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Port number 21 is for FTP;

23 is for Telnet; 25 is for e-mail;

43 is for whois; 80 is for HTTP;
119 is for netnews
Originally, all Internet addresses consisted of 32-bit
values, organized as four 8-bit values. This address
type was specified by IPv4 (Internet Protocol, version
4). However, a new addressing scheme, called IPv6
(Internet Protocol, version 6) has come into play. IPv6
uses a 128-bit value to represent an address, organized
into eight 16-bit chunks. Although there are several
reasons for and advantages to IPv6, the main one is
that it supports a much larger address space than does
The iron acts as a magnetic conductor by providing a
low-reluctance path for magnetic lines of flux to
increase the inductance of the loopsand provide a
higher induced voltage
emf generated by one parallel path,
Eg= Average emf per conductor * Z/A Eg = eav* Z/A =
emf genreated by armature
then the total flux cut by one conductor in completing
one revolution of armature = P* Flux cut by one
conductor per second = P**N/60
average emf generated by one conductor of the
armature = P**N/60

Eg = PNZ / 60A volts

Eg = PNZ / 60A volts

Mechanical power developed

Ta = (60/ 2)* ( PNZ / 60A) * (Ia /N)
Ta = 0.159 (P Ia Z/A) Nm
DC armature winding must be closed one
A=P ( for lap winding)
A=2 ( for wave winding)
Coil span of dc armature is made equal to pole pitch to
ensure emfs are added consecutively
Lap winding is suitable for high urrent low voltage dc
In dc generator, emf is directly proportional to the pole

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