS]. Soule gh VE | culaS VE yh. wy el atth Cute gl WY ceed lob wl prt 5 “on slewss . 15 sleet lets gles Sls . sls bead ~~ Oo t= - 9 bel Son 9 gt ap loy bel Sixt a aed Ye os veo) SGN ple sok oe Y fomsl nn eat Ul on! wcwles 59 ge 95 al . s Sayles or ashe gl. [ey goo] .4 en an [i oben! 2 SLs 955] 1) Semel Cay os NY > <« » oO w * Scum pl [Sam gyi] VF AG | SIS aad lao gee VO ay any les 0 oy bal wo KL lop SK! By jap F Widg, Leal actead bao a al | aa V widy bel plas syn y A OGd Uaay aa | pL A baal 5yp2 9 HBS Sapp pe aw ol d+ Sal Les) op ob GS fad baal Spe ol 1 YF one (camel Lest =) culeal cle 48 1 send oS gly seal dine S 4 aid gh la dey Gy 95 Kl. oils fy Se ale PE ol. wed EF Sl . aed gS yp GS opt cd GS yy So zt. bee! ety oy lef ety y Gel by »> > <*« + OD w * cowl Cnt ES gly. waa Usd Jacl 03 9 jee ga ol Saylo pus Je «NY would fay 92 gh val AY cal 589 tl Ly (Cl he =) Cole 2 fa pl VT Saker Sod Gt ol VF fouulyS jab V0 scolar gl VF SculaS YE gl AV sll by Canal VA le gp YER NA wu! lye Cele .¥- woylo Coke aw ally VN Ye nl oy Key 33 - Oy Hay GIL ay ey 3 Sel ay eee 529.1 Wdy, ang lays dab | aid cay Layo plas way dead yd cyl Lad | plas Bboy gale gpl Ye ol 9 ale ol 1) Ale sles 9 la ee NY 9 599 KY oul SK ol vt oul 03 gl .YO cele cath YF YF na Som of gl.) gle dy de le yl .t fob gl 54 pL | tombaS 55 pl ol. wcwwbesT gh Catal! eeu Catal gl scoala! B33 Cath y OLS tt ie LS oh Sy opd al. ool ALS Sy vy ge Ui ol. faked OS 05 ol 9 24 ol. wyle oul oue s& yl. a On On 6 lS ol .t oy, wl? ale ol oy gl 0 Ales al cz Bll cele opt A WE ep ple gl A 3 99h Ne 5 pl yoy ol NY date aw VY gree [4] QIN iB [ta] cathy Gls [ad] cae eB [a] Sy bs [uy] Se .Nd ty 92 onl VP ge bal WV alae 03 ola ee el NA ee, 9 ou, NN hed wept Sh gece gold ute Sh) : , a ls aos Ae Gye lj ge log! diy lic » \ os SI hS le op dpe ele ed Ca ee Salty acta any 5 5942 Sarah al eee! Ls cages inal SS pS SE SE pt ago She setts) alae WY os WiNgI LS scaingy «hey weSa par od gh gt od agar eS beneele ote geiew oh weg oy usadle alls Stl chet cer el SES oe Seuly ephis wns qo ah Si VF ed oll oly Un sls Key to exercises Van ALS ah idle LL old glob bls ope oly eZ lgl oh lal olsl ott 9 nd ool peal lit qld pls Go ylalage glad plas oldie 053 Glare! vale! glist aged L551 Van oJ pri IG alt olin ad pa call vb age Jeli 9 f chee cilyy ye aicle 10955 get ye Ve ap Ele BS SAS GLE ee 9S CIES Lal gla! VF end ww ss Ly 23 GU Glae de g atlide LPF os Read exercise 66 and then answer the following questions. Scale Gigs gale pike Lae Soy cele ile lowe shy ee Coe i fad, LS Got 9 lew Surg al LL asd, QuSt L Ugl. Bay zl te Sate BIE yp Lee . ab al ae te Gla ke Seema Ge FEo eel | Pt fe Sse Cutls Jy ety Lee | Solo Sy pai Gott & lage A A oe Fae Ge lz ee 1 Semel tie lage sh o5lul VN Sane GUS ab abe HIS Lees VY SHA Saye HS lew Le WT Soy AS Goye AS ond VY VO eal ses ees el Gy | 1. naser behtarin daneshjuye daneshgahe ahvaz ast. 2. maghazeye akbar durtarin dokkan be khiabane mast. 3. mordad garmtarin méahe sal ast. 4. forushgahe ghods bozorgtarin maghazeye in shahr ast. 5. mardom dar fasle zemestan khormé bishtar mikharand. 6. behzad hamishe ruye in sandali mineshinad. 7. to davazdah sal kuchaktar az man hasti. 8. khiare man talkh ast. 9. bebakhshid, name keshvare shomé chist? 10. Aghaye izadi va knanomeshan duste ma hastand. VF nw AS 4 ly JE che eo DD vines Aen ze e599 JB Pee A a S Ke t oa no sy & we t o = + ov Tees Ge oj lka wee, athe pe gal 59 yl - > < - is ale ~ ae a saees 09 Cle ii, ARTS 09 9 Bees ST bape GU poo y Ls Sop Leal... mS dm Sy po Ve - ~f sees Blgete ole pe * pate, alitalce NY 1.A female name. 2. devoted. 3. village. 4, about, nearly (= in the limits of). 5. unfortunately. 6.mostof. 7 illiterate. W on WS 2 ly JE she px bal... 7D seed obo Ls ot we Oy Gly yo. oye Le. kegs lane gpl Gay oo 29 GE. vn bY BLS ao ogd Ug. vo ee OS ou get DUE Soy Glad. Gos. Saw ted Qlogd Lio So lil. vos aloe oo Sy Ld Jao A ¥ ¥ a\ oe ve dal op de ah gf 0 % Y A vee eb de 3 aly Sle Jy os “gbabl po gl os BEY Scmel 1. A city in the center of Iran. 2. Acity in the south of Iran. VY oF. ~ ve ge guesll & 4. What a lovely’ day! 2. How fat she is! 3. What a long and tiresome? road! 4. How heavy this table is! 5. How nice it is! 6. You bought two kiloes (of) honey.° 7. What book did (you) buy? 8. Which car goes faster? 9. Which shop is nearer to your office. 10. Whose is this unripe pear? 11. This intelligent young man is Mr. Hassani’s son. 12. These sour apples belong to my uncle’s garden. 13. Whose are these old shoes, yours or his? 14. From which fruitmonger do they buy fruits (= fruit) 15. How far (= as far as where) do we go? wer wa oY ror 18. The sour grapes and the sweet pomegranates. 19. A thirsty dog and a hungry cat. 20. Cold air and warm water. 21. Akind' and learned? teacher. WV ons when gy gue gd ay 1. 1am healthy? 8. (Her) aunt®is always sad’? 2. You are sick (= itl)* 9. (My) grandfather" is very old 3. We are tired®. but still healthy. 4, They are sick and tired. 10. How is (your) grandmother”? 5. She is well and happy’. 11. (I) am sorry"? 6. (His) uncle’ is still young 12. His aunt'was inthe hospital” and chearful.® yesterday. 7. Where are (you)? 13. Your uncle “is here now. PEN Ste Fh 50 eet db ISLAY loxinloble’ AY Syygaq 3 Bab .¥e (mother'ssister) Ju 4 Sey (father’s brother) els NP gkeslee 10 (father'ssister) cz .\f — (moteassef) Gt WY Say (mother's brother) \FA 22. There was a flower under the chair. 23. A window was open. 24. A door was shut. 25. The door of the house. 1. The children. 2. The clean children. 3. These dirty hands. 4. These girls. 5. These intelligent" girls. 6. Three intelligent and clever’ students. 7. This new and fast® car’, 8. Which red car? 26. The window of the room. 27. These windows. 28. The windows of the rooms. 29. There is a vase on the table. 30. From this house to that house. ve np stg eli a 9. The clever driver®. 10. Which clever driver? 11. A fast train®, 12. A close’ friend. 13. Which fast train goes to Ahvéz? 14. The angry’ driver came again. 15. Who came again? 16. Yesterday and today. 17. Come fast and go siowly. ali wal, 0 tl? ial Soi ¥ ant lias A 33. Where is Ali? 34, What is on the table? 35. Where is that man? 36. That man is here. 1. This mother. 2. Those nine mothers. 3. This father. 4. These eight fathers. 5. What cat? 6. These cats. 7. These three cats. 8. What is this? 9. This is a pen. 10. Who is that? 11. That is aman. 37. That dog is in the house. 38. The pen is under the chair. 39. These two pens. 40. These two men and three women. see wl 4 12. Who is that lady? 13. She is Mrs. Safa. 14. What house? 15. What city is this? 16. This is Shiraz. 17. Come here now. 18. Babak is here today. 19. There is a child here. 20. A man came here. 21. There was a horse over there ({ = ahorse was there). \¥er 1. This man. 2. Which woman? 3. From that boy. 4. To which girl? 5. To that room. 6. In this book. 7. Which pencil? 8. Which gentelman? 9. What place? 10. On what'table? 11, Under which table? 12. Who to? 13. Where from? 14. In this garden. 15. Come here. 16, Sit there. PR nas whee gh el & 17. Go home. 18, Anight. 19. One night. 20. Eleven nights. 21. Aman. 22. One man. 23. Four men. 24. To what place? 25. A woman. 26. One woman. 27. Five women. 28. ten girls. 29. thirteen boys. 30. One hour. 31. Six hours. 32. Where is he? A Review 0) 99 WN nips Dictation acSua Write in persian letters wae ge Cg Sy > 1. Pariruz hava garm bud vali emshab khonak ast. 2. in asbha sefid hastand vali an olaghh siahand. 3. in mAdare javan se bachcheye kuckake tamiz darad. 4. havaye tehran dar tabestan garm va dar zemestan sard ast. 5. in khanome pir yek pesare bist sale darad. 6. u hasht hafte inja bud. 7. 4n chaye shirin male kist? 8. in sandalindye ghahvei male otaghe anhast. 9. ishan khénome doktor parvine safa hastand. 10. gole narges ghashangtarine golhast. vee ee leh ee tnd 1 rg oe SES gS Soe ode Bg ph clo as geet 2 LE Chea i» ste pls Se de p3bo (eel =) “gal eee the Slo day cx thaw Ge ore HS 4 uote (elSiy 5 2) w plgbee pag Vf HS le ay dT atin sla Seal gee SEG ae Forte oyej lil rotted J oplgdee tein SIG calypso ooh blast lage esd Bone pst cee Sy silts costes Soaie Gite LLY yay ath clog AF Gy 9 oath y Maes tock 9 J soca py ody gb tage SM road 3 1. How much do you want? ——2. (I) Want. 3. Pink, 4. Congratulation. vow Soy gle ogdle ole cig phe tha OF mls Sayghe Let Je op Kate is te Sone Let ad poet nr ial pled i tha othe nl ae oF les abd om ple (pb Ge =) ple coal ste peat pL ae ena de Je lL ele Soke oe cot te AS te pita ey SE SM lta S gS ty |p thee "aS5 393 Lob co WS tee aS ab thee a ple on We wd ste Spee Wtf ps ote wld jm dad wea Why tho Ta tT LM pe SW beste wa 5 MigS 05 eld S23 et aly py ble 22 AS open JS Go atl iste Soe et Sal soe Ue wahad te pay tS Ge a jee hd tla 1. Come in. 2. Orange juice. 3. Thank you very much (= may your hand not be hut). 4.()) am ready. 5. Letusgo. 6. Taxi. 7. Bus. 8. Withnoneof them. 9. On foot. 40. (it) is ten minutes walk (= way) ver 15. Why didn’t you bring your sister with you? 16. How many buttons does his coat have? 17. What are you washing (= do you wash) your hands with? (= with what?) 18. Why doesn't he tell me (= to me) his friend's name? 19. Where are you (sing.) taking (= do you take) these dirty plates? 20. What time (= hour) do you usually eat breakfast? F ps eS NSS 5 Ay gat Bayt BE 4 ph lh BE Gey ph LW Miss Sima and Miss Mehri go shopping together. pe se SE > Ss lis 54S ste wk Se io thane pas 1 1.0h, lovely. 2. You are welcome. vee 70 opal ese Quali 4 1. How much money do you have? 2. | have two thousand! five hundred? and seventy six Tomans. 3. How much time do we have? 4. You have only half an hour (= half hour time). 5. Where does he take his son to ( = to where)? 6. [Why don't you bring my food for me?) 7. How many times a week do you see your mother? 8. [Go (and) wash your hands and face with soap.) 9. [Come (sing.) and eat ( = come eat), then, go and sit (= go sit).] 10. Take your son with you ( = with yourself). 11. Why doesn’t she eat this delicious dish*? 12. They sometimes go to see their grand father. 13. How old (= how many years) is (= has) your elder ( = big) daughter? 14. Why don't you buy this nice skirt for your wife? (Khorak) S1,,5 7 (Pansad) ial .¥ (do nezar) {Ij 92. Sess gb see See G cee Ca cee I (Vy ce — ged age — ople) see te A eee gl eee sees gale Seesee Gorse vere Ap vnsee Dg sents Ly vette Be cone . (pp ody al date gl ala ge -) 7 Wd eee QE cee Sb cee abe cee gt cee AU (as pag mals oh Ay) a ales wee BL ee BU ee ld (Ij om abS wo — =) Dees Ame go sees AL eee ~ (poe eso $-) Basses gb sesse by sssse Mgersee gle sense 39D weeee Lad) pn fat Sz Saw A on Lapel he men mat lesz) wo Lonel tit lene] ee, lozlsd2 Loe the ported partes pines Leste] ats oo Lox] Gor Lop pte] Hote cat (epee ences re Lona stal dost Lepr pterl a gcicge — [egctent] tgtaunt Lorde ee [git] Wine aS ly Je ble Je Sa add Siw uae . u _ Veer [5! -] 55! — ——— 5!) oJ - ’ Yous a= 22 <——_ oe s Yous Lot =] Gt — et et [paall paul [poke] rales fale Take Lesavsl] sauil Lsakel sigle [oH] aya [oye] ale [2091] moval [moll mod Lok lsyly Loe] x31 Lepske ole] ral Lody3l] 43,51 Lope] aye 1. To bring 2. Totake away, tocarry, 3.Towash 4. See footnote 1,p.104- vrv gies yy jai Led whew ols ine \il yeah Agee ty hy Cogn polly tool Make the following verbs negative. de foe) Vy 2d clos yl anil obs Je gb 5 BU Sel Sa S ey [So] Se ¥ caf [Su] Ss o! (si pau [Se] pa Sis [Se AS Toy Se [8] sf LoS Se] ae See et a Sol HSE {Together 2. See footnote 1, p.104. Ws a SS je at Jy 435) Gb 4 520 ll Sash dx leegel ‘eo pals Se ger dd Sys |) "Sas ped Ly Sow Sd KS Sep 4 Lolly pee ot wry GS Jb tie aeiSi wk an 5S “e528 ‘Sipe Sabi |p calle Ly wands 8 ay Ly pls “age Lodged guS 4 99 ALLS age] Me gues HL 9d Cd ped ened 555 2 SLE ape pes gl ay L 1. Any,none 2.Nol 3. Anybody 4. Never (= notime) 5. Lie 6. Never tell lies (=lie) 7. Amale name 8. Anybody —_9. The negative form of hastam ‘lam’, hasti ‘you {sing.)are‘etc. is nistam ‘I am not’, nisti ‘you are not’, etc. Awa (I) did not go. (I) do not go. You (sing.) do not go! You (pl.) do not go! pI — p98 ; ’ 3p —— 4) yp ——_ 49) eS ISS 4g gh Gao . yal Led Jy tel le orn bP aw ye a jayl Le 9d oylol 42 * oo post legal oe 1. The negative verb is obtained by adding the prefix na — to the past tense and imperative, and ne - to the present tense. The prefix mi- (of the present tense) is retained, but the prefix be- (of the imperative) must be dropped. 2. See footnote 1, p. 104. 3. Anybody, noone. 4. Unlike English, the negative expressions such as hichkas «no ones hich chiz «nothing» hargez «never and the like require negative verbs. 5. Anything, nothing. swe we BEB iy Cth ee tee gp ed aS a ib. STL Y (ta i esl, em se) ge on each (plo el. wegittnn) one LE a Sao one tl ee ne by Fn Lab A (,539 why — alge oo Saz o — tpty s . : Reet Cole Aah Aes let) tke ost (m3 lose asly sb ate ie db) a ne Fe light care one dil ne oly eo gal oY (+ tp me & we al S oe lle flac) 1. Time. v\ eee AS aly JE che (0m gta, aad IS) [oe ae oo Gal a UTD Bi eee gene ne go g Lael a td gi go lan iY (om hd 5! ghS) s we ae he fe gol Meaty dG] (eg eB ety gD eye OWES) [oe do Kee weg) [eet gb oe pt oe Gp ne SF ect gee cal GLY (4 age eH Kidy Re ee pci ieeuaey ah aime tasel 0 (4, = edie hS ot ag) [fo ay ae eS ap Fo oe page one ST ats LS os EL F (HF a oS! dae) [Gee 1.Seller 2. Thisone np eS NSS y dese Goal 4 1. Please tell (pl.) me the story. 2. Always tell (sing.) the truth. 3, [Dad"! buy me (= for me) this green jacket, please. It is nice and cheap.) 4. Come (and) sit near me (= near to me), my son. 5. Sit only on this chair. 6. Eat (pl.) salad? first. 7. [Have (=eat) your tea ten minutes later.) 8, Eat (sing.) your food with spoon and fork. 9. Go (and) see who (it) is. 10. [Please give (pl.) me (= to me) your plate.] 11. Please give (pl.) me a cup (of) coffee. 12. [Please give (=to) my friend a glass (of) water.] 13. Please give (= to) him a small glass (of) tea. LY Wy MSE a at oo Ill wpe We shoe Lol ly le 9 WE ol db Lol b oe wily ULE a GL sly sab jl Uahd Te gS oly gl Ly 55 41 ibd] ky eb wy we BE & Syaly b Ips Bo op Syly bl tor uy) wy a! 5! tu wo pu by gh cel algal Fe ly ol Lee Ay a2 os! 933) AS ore cell 1. First Imperative Al je NA ‘Al jb Jb SE tell (sing.) Ha S$ 4-4 toll (ol) we yt S 4-H Of ons eS ISS yy gts Give me the book. voy owe 1D) vls {as Dept, ed] drag gh a ol ol ed [4] & tu LBs Se) eK" eal a Ly oleae Ue Se ck aL ols “Lal : t 7 Logel see gy hii ot 1. The Imperative is formed by adding the prefix be ~ (or bi- before a vowel) to the present stem. tt has two persons: singular and plural. The singular do not take any conjugational ending, but the plural takes /d [-in}. 2.Police 3.Address 4. Soup After one week. After me. Six o'clock in the afternoon. After 4 o'clock in the afternoon. 1 (will) eat my lunch later. After eating lunch. Fifteen years later. pasa oo by pola. ME gry gd os ee Ju. ool . OA ond Choose the right word. eS Gil 1) Coury o5ly OS 3! J) Before supper. ple we’ The night before. ve Ge OY Six months ago. ae ol oN BY what oF cet haa. Oo . ate LF I told you already. pi WA wee a alee cole A Before everything. pe pW Before we go (= before our going). “u ose wee NO we Jl. ee AN mt ga NY (laa jh aay wes) The next day. we day OV ona BES NSS y gets ogi ly GRE ge 5! dS all GI age Wb sh we 6592 Vanes Lena gbee 32 O37 20U pig vo51 9 Cole jl ay eens ws] Lobe] ee (Lt ele ay Vane [byl] Ugh Sys de VE 4 oy 9b de by po Bens ot bd jaye] Wa, Sea de Ve 5 iS de ge a is lala [oS ce YE 5 olf eo cw 4 dd eis] Lae] ome Eyer [sae “ob 5] pode bet ay obye ae [pS lent dy 508 ney fae] "Lei Ge a 9 Eres 5h aS 4 hii) TSe] Se 5 4 Ll Eee S 1.Aday 2. Whatis the matter? what is (it) about? 3. matter, story. 4. He told his son only alittle of the story. Scud aly gh fb og 3l . How far is Tehran from Kerman? ( = how much way Is) Scud tah wiglgdncl 6 jl ject gl. Jim 3 ga na tol eee wl Slyd o. [fe gb gal coud] . Tomlin ahd ay \A \4 vN yy yy y¥ YO 1. Kilometer AWA cand VY OF ons aS Glasl Ly cus Ly (jade Eas ie) Abs \ afew hours. [cele wa] a few kiloes of pomegranate. [.5U1 lS wa]. » > * +» Dw + (gt he) od oot ody eg lde Cina gh VN (ap hm haa) [ode gga egy ld on gl AY doa, choose the right word: dS GL! 1) cuz o5ly (anas se) half of the orange. Je, wel half an hour. ccle two and half an hour. sod osle » ae Pr eee ols... ale... day nA one hundred ninty five and a half. wed eo 3 ge Ne aly we VN > < +» DoD ws te saagaew NY OF eas aS ly JE chk (Ly agg8) Ssyea vagh salad (9 edi Seg apt oo UD? tld ay weyers! AY Cpe, ch lates Lit) ony set seg ee SliT on uae Lob La (a dy Sh de) Sd eg vege nck .F Ss jedler dy oon olgieel saad ernie vale age ge 0 (p — > (595 — oo — Ab) [Fee ey Mad] OF Sy SK. Canad foes vale “slob wed dg (5 ae sma 69 ha ee ws iN SAE) oa Fant ne il pet edd gh iene onc a dos wl hed) costes coat gd eed Dal pe ysl da Syl A le eg dy IE SI (2 = yale tien) FslaJle led Soy nV 1. The third month of Iranian Calender. 2. Three hundred. 3. Hegira solar. Iranian Calender beginning with the Hegira. \vy fasts Gy ae Ls Sa yl>s ay G rim Les [ga sle aby bye LAs] ale yoo [a] Se 9 poo Ga pal By [4] SK bid y Baa yla Gly ge cae tte Les [ek Glee Ge os Ls] BGI lye cai gegen lg Looks lose Ge slesumy Uy! Sere ly st shee 5929 [Sg ee sa! shoe jan! pup ly gl add SK his [p> soa) add Lis] 1. Compound numerals (e.g. sixty three) are formed by expressing the largest numeral first and, then, adding the lesser ones with the conjunction 5 (pronounced «O+), e.g. hezaro sado haft~ Ado panj «1175». dle Sn antl Sw ones ad > ose %9 alo ole on a> ow 3 ois of als Cable eels ea tS 5) SS 5 oy gine pings Ly ee fas o woul aD A pel gta Cele cats aly iE y ul Lente Opt g& Saaz Katy fo Clef y byl Ls] “abla ADI ghd Gur oF Slain SK, ata SI Lest Cty Cum gf Sled ay ateae 5 1. See footnote 1, p. 102 OF end iS NSS 9 dy gin I bought the book (already referred to). oh. > \ ) lbs I bought a book. pa Vy ahs I bought book (s) (with) all my money. pale SIs dy pls Isaw him. pus 1, 9! | bought their small house. eae gi SoS bb My daughter came home with me. wal ab Au L tre She told me her name. wef we 1 lew! (you) bought thisheaddressfor wb > glk oly lb Geos ol your mother. Lp e oF 2k Ip ss mas ll 4 a Where did you buy this pretty Sob > eS 5! 1, Sis cls yl skirt from? (= from where?) Trent Janke y po Joris AA ‘ete Janie 1 bf peel pel VARY “Cee gab yale — jean! pul 4 ass! Gp \ALY Ise pak Ly bee gle Lat ya Lest a 1. The Direct Object of a verb is usually indicated by the use of the postposition ré (colloquially £0), which is suffixed to the word or to the last word of a word group constituting the object, The Particle ré also gives the object a sense of definiteness if it has not already received-i, the indefinite suffix (see p. 48). The direct object will have a general or generic sense when it is used without ré. 2. The Indirect object is always preceded by a preposition. twice ands 931 ghy3 few, how many? Loe] de few, how many? [bye] Ga several, many oe how much? [aie] pale in, into, inside [3] oe with L for a ] sla only bis ae to eat, to drink OIF to give wale tosee ou to say, to tell oe to have ils 1. The word chand and also the Cardinal Numbers, other than yek, are usually followed by the particle ta when used with tangible nouns. It can not, therefore, be used with units of time, weight, money, etc. This ta, infact, helps the idea of plurality to become more concrete. This structure is, however, mostly used in the colloquial style. half quarter (usually for time) sometimes often, very often next, then after afternoon ago, before before later, then already usually Nearly, almost, about please time time once hei ae gl ag jlo dds (ote) =) fay (oli =) Su (fae =) Vat (aes (gid =) tal [453] and3 a DSI and 1. Usually used for fragments of numbers, time, weight, and the like, e.g. nohonim “nine and (a) it”, hashto rob “eight and (a) quarter”, nim kilu “half (a) kilo”, etc. hs tight loose, loose fitting ola long, high al size ojlal thirty wo fourty [de] Je fitty Thay] olay sixty [att] cuats seventy ole eighty slits ninety oy hundred dio thousand Jl a million Loge ose matter, story, subject t. ~ i pice as pair [Ge] cae halt auas trousers jacket shirt tie hat vest pants, underpants pyjamas headdress, kerchief (slamic headdress veil skirt glove Coat, overcoat handkerchief Pocket button collar al gs oS love] wale cyl S oS 22d spoon fork knife glass small glass for tea cup saucer teapot plate sock, stocking ve ¥ o> N43 Nog let pete Mose =) A ol Sole “aw 5h S let gle 4p Sates sal gS wl 02 cole Gad Ia (a asl =) pil tas! pele de pty (gh at =) (Las te (gt VS sal nS 5 a3 one Tay past Gib cola Le staol ele te Lealyh no AS 4 ID pele ph LAS Sane voles 293 “wilt yd qu Cate cele ideo! Fepehege LAS Lad pues B cater Le “ath, sal pf spetntigs le] Soy L bes gad b eel tie ss ba oll S Ms obs ideo! 1. A complementary phrase, equivalent in meaning to “how nice it is! congratulations etc.” addressed to some one who has had a passenger, dear guest, new born child,etc. 2. India. 3. Well. 4. Airport.’ 5. Aircraft. 6. Fortunately. 7. 0.K. 8. Information desk. 9. All right. 10. Acomplementary expression used for good bye, thank you, etc. N ns pag SF y te gts Atelephone call il ag 3 ror GK wD Sy eed Se vate ge nage gal “aes Tol nS “oats lil de emilee al: Sok eatige UT tao! Qh ah pS 6 gt S soles ala esige “oat ab S sorly wel gle edge ope taal Seyagh Sazghae alle wile deol phe til yf Sig dbs Sey gla Lad op Katte hd apg oy] sel weg Mae eel sae 2h pS fag! "Whal 5l gyi pe staal wash eae git Cole Soy y weal Oly 1.Amalename. 2. Asurname. 3.Engineer. 4.Asurname. —§. Hold on the line. 6. ‘slave’, a formal and humble expression for the pronoun |. —7. A very friendly expression, equivalent in meaning to ‘dear’, used after the names of intimate friends, children etc. 8.An informal word for ‘yes’, mostly used in Tehran. 9. Thank you. —_10. Italy. [Sage ogirge pul] .Y (asta aslal) SUAS gad saseas LS L035, A ale nl fae jal “Le Bi a 4 feel Sy b col Ss ye BH, Lt By Sorbian 72k a dee tebe ogee Slenali 52 Let VY Scent glojlie de 52 og VY fay pee OU glo ae 31 VY Baer ob99 9 Sx eBay gf ae 5d SE pbs Loe PIS ct F lat get 5 V0 1. Office. 2. Inyour opinion. Cea) gel aS cata ages cele WA (cay) Led oy S15 ok Katd age Jl A (oad) sf apt 5h plas Ve (od) ope gd ele aljg bay9 MY (gad) a wile of Ped cpr dam VT (oo) oF Me ay pla ge (ep) ty Letee da g ae ae VF o ops rea gt dle Se 9 I 3 shel gle Write a sentence in reply to the following questions. Scmmalas “gly 2S on Sox») Senate Lead yf “bY Seals Slee aad gy ap (5b) Saye Sb (slog) [ae aged SH]. + D> «+ * Femme SS Ho So el - 1. Cinema. 2. World. 3. Name. 4, Market, bazaar. Ned 15, What are you going to sit on? (= on what do you sit?) 16. How did you come as far as here? 17. | was at the school’ till 9 o'clock in the evening (= the hour of nine of night). 18. | will buy a little of butter from your father’s shop. 19. Come (and) sit near me. 20. | am much shorter than your elder brother. ¥4 nd wy jay dhe (cied) «003k hS 99 Sly whey - (gy) dat QS dob ad. (2) SF te ly i — KS (ce F) eal pate ghS ght Gand ny cone (gran) 92 Qh plas 4 he sles «sil . (ceed) GS vabeedl ghyet olStile cei — oe (genes) Wo 9 13 la al - < we oa ake eo eae) FA ed wg gsi 1. Where will you be (= are you) tomorrow evening? 2. When will he come to our house? 3. When will they be here? 4, When are you (sing.) at home? 5. My cat sits under the table. 6. When did you come from France ? 7. When will (= does) she come from England? 8. When do you go shopping®? 9. Where do you sit? Near the apple tree or far from it? 10. What does your friend buy? Chicken or fish or turkey? 11. My wife bought 3 kiloes of potato and one kilo of veal. Potato was cheap but veal was very expensive. 12. Why is potato much cheaper than beef? 13. Why do they go to America‘ every year? 14. Why do you come late, and go early (= soon)? wi ot ae ¥ Sl oy al Z peed te pod col Gt ad ye Lipide ai gd a Cole GF Gut Lob oy] sa ce NASI Sle sles 5 Liu 5! Say Sle gle 5] Scud [Leigh] bel cpm Lueleis! sie & ab] Trig] psi Caen 99 ‘Sue sul ao Le Ale] aed Als “si5l gaan Ble 9 Le Lalys] ated 5 YL lil clade Seed GS GL > Seal ALE ee wo3h Cole Gb Le [Slo te o23h Cele Sib Le] 1. This infinitive, which is actually an imaginary one, has rather the meaning of ‘to exist’, ‘there is’, etc. and is never used in its own right. _2. This form, being the only exception to rule(seep. 97), is the present stem of the verb ‘to be’ and is equivalent to the 3rd. person singular. 3. This form is only used in the 3rd. person singular. 4,5,6.A sumame. aig ge] nti gs Save Losll af Ly] yay ateew ‘Slje, ost ge] tent ge LS Let Upsets] patties GIS CS Gl 25 Le eset] sete OF Sg of Stet] tetin ce Sag i Le Lehto] shat ge ope 5l yy9 [UH] gl Aap gs [See pS SE 9S chan Cpl 599 datas Laat | > Tost 1, Amale name. Va ellagt SUE a Gated gp [45 5 ples cated ye] Sage BS 43 Gale LS 5 [Sassy LaS y ole Le GH] Lake] alee Kasls a 5ay a quali ak! sprtlest ben! ay ole a Spclige baal a ol Le Le Lbesl le ole a i] Lewle] alle be yt 4 cia a Le alge Met ce cote Cole Ios Yl Lagte ole Gee Cote Cok boi bil] pretie dame onl go 1. Persian orthography does not permit of two vowels coming together without a separating consonant. Thus when a suffix beginning with a vowel is to be added to a word ending in a vowel, or & prefix ending in a vowel has to be placed before a word beginning with a vowel, itis necessary to insert a y or a hamze (glottal stop). In certain cases, however, some other Consonants are also used. This spelling is in general reflected in pronunciation. So, instead of miéam we write and pronounce miydyam. 40 nd Ags IS 5 ye gich F424 feof Fo wi ot ons ts Pt aac 3 Ld ASL Sa 2 ot SEAMS cots HIS II Gy AS Ge ok JF page SiG, gah Se dle J geal yay [eta Soy gall 4 Sle gatil pu] mF ot 994 Keb cbinalt 3) fate Shine 3 Ue AS Gy Obs 3 SES BEG ee bi Ls “Lon At 6p goths Se S BB 4 He bg Le] BB et Fal oye oliaali hes >» pay Logie an ogee Osu Yaad p> 2p] Slope] We pat ogee Slant aad 52 po» > 1.Amalename, 2. Acolloquial word for » meaning in, into”. 3. Note that the present tense is usually used for future in colloquial style. \.¥ ¥ oe Present indicative Goel Je \ silelJe— iv ‘ant +d atu om present stem = jee Leoetl pe (I) go. Lol Gow (you) go. Lope] s3 5.5 (he, she) goes. [eae] sre (we) go. Lone] toe lee] 2-4 5 4t-—u (you) go. Lol oo elo =] 24 4a (they) go. pitt srt ati 224 H+—0 motte AY 1. The present stem is usually derived from the past stem by making some changes. But there are some cases in which the present stem is completely different from the past stem. However, to the present stem the prefix mi — and the conjugational endings are added, and this gives the Present tense. The present of budan ‘to be’ and dashtan ‘to have’, however, do not take the Prefix mi. However, from now onwards the infinitive and the present stem of the verbs will be given. vce 27. To them. 28. To you. 29. To him. 30. Tous. 31. To you (sing.). 32. From me (= from I) to you. 33. From us to them. 34. From you to my brother. 35. Since last night. 36. From ten to twelve 37. From 5 o'clock ( = hour of five) to 11 o'clock. 38. From the house to the store. 39. Sooner or later (= late or soon). 40.{All of them were (at) home] 41.1 sat on the chair near him (= near of him). 1. You sat. 2.1 sat. 3. He was. 4, [They were.] 5. [(they) bought.} 6. [We came.] 7. She went. 8. He came. 9. You (sing.) bought. 10. 1came. 11. You were here. 12. (you) sat. 13, He sat. 14. We went. 15. We were. Fs PA gt gw yl a, 16. They were. 17. You bought. 18. (we) sat. 19. [They sat on the chairs.) 20.1 bought a water-meton, 21. They came from Tabriz’. 22. | was at home. 23. Her father bought a small house last year. 24. My sister went to Kerman this morning. 25. It is a long way from Gilan? to Ahvaz* (= from Gilan to Ahvaz is a long way.) 26. To me (= tol.) 1. Acity in the north of Iran, 2.Anorthern province in iran. 3. Acityin the south of Iran. Yd pAeS ISS yoy gate Pee tabs J) dere gS au 5929 wy & glad 3! ti S CS LS yo ere 59 led wd Ale de 9 & 4 99 pat 59 y2 3! per Glule S03 Glial jl oS ere jay! Lape se ay ge Surg sled HI pt WS & ess pll Towa] ary WS Sab cole [el ee Sans isl gf BE a a CELL Cots gl el byl Chay wy gens gate wl $32 2 fay bel Syd Leal & US Saad yo [> Lpdesl yo aid gt LB at] Simple past tense ool and a) y vole ans Ng fo ali p atl Sey (1) went. ro aps ypess I went. ‘3, uo (you, sing.) went. dye GF — $5) You went. ws ¥ (he / she) went. e335 He, she went. e535 yl (we) went. pay a pe — $d) We went. pods lu (you) went. Logi] asd) — [lH —] 2 pes, You went. loedo] as) Ue) (they) went [yi] ass) lo 2] w s4cs5 They went. [oo] a5) [optl] gles! They went. [oi] aki, (by!) \gl 1. The verb in Farsi is conjugated, i.e. each person of the verb has @ particular ending except the 3rd. person singular in imple past, which has no ending. The conjugational ‘endings play the role of the subject, and they differ from the to-be suttixes (see p.67)in that they are peculiar to the verb only and have no special meaning. The former endings, on the other hand, can not be used with verbs, and imply the meaning of tobe. 2. The personal pronouns (s00 p.67) can be used with the personal endings to emphasize the subject. 6. Mordad is the warmest month of the summer. 7. The best breakfast is egg and butter. 8. [They have thirteen Rials more than you (sing.)] 9. Sepah store is the biggest store in (= of) your city. 10. He went earlier than everybody (= all). Infinitive \ uae A o vos ae aetdS Slow —— gt yee 0) past stem (He / she) bought. & > +—— g2— ob > (He / she) went. os) —— of2— os (He / she) came. wal —— oul (He / she) was. oy +— ot— Oy (He / she) sat. Col — jt~— fet 1. The Infinitive of verbs ends in — an. When the — an is taken off the infinitive the remainder will be the Past stem (see also p. 106)! The past stem is equivalent to the 3rd. person singular of the simple past tense. 2. The sign(—) means minus. _ 3. The verbs in Farsi have two stems or roots: past and present. All tenses are derived from these two stems. [as gaS] cual plas ys ales Which is the most beautiful of the flowers? Ifa] ada Lt FL Gls So gy Sis lel {cpe] Cale Be Sap jhe op ASarh “Lory (yg =) ples Reza’s shop is the nearest one (= shop) to our alley. [ta Jl Sx, ott Whose is the geatest money? 7 i ee Dale ale ae ae] cod oye (B51 BE Sb Sob ce! Lest] cungl gle gy Shi al Won Put into Farsi and repeat: det IS 9 deme gs el a 1. Banana is much more expensive than cucumber. 2. 4 kiloes (of) water-melon is cheaper than 6 kiloes (of) melon. 3. Winter is much colder than automn. 4. Spring is a little cooler than summer. 5. (Your food is much more delicious than mine.) 1. Amale name. F np Bags ISS 4 oy gts S55 ww Soy etl te S03 ole caus Ula gp SoS add gle Ferdowsi Square is the smallest of (all) squares in ( = of) Tehran. AS jg slylie yp SoS Yu! These are the smallest squares in Tehran. Non Ags ISS 4 deg gp Slee ak Cn Fae nls [abad] cond Jad oy fa S obenglt Lal gi] Cuil gi MKtils os ynnatils ‘nde, Re [ata] Coed ope poy ons on He Let gal 2 [Be] code aad cx sited abe! 1. khub “good” has two superlative forms, i.e. khubtarin and behtarin. The latter is much more common. ¥ by Superlative adjective ¢y2. p an ce AF Voge. 4 “3 Ren Hho — ny — + he Ale —— os + ole 2A tile 3 osles bon nals W5 ntl 1. The Superlative is formed by adding ~tarin to the adjective. The superlative adjective always precedes the noun. fol bcd Be eal = tol bool ie oo! [soot & ofa cell [50 ZS SF Ja] al JL ce Jl fend ASS Jn “eat Gol 6 IT Lo salsa] canal S310 ol [p55] plas yl Lolwill Loge) cued Zp alle say! wend MS Ct S 5! ALS athe S OHS aly!» [Se $] cod MLS CoS 3h B31 EY Lae fi] cud BA 3 Zhdl ale La Mal] Cad OMB GhLS IAL S Wy loxleTobls + hy 095 5 all b gl Fy. Ql Le85 f595 5 odagl bt Spo Lol] cml Foe hd te tal Lofts bd tle Ctl wl ual 31 ite gly sae Si Legis dal 31 fabs gage age 5S] Lo5g8] Cael 554 hS 99 31 Flat hd s0lS LS mu ] vv ne Put into Farsi: tw gs gurl ay 1. My pretty and good girl. 2. Where are their children? 3. Where was your friend last night? 4. His foot is under the table. 5. Her eleven oranges are on the table. 6. [Our young son is (at) home.]} 7. My sister's right ear. 8. Her husband's blue clothes. 9. Their old father’s left eye. 10. The old door and window of our room. Nasser himself the brothers themselves my father himself my father himself I myself we ourselves you yourselves You yourself go! they themselves My son himself came. She herself went. She herself went. They are themselves. They are themselves, The sisters themselves went. BaF NSS 9 oy gts pel oe bly ae fou ae ADS poy pe oF dlod L bss Le Ip a F altos Ul dal G13 9b Ge pe wed) 9) o> 1b) 23,5 | what ols rea \gl Lge pte byl wb glits,> baal av self 1 AY Neel | Sle geek 29% e , myself ot og = pa — poteeX yourself gop = V—[ OS] OF 4.H hersett/himself gl aye = (dye ——[ Gi =] 42% ourselves be oe = ploy —loysl obs poe yourselves Lt 24% = glo —[ oss] ob 40% themselves [ysl / gli! o > = gle, —[opirlole— p24 1. For further emphasis : theword khod'self may beusedwitheitherthesutfixed of the pronouns. It may also be used with a qualifying noun. YO ens YS ISS yy git obalgnd poe [ost] oy okey yl) cial loptyly] ley, dk guile Fa! ‘able gortil ol & pebed ade cond (el glad tad (gle =) gly lags 5 aS sll lone] [Ys y Ges GLAS] ola Loy] 1. When the noun is accompanied by some other elements such as nouns, adjectives, etc. the Pronoun joins the last part of the structure. ¥ ee Suffixed Possessive Pronouns romper) yore is pen? NA My book ot ols = pS pls Your(sing)book yf WLS = [S ] o a4 UN His/herbook gl WES = [Lt —] FA Ol Our book L ols = lox 2] AY = +5 Your book lat pls = log | ol a+ols Theirbook {lal OLS = [ont a] ol > 4 O18 1. The possessive case can also be expressed by the possessive pronouns as the above. It, however, we wish to emphasize the fact of ownership of something the second structure Is more frequently used. When the preceding word ends with, 4, 0, u/a/y/intervenes between the two vowels in the written form.e.g.—»muyam. But in the spoken form the first vowel of the suffix drops, ©. 9. mu + at —»mut. And when the preceding word ends in ¢, the @ changes into # together with the omission of the initial vowel of the suffix , e. g. khune + emun—+ khunamun. But this happens only in the spoken form. va Put into Farsi and repeat: rahe ISS y dene gh gue gb ay 1. This Is mine, but where is yqurs? 2. That big house is still theirs. 3. What is hers? 4. This book was yours (sing.) yesterday, but is his now. 5. This country is always ours. 6. All good things belong to your city. 7. These yellow peaches belong to Ali’s garden. 8. That blue dress is Iran's. 9. Mine is yours, and hers is the children’s. 10. Whose are these very light shoes? 11. Whose tea is this? 12, Whose sister is Sima? 13. These children are ours? 14. That black chair is hers. FoaaS Sle pdf (is =) 248 ol [S45 Jl ab S48 sll Cale Cayo Sle EF Coula [ple cago Sle io col] calent ple guy Eb Se cred seg of Those sweet fruits belong to the garden of your wife's father. Lots! GUT Sle eased GUlswe gpl mine yours (sing.) his, hers ours yours theirs whose? Ali's YY ona eS NS 9 vty yi Jl Ne g Ju Lush] al Ju be Jl lat Jl Lostal] ole! [gl] Ust Jl 1S Jl ve Ju sol oe Sle gpl [ace le gpl emg Jl get gle al Lost Sle cere gale asl] seme Jo Sy abi gpl Laigh Je pd 9 oF wll 1.the Property of me. 17. Esfahan is a beautiful big city. 18. Milk is white but coffee is brown. 19. Who are those thin women? 20. Those fat men were here yesterday. 21. (the) small garden. 22. (the) wails of my friend's big garden. 23. The yellow cherries are very small (= tiny). 24, These sixteen peach trees (= the trees of peach). 25. (the) weather (=air) of Tabriz city (=city of Tabriz) is always cold. 26. Her sister's blue dress is still new, but your (sing.) wife's red dress is old. 27. Twelve students and seventeen university students. 28. This is a pear tree and that is an orange tree. 29. There is a white horse under the tree (= a white horse is under the tree). 30. Those five books are on the table, and that heavy clock is on the wall. 31. A black and white cat is on the tree. 32. Your left hand is on my right eye. 33. The colour of the hair of their son's teacher is red (= the colour of the hair of the teacher of the son of they). YY ce se Translate into Farsi: eS dae Pte. yu 4 1. His wife. 2. Her husband. 3. My friends 4. Your (sing.) eyes. 5. Your students. 6. Our professor. 7. Your teacher's name. 8. My right hand. 9. His wife's left eye (= the left eye of his wife). 10. Mutton (= the meat of sheep). 11. The brown dress of Babak’s teacher. 12. My son's tea. 13. The university of Tehran is very big. 14. That green tangerine is unripe. 15. Your fifteen cherries are all red. 16. Donkeys are good animals (= donkey is a good animal). we [345 Gaol veal (= the meat of calf) dla S Cus beef (= the meat fo cow) NH ot f red colour (= the colour of red) t. pe SS [aa] Cdln oe sal» Cue gt KS under the table (= under of table) wep on the paper (= on top of paper) JEls S39 mother’s hand (= the hand of mother) my two feet (= the two feet of me) your friend's pear Miss / Mrs. Hassani Mr. Shakeri the country of Iran whose horse? 1. Turkey. 2. Acity in the south of iran. 3. Afemale name. 4. Amale name. Yor Genetive ‘sslal A aaaed | pail 47 bb ml pronoun father's eye oh oe his ear gl Ww”. rs your eyebrow lat gol Hassan’s house oe (gale =) ab 1. The genetive is tormed by adding an -e (or -ye when the word ends in a vowel other than /) to the end of the governing noun, which preceeds the governed word. This -@ is similar in function tothe English ‘of’ and «'s». 2. 5 (- ye) Ie added to the noun when it ends in a vowel. vA Write into Farsi: 1. (it) is pretty. 2. 1am still young. 3. (it) is bad. 4. These clothes’ are clean. 5. That old woman is still beautiful. 6. (a) dirty dress” is very bad. 7. Where are (you)? 8. How is he? 9. [How is (it)? ] 10. Which city? 11. [Which student is here?] 12, Who is ugly? 13. What is this? Ye os eg gud & 14. [What is that?) 15. The fruits are all unripe. 16. [Where am | now?] 17. [This old tree is still green.) 18. [The old shoes*are here.) 19. Where is the wise old man? 20. We are all well. 21. [You (sing.) are thirsty, not hungry.) 22. [it (=the air) is cool today, not cold.) 23. [You are still a little (too) fat.) 24. Where is he now? 25. She was here (for) eight weeks. (hey she, it) is well. (heyshe;it) is well. He/she is well. He/she;it is well. (we) are well. We are well. (you) are well. (you) are well. You are well. (they) are well. They are well. They are well. They are well. oa cg a (Cul =) oe Zp OS [ase — +08] cand go! [ae os — + oF ol] psa pp mae |e we —e— 4 oe lone — 2 — +93] Lom gt] ty g& Lett Wee st 4 os ie ole! lens — bo 24 Ve Opll Loge byl] We are. pale — ep—t L You are. syles <_ a — + ls You are. Toplet ~_ ot Ws] They are. slate ew oll [pel — 6 + oll They are. aclgl — 4 a + igi They are. [obs —— gy — + bl] ¥4 oe wae NSS yy gist () am well. re pot ee lam well. ee o (you) are well. oe —ocot+ eye You are well. oe i 1. The Personal Pronouns can be used with their corresponding sutfixes to emphasize the subject. «to-be» Endings (Q)>_) ge yore) A ‘ , - f(-- wo am r? b—-+— » are you (sing.) [a] comes] ol is he/she/it he/she nb are we len —] & — > Lets are you Lo 2] 6 Ze [eal] Ugl Loyal] ole are they/ those they VA od tAgS 31 SS 9 2 yints lam. e— rot o You (sing) are. pee ee a Hel she is. cough (cel =) cw pl He/ she/ it is. [4s) — > + ool] 1. You have noticed that ‘(he, she, it) Is’ is expressed by the addition of "- e/- st’ to the words, other than the verbs. The rest of the series, e. 9. (I) am, (you) are, etc. can be expressed in the same way but by different suffixes asthe above. 2. The scond person singular is only used in speaking to the inferior, intimate friends, or members of the family. ow fourteen [03 jl] 0a lg fifteen [oajiy} dpb sixteen [edz yb] od zl seventeen [od a] vain eighteen [03 5m] ey nineteen 333 twenty Lapa] Coy still, yet 5p below, underneath 2 top, surface 32 bitter right colour blue brown animal ass, donkey city country eleven twelve thirteen SS tm nd wl te Lose] ole evi 3 butter yoghurt date (palm) fruit cherry pear peach orange tangerine garden tree unripe condition ( of health), present fat thin fight heavy salty friend wife husband student, pupil university student elementary school secondary school university tea cube sugar sugar milk coffee bread cheese head hair eyebrow eye lip face ear hand foot, leg skin o> \ oy gy Syn dal S 33 ol es te alk iw 5h Soy oh 00 ail ph See S30 wtp da jon shee onl 10 tp (ph Wy Sl =) pL Sl sp y - . Sede cele iy -Y fe ao vag 9 Cab "bia Ps) [dastLe w 1.to0, also. 2. Whatisthetime? —3.eleven, 4. bye bye, good bye. gN WY ond eS NSS 9 oh gents Y ayy, phe]: poli a pet onan Sys 10 jal pol ~t ¢ yw ws 4 tote fa gd ope sly 23 OF wab5 iw Soy oar Ia jane 0 OR es er ~ Saige BG S vase GES ol 1d eae . ou wo) 4 Sa ld ody eel Jane Lol te 1. A male name. 2. hello, 3. A female name, 4. a little, 5. not much. 6. very, much. 7.90.8 but, YF nw Make sentences: td jlay alos weml best aS cole sd scold Fe gpl hiss Soy 6 aldo Na Caud Wolo Body Sevag cal. 126 Gee Ae dO) . y Sy orld c fay calye egal « pile 0 DIR coed os Gh PF tad ch ca gS OY why 6 5 a types clea A cat Cale gly GS A deal cop spt d econ de 1. Sit down. $6 + eel + ‘ae v wnatmoney? Sly Ae — 6 + Jy + a What book? f glS am +— 6 + GIS + am YO nw PAS ISS yy gt What day? §S390 What a day: NS5a9 > What old book? Seslags lS a What an old book! VeglargS DLS a What papers? [i QGEWS ae] Seg lalb lS ae What papers! [beg ldzIS ae] What black pens? [Spal otal a>] Sal sel a> 2 “y 4 What person is there? [SU nles gl od a>] Scales! os > What person was here yesterday? Soy lw! jan? os > What pretty things are here! I onulous as gop a 1. Is only @ question word when it is stressed. In this case, the structure has no implication of surprise. 2. ka = person how.....! {we ae t{ Ze} nen howbad(itis)! 1.) am yop how sour it ist tas roars mers $e YF on AES NSS 9 dy gints How nicel $e a> How beatiful itis! Vomuby 5 do How nice itis! Lay gd Cone How nice itis! fay go dm How bad itis! Youd da How fast she went! feos’, ad ane How slowly he, she, it came! [taeyl Gil ye de] feo pe dm tat FRE Ca ol 2 4 oe Uy det Ce ye oy oa] tS Coe Iya Maes y ha ae Ol oy! N tee Surprise Wont gf What a... istoml+{ %} *¥_\ Whatanight! Ioget deg tC we Whatanight! {gah nee Gt G4 Cae BAgS NG y dy git What a day! S599 a> What a day! NS399 ee Whata nice day! Ln j39 & How nice! What a nice day! Nn 599 ne a How nice! What a beautiful clean house! {la ils =)G ae aa What an old and ugly window! Hs =) glangS 5 Cah pl What a cold night itis! Mas pe] Come po Gad GRE Legge pla ae What houses! {lass a What sweet lemons! Vet sla ged ae 1. Surprise Is expressed by the word che ‘what’ before nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and an-! after them. When the surprise is great and intensive, the word ajab ‘wonder’ is used. YY ns Fd gy de ginty 1 gla 29 (SI Sonn wade Goel wed dai [gel gpl ek OF jeer olga canal oo 293 238i Wolo ole pe, he n ~ ol 2919 jes SoS by 99 alge pb onl Those old women went slowly. ais aceal po sled al seul ofr Igo Aten Lal Satbed ba sd clas al [Sangh gS aad oy gull oy hse od sod Sh (yg =) bya Soe lg =) BE \ th, 2 ae abig house o% CF ie bad things. 4 bbs gt Aw cs sles some big houses. 2 gla & % which beautiful girl? tle pe lp 35] plas as 4 2 which bighouses? §5.)% [yglea se] sla [p58] plas these two closed windows. day (os =) ye ~ wn! .e aa A & - that pretty white cat. 55 nae 4 F oI & 7 7 . this old and dirty door. aS 9 GS ? a! 1 The indefinite sutfix ~ i is attached to the adjective. 2. Plural nouns always take singular adjectives. 3. Adjectives can follow each other by either ~ @ joined to the preceding one or va, o “and” between the two. ‘che 5 pul o adjective noun cin {Zhe 4 ’ 9% , the hungry man. ae 4 aS pt oy good weather. cod sla oe + 5 + |e WN od wbiS NSS 9 Ay gins ya peo dle on 1. The adjective usually follows the noun. itis joined to the qualified noun by an - e(or— ye when the word ends in a vowel other than /) to the end of the noun. Aw ¥ te Ye ops ihe ge gu gli & 1, The door was closed. 2. Adoor was shut. 3. All doors were closed, 4. All these doors were closed. 5. Some doors were shut. 6. Aman was here yesterday. 7. All men were always there. 8. Some men were here the day before yesterday. 9. All children came. 10. Those three ladies went the day before yesterday and came (back) yesterday. 11. When did that boy come here? or some books. the things. some things. Everybody (= all) went. All of them went. all the night. all the night. all nights. all nights. [ahlS 4] baie Lelie 4] (ae ge =) Oy ol yy cid gl lay bey Losey!) wad bade Lo gl] ol [g3by] B55 ane Aly Ul (ys =) ad with) Lady glad cet pl gust ah Lat pls Loaegl] aia hd ae ee ce! 7 4 When did these ladies come here? Sie! lan! SS Ys cpl oN plural singular gor — [abn + 3 men oy —— lb 4+ 0» horses ed bb I horses [hel a eae] N94 ond tae ISS y gts those, they. [bh] gi the fathers. [yy] eye some fathers. (5 =) elboy some fathers. [elo] the books. [LES] Yb some books. [ab’S] ells NA ond rae ISS 9g sinks [oe] canbe! laf oy esl al Lay begl gel al dan! ul BES Sapo [Leen! aagl lle 4. 5522] IL ebes sl] Coles ates Ke [a] SS wel 5g) Cate ats be595 ci ache 4] oy Sb 63 boy 319 Go 4] Se [xe 4] lone 4] 1. The verb usually comes at the end of the sentence. ra Wi 3 a3 pro ¥ Indefinite definite sS— Sie Yale Gb 4 am aman Gps top aman pla) Koos + [Al & aman ga [4] Se— 5 pret [4] 1. The definite is usually without any symbol. _2. The indefinite is expressed in three ways:a) by adding an — / to the end of the noun; b) by putting the word yek “one, a” before the definite noun; ¢) by using both yek and - j, The latter 18 the most common spoken form. the day before yesterday slowly, gently slowly, gently fast, quick, quickly all all of allof always, all the time when? which? how? again (he, she, it) was. (they) were. (he, she, it) went. (they) went. (he, she, it) came. (they ) came. ue ps8] plas Sash wkd on Loo») Say os) [e335] 3555 [sgl] acl [oad g!] 07 lemon thing door window wall open closed, shut water weather, air horse dog cat week month, moon minute second tomorrow the day after tomorrow new big, large, great small tiny, very small cold cool warm hot thirsty hungry white black yellow green sweet sour apple grape fA 3 Soy [Sz 51 SoS 5) good, nice, well bad beautiful pretty, nice, beautiful ugly, nasty clean, tidy dirty old old wise young, youth Fu ed wee Fbo by pu gle ty Zs ° SelaS Catal pal wore! al hs ~~ © . | TERE Bote LS gay aw y Ale 39 o9! VE oll Ve fo ae y 85 yo vol tyes & & Has Nader (any) children? Selo doy pu wozlo doy a gl ca tg a G Xe Is that child (a) boy or (a) girl? $ >> Ls pw ou gl & +0 p> doy too 4 . SobS ja pl uy wb ayl ide [od 6b troy aged y caf WY at Dialogue eS NSS 9 by gts Sage o!] toe tals & ol gna Sam ogl ight wo & dol HHI $45 Ul yy < vagal Ai gy! oo SeiSl Sends SUT gl y LE el ot 3 aly ito & , Has Jaleh (any) daughter? Seylo peo Jy € velo pd a oh eth toon Soles baal igo ailgieol Leal toe ay Sam Leigh syle vada Ghent y jee Led gliqnay Sybsyl S ile ¥Y ¥N 17. Where is she now? 18. Come here tonight. 19. Go home now. 20. Itis four o'clock. 21. Jaleh has three watches. VF cad Write in Farsi and repeat : rAeS GIS y dew gs geld ay 1. Who is that man? 2. This lady has three children. 3. Where is she today? 4. He is there tonight. 5. There are six books and eight notebooks here. 6. Where are those nine men and ten women? 7. That gentleman has five brothers and one sister. 8.Who are this man and that woman? 9. This house has four rooms. 10. Those two tables and ten chairs are there. 11. Has Ali (any) son? 12. Yes, he has two sons. 13. This man is Ali and that lady is Parvin. 14. Who are these six women? 15. Where is Nader? 16. He is here. Jaleh is there. ow bul aly is there Jaleh [bes sl 5] is Jaleh there? Scull als [oles gh] cue eal gh ak is there she yes What is that? Scent ol [fae ool] Who is this woman? Scum 5) cpl Od [845 05 cn!] wa That is a chair. He is a gentleman. Ali is here. Where is he? vu (Jars Kol [addins 4 sl] is chair a that (Col = cul S I ‘i Lal a oat (yl) is gentleman a he coal ale Se gl Tod ge 4 oll is house a_ that [uw] Corlns! gle is here Ali Ty] cS 3 is where he 1. u*(8) is sutfixed to words ending in a vowel. 2. when the final vowel of the word is @, it changes into the vowel @ and then takes u~ (8). Y Part II 10 ns BAS NSS 9 oy gis Jv This is. cowl gpl Is this ‘ell is this This is a table. weal pr Se gpl is table a_ this [oye 4 oll is table a __ this 1. 0 / 4 (e) Is suffixed to words ending in a consonant or the vowel i. uw write in Farsi and repeat ; 1. That room 2. This book 3. This father 4, That mother 5. This child 6. That sister 7. That brother 8. This clock 9. This lady and this gentleman 10. Man and woman 11. That man and this woman 12. Three chairs 13. One chair Vein 2AeS NSS 5 emg gue ls 14. Seven books and eight pens 15. One book and one pen 16. These two children 17. Those nine tables 18. This table and those ten pencils 19. Father and son 20. This mother and daughter 21. That sister and brother 22. Five brothers and four sisters 23. One day and night 24, That one room 25. Those ten rooms 26. Eight hours dhe dew [od 4g] tS [ot ia] Gas ce these two men oy 2 ol [obs daw ol] Sle daw ol day and night om) 3399 eet De] US 9 jy me cet alee 9 590 A ol ee dw yl 5 ~, » yl bal [leaal] bel 95 STA] Come onl (it) is seven o'clock . [aaa] ioral cab ccl what is? S fase] (Cael ge =) Come who? tS who is? [aS] (col Ss =) One WW oe 2A WSS 5 du gine A this man oF onl 0 ol ol [4 ge gl] ale gl ae oi ol one man [oy 4] oy Qe ‘Sn RB A 03 [alae ag] ole Sy 1 ~ The noun following the cardinal numbers must be in the singular form. For the other categories of the numbers, see book 2. house, home house room hour, watch, clock, time a female name afemale name amale name amale name (he, she) has is are come go now and yes what? what? [45] ab eylo] oblo [ol A =) le | ced el fo 2 glad] ada i wo S five e six [okt] oe seven [uae Ce eight [oth] cut , nine 4 ten 0 man 3 i woman a5 sir, gentleman a} madam, lady pe father oy mother pola son, boy ~, 2? daughter, girl pm \ - o- child (a> Can ) au sister (ab =) Ale brother aly 1—The sign « w » above a letter indicates a prolonged articulation of the sound Involved. year today tonight this year yesterday jast night last year table chair book notebook paper pen pencil one, a three four Ye \ Ue Part Vocabulary Isls that, It ‘oal] al this ol he, she Losl] 5! place & there [bul] bul here wl where? iS day 339 night a 1 - Many words and sentences have a spoken form rather different from their written form. From now on you will see the spoken form in [ }. ane pi lane dts lS ; wt at ne see ils k s si S S aw fo |e Fi § ey \ Joqulg J ro WW ihe i a oy n o Fly J ne) v 4 39/5 Y b h jot elo ys ie y ‘Ss 2/ og 2 | ot || fF ee CF RYe « «|s wi Stil oz Te —MN A dls Jis Nano Jails ch kh Ugh goeen Consonants Nano phir Ls tle JSs Y 4 cs : oe 3 e 3 t > gf tw > ce > ° 3 3 wo Sl os Persian Alphabetic Order laS1, Vowels lane pli Nowe ails Name of sound | Pronunciation of the sound oS 5 e oe ao 6 ytitel ° sly ow is ¢ lane (hs ules Written symbol of the sound angie JRs Hand-written form uty Ra printing form — 4 we gl we a! (Sicwoecne write in persian letters ; wa dreamy beautiful predicate yellow guarantee holidy measure movement stupidity W ona . 2 ’ Tana st gusld iy > b hospital saucepan zigzag utterance butcher shamelessly invisable agreculture large vivid gentleman Prospect W ots write in Persianietters ; tenes gp (gd Gy> u difficult sakht tonight emshab sweet Shirin last night — dishab desert biabén hungry gorosne son, boy pesar again dobére daughter, girl dokhtar window panjere man mard pretty ghashang house khéne cool khonak book ketéb small kuchak big, great bozorg slowly &heste here injé always hamishe there anjé mother médar today emruz pencil medéd yesterday diruz light rowshan ruffled zhulide glasses eynak judge correct, true no good young preaching occasion, time descriptions new-born child box festival otutltd tet ett ptitstetty wtsté wtltyttte s+F+rtEetsette Etatdtstp Mtl ced yl stltst potty G+stotut tt rt2Ttre V6 as rag gt o5ly SO guy toy otl+ ted you le ptt complaint See tle Soy lane, alley > +EtsIt+ JS aoe otlt+eslsote help, aid Sy, 24 prety dirty Seep eye ye TS lamp Et!++>+e@ _ r+ls See flower J+ : 4S a walking Utstoty teed Ch, as in cheese é a rusnroom 75 Ls-—teipees—p Ley tig poe here Le ; now! Ee Cee rare! eo screw, twist at asin a Js | ey, asin pay ss 4— 2! Kh, 28 in scotish word «loch» é —9> FS animal wy lene tet, square (6! neg portico oly! mean, humble /! | a thorn je cane, reed ow . ‘ ‘ i wane pail nai oC relative — Ss ploughshare uw soaked oe much, alot gs hole éebom we Sons pags s1 SS 9 oy sints |, as in «sheep» tS 2 al LL eee tray dit milk, Hon, tap poe this wy! ee we _jb one Wy 7 4 [ot a objection pf’ tn etont | aeaw aw trom YT J, 88 In «jet» z = sock, stocking wv! Pocket — ete — — ——-- LL Ww oe Ow, asin «no» ot +! _ - - times worry ra _ oll, grease ws e ——statectatarn_ 6 Lie «| far away 3p>- cycle, turn zt coneutation gat > ° _vine J ooo gt __ Kasin«cakes SS —= SS = aut gy S98 ound up LS 2 work, job y is = _vnwos SS a blind Ss gy) star_ HLS vom 0S, paper sale thunderbolt StG+sterliw wise mHtete inheritance S+7+Sele tots peace, compromise @ + J+ a + UP wealth Sette tyt—+o Vion Write as one word: raw ge oily Soy pas Jt+stetli any Jt+#+—+u offspring, result Stytstprsre comangstety a fp pS ET ES cough S++ tte Profesor, master selected! wines >¢soteelays pious foundation 3 + G +—o+ J object of verb J+ts+etairAtep mice leet tute ninteen ot—+> 4+ 57 ++ - furniture o£ Li'| - * spiritual reward Guat I be nef Ja ols i U, asin «pool» 3 3 Yu rl bill 4 le Fann rags SIS 9 vgs returning —to+leey—il point 1 + pte +— 4 particle =—+ty)+)+—+4+53 auantiy ytltotgt+stp on Write 88 one word: teeny gp oly Se Sy guy hot water with sugar Etl+et¢utatd wigurbow otltotu+H4d moe tlt otutltp+#+otp ooponed (d=d49) oto4+ S47 discipline pti¢+ bys ray good order p+ bitty prison otlto tuts disturbance of mind wile tothe ee! dragon lym p— ary cyl cheap otlsy4, 4S AN gh, more or less similar to the French «rs in «rue» pe ee -9 Exercise 4 ¥ np Listen and repeat : de WS 3 bg ~ 7 so? Aq : L 7 7 e ~ 7 & 7 E wie On harm yt+leyse! tongue, language Y +! + —_ + a + J ptltzeesl violent throw a Exercise 3 vod Write as one word : tds 05ly Re Sy pon yrototlet + etty pratt, +t wise ley tl +o ignorant Y + | + > + | + Y >+2¢, tl +erottty beoaliun Hts tro gle shining Y + | + ~ + | + = barren | + y + \ + Ww ran otle,glae free > + J + J + | cg 3 Qq_— ain DD yallow > bad. rect ola (othe it >} next he — loss, harm 7a habit 29 panna d/1> tae 2,T_ mata, 5,4 Exercise 2 Yn Listen and repeat : des ISS 9 asics \ a Z wold of.from_* bom secret L S- C oven. Ly mans wh with foot L L L L Fas in «rara» but slightly rolled soo ltt T naa _ly stare eT 1. Hamze, made » fight cough. by the, sudden opening of the larynx. This sound is rather similar to a Lesson One gr still 3 blag Persian Sounds and Alphabet Exercise 1 \ ew Listen and repeat : red LSS 9 wy Ul A, as in «care | | -b, asin «baby» t | 2 | tac anf] ete wa iS Sate oa pe Sa 5 ality Su gS patter 4 5] Kaa go pall, 9 NO SSS SLL 39.095 lial gees te Sylab 3 cs. Ne 5 aged NS aah oa og deed sylgh3 daisy 9 ol dey at ee eal lel 5 yj) Wal sggt ha ceed at 9 pati gS pil Mb als So Sle al gps Ll VF PL re 9 Syeda 5 Kati S iT cyanide 825 lee Glas gees 9 0451 I a 5 salina Isler ayla Leadined Atlases gl pling toa gS al a gede Caer 22 20S gt deste bl Sais Sin pi Salas Gb jl aslo ge lS Gal bls) 2 5 Ly ge OK 2S NG eg ay Ge slyly yp Gag. wayha Ch Sead Cod gpl 39 Ly al F rar ol chit» Soy las SI aly Lipo bag 5 8 Sah Ob 5 ak 9h ob 55 plo ln o pt ede eS ceatal pobn sa oily 945 sli 9 Lane Saal aS 9h Sob al ply cael 6 UdS b slags orf elegy Gere atsS sat a Olalstl ota S ger pla Lig ab Lee 5 los Jp dS A TI SiS j1aS gs cud aly lad! 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Ad... tr F wy eneenee tS yA ya shee 53 fad cle cocci Qa gaya che yeu d vesveesees Qanae De ye Gly 2 jhe Calne lis Sy oF ccseeeeeeepealt Gone | 4 PN cesses GAB] ale + Cone | ae PLY : (Sse) perl + ae cee Dy g CaS ow? 21 MO2 gy GAB gay A (29 y0 GG pos lb pared ples dlacral Lal cceegge Da OSI Vs vo Ranges SLs BLO pean) we ge VY dyed y of btn cw 63 Covseescesereecreeseecsseesressrseareesrecsrecereess GAS 31 Oa bitawdl 9 (gag 3 glial, y cece Gag? Voce eerie cgi Gla y alee VY eee eects titeestee titties ggg VW tees neering BL! y Valdes i oe) YVAN ccc eters e tOlee dbase A NTYY alias 10 yah AATAY 6 5-hgl gUaltepe CLES! Ob g a= apd lay HIE Slade 0549 gob 3b} 5 yl ISBN 964 - 439 - 073 - 3:(0, 59) 7 ISBN 964 - 439 - 074-1 «(\., ISBN 964 - 439 - 075 - X xY., 2 ISBN 964 - 439 - 076 - 8 «(r. ISBN 964 - 439 - 077 - 6 ISBN 964 - 439 - 078 - 4 Qe) Neb UAB lel ar tere . phen ole ma GIL Aha 9 Nee es dS - These hy oa? GURUS - Lb ON pe Bgl SI FGATENY PIR vara /lA Sale pat. Vorty Oly! ple GLE (Soe lla ogy LET N¥VO0 - FFT oe Gyno — OL ge FETED SUPE PYAN coil at BUSS (Shas 0.95) pau bi OL 5 B5 pT sls pl opad uday So ipo a TAT pale gle S98 js JboY es agst cpllall gue cL LAST bt APF ANTAL VEN (Ve) ald APY YTS YT _T (05.99) sca! LB gine hE lps ole ga sw 8 Gh5 Ui goT oe Lorde d 9° Jj! pts aut dyad allay iS colyg olRutsta atiw! SQ lal gay CLASS! AF

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