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Thank you for responding.

Facts do matter, and you missed them. In that, made the fates of me and so many others and our
children all the more difficult.
Please do a story about CEDAW- at least look it up and look at why countries that didn't ratify give
as reasons. You'll be surprised.
US never ratified international rights of the child. No where in family court law does the best
interest of the child include, health, safety and psychological well being.
And mothers cannot fight for their children's safety- because we don't have equal protection or
due process.
Do you know what it is like to fear for your life, to fear for your children's lives? It's very real and
very covered up. I hope you don't ever have the tragedy of that- and still continue five years later.
These women would not present well and look as crazy as they are depicted. PTSD is a blockade
to communication. What is the protocol for a mother whose children are with a violent offender?
Or worse with a violent abuser who everyone thinks as "a great guy." That's what all the people
around the DV perps that kill their wives and children say in interviews.
Mainstream media doesn't tell the truth because it is owned by very few people. Ask your
producer to do a story on Sunny Kelley, Dr. Laurie Handrahan, Marlene Debek, Maya Tsmoni,
Melonda Gary, Mildred Muhammad, Michelle Fenner, Jen Goodwin, Geerte Franken, Maria Bauer
Melinn, Susan Skipp, Suzan Thurman, Lori Thaner, Amy Jessina Jensen or Doreen Ludwig- she
has a book called "motherless America" that explains how these policies are funded. In 2006 her
children were taken from her. After fighting battles in court that left her impoverished, she decided
to make her hell into information. This is all a money game. That is why the US hasn't passed ERA
or Ratified CEDAW or international rights of the child. The billions in federal dollars abusers
access to further abuse their wives, ex-wives would stop. Access to abuse their children would
stop as well in many cases access to incest would stop. Billions of dollars would stop. How far
would you go to protect your children?
What would happen if women had equal rights? Not many cases like Sandra Rucki's, or stories of
the few women above whose tales, though all over the country are eerily the same. DV, child
abuse, federal funding mandates.
Victim and an abuser in an adversarial setting- victim loses. Victim and an abuser an adversarial
setting where funding is generated by abusing women and children more, you wins up with a few
million good loving mothers without their children and those innocent children who were only
born without the love, care and protection of their mothers.
Susan Skipp

On 07-May-2016, at 3:13 PM, Vargas, Elizabeth A. <> wrote:

Our story was thorough and fair. You need to do a better job researching the facts instead
of buying into cheap hysteria. Facts matter.

Please excuse typos... Sent from my iPhone

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