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Why I Hit The sereen lit up. Is ight feeding my ever growing hunger. The hunger for your precious skin and your pure body. Ler’ make it quick. Lam busy tonight, You said, You lied. You always lie. You ready? I ask. Routine. I's ikea routine, With a simple string of loving phrases, my life forever changed and it’s all because of you, Slowly, one by one, I ake away apiece of your innocence. With each piece of ‘you I take I an hear your soul sereaming. Millions of voices expressing pain and Anguish inside your smal, frail body. My hands touch you without touching you. My lips find your neck miles away. My fingers dig into your most precious skin. I push con. I push on. Once it’s all said and done, I wipe my hands to rid them of the evidence for | know what we do is wrong. I trick myself into thinking you like the purples and blues on your skin and the emptiness below. I push on. push on. [wil be back for ‘more in seven days time. That sentence brings color to my life, Seven days is all 1 have to survive without you [ walk towards the beckoning halogen glow in my kitehen and grasp a bottle. This bottle is now my home for it where | lie. Inthe bubbles ofthis gold liquid I see your face, The face of love, kindness, perfection, heaven, and everything 1 can’t have. But then itll goes away when the poison is gone and runs wild through ‘my veins, The poison is comforting as it whispers dirty lies into my ea. It says you {don't love me and it says you will Ieave me. I ery and | ery for fear of letting you go, Hold her tight until she cant breath. Mark her skin. Wash away her white. low out her insides. This is all she wants t whispers to soothe the pain it brought. 1 sit and I think and I realize the truth, I know yehat. 1 must do. For seven days I drink and drink. For seven days I build and build. For seven days I make sure to keep this poison in my veins for fear fit goes you may go as ‘well. This pain is what you like and I like you so I will hit you harder than ever before ‘Seven days after that dirty litle lie, my screen lights up. Its light fe ‘ever growing hunger. The hunger for your precious skin and your pure body. Let's ‘make it quick. Lam busy tonight. You said, You lied. You always lie, You ready? 1 ask. Routine, It's like a routine ‘You see my anger but your eyes don’t light up. Your eyes used to be so full of life but now they are hollow for you fell out of love. Even though I see your fading Tove I keep up my anger and hurt you once more. Again | touch you without touching, ‘you. Again my lips find your neck miles away, and again my fingers dig into your ‘most precious skin. My anger washes away your white and in its place are purples fand blues, This repeats over and over, never ending, never letting go. As much as 1 ho please you and wash away your white, I can never fix myself and stop my,

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