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Wilson 1

Kaci Wilson
Mrs. Pritchard
English II Block 6
8 January 2015
WRAP Preparation Outline

Prompt: A foundation has offered to give 10,000 grants for community projects or
charities. You have decided to apply for one of these grants. Persuade the foundation that

your project or charity is worthy of selection

Thesis: Although this grant could go to a number of different charities and make a
difference, we chose the education of young girls in the Middle East. We chose this cause
because we realized that not all are as fortunate as we are, and education is the door to a
world of opportunities. Ten thousand dollars would go a long way in helping to organize
schooling for a lot of young girls in the Middle East where they are rejected an
opportunity that many of us take for granted. Allowing them to be educated will give
them an opportunity to rise above and escape their oppressive environment, as well as
give them the chance to make a positive change in the world. Giving this money to our
charity would give young girls the chance to be educated and to feel the importance they
should get to feel everyday of their lives. With this grant, and with the education of young
girls in the Middle East, not only would we open the door on a world of opportunity but

we would also open the door on a world of equality.

Ethos: As members of the earth, it is our job to spread opportunity in order to educate,
aid, and service others in need. In order to extend out opportunity to less-advanced and
more traditional locations like the Middle East, we must break tradition and come
together to help these girls take advantage of the privileged life we live. How would you

Wilson 2
feel if you were denied a simple right offered to others because of your gender and your

Pathos: Many girls in the Middle East arent allowed to receive an education due to the
beliefs and traditions of the culture that they live in. Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani activist
for female education, was shot for speaking out against the unfair oppression of the
Taliban and in favor of educating young girls in her region. Girls of the culture are in
danger, and could potentially die just to get an education, something most of us take for
granted every day. Everybody should have the chance to receive an education, and this
charity will address this issue, which is the first step. Giving this grant to us would help

to provide a safe learning environment in a place where it is needed desperately.

Logos: Why shouldnt we educate the girls of the Middle East? The answer is, there is no
real reason why we shouldnt. Educating girls will raise the overall intelligence of the
country, give them a chance to better their lives and their community, and help them to
have a life with the chance of getting out of a place where they are oppressed and treated
as lesser. Taking this step for education and equality will lead to the overall wellness of a
community and a people.

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