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World Poverty

TyraArmoni Patterson
Ms. Bergman
English III

What exactly does poverty mean? Poverty is when people lack important necessities to be
able to survive. They lack certain factors including food, clean water, education, shelter, and last
but certainly not least health. It is a lifelong cycle that continues to repeat itself, generation after

generation. Poverty has a crucial effect on one's life because once one thing introduces itself,
more things tend to follow behind. This goes to show that the effects of poverty are
interconnected between one another. Millions of people around the world are not able to meet
their basic needs towards life due to Poverty.
Poverty's effect on the society is very high because it leads to more problems within a
community. Within a society, one may find issues such as unemployment which results in low
income, uneducated children since they have to help work to provide money for their family,
poor housing which results in diseases, and more. These issues can be categorized into food
poverty, household poverty, including its effect on health, children, and the well being of the
people in the house.
Food poverty refers to the situation of not having enough food to meet the nutritional
needs of all of their members within the household. Food poverty falls under two different types
of categories; chronic food poverty and seasonal food poverty. Chronic food poverty goes on and
last for a long period of time while seasonal food poverty only occurs every once in awhile. This
type of poverty is due to food shortages that results in a decrease in food availability that causes
a change in the distribution of food. Also embargoes and trade restrictions affect the amount of
food being distributed because food is put on a hold then less is coming in. As a result due to
insufficient quality to food certain households have to suffer. However some families who live
around this type of environment but have family members in the military will not be affected as
much. Although some households may be just fine, every household isn't which means food
poverty needs to be put to an end.
Child poverty refers to the case in which children who are orphans or children who just
come from poor families are limited to certain resources and benefits that should be obtained.

Not all kids under these circumstances fall into this category but more like children who don't
have the ability to change their living condition. Some children do have the option to change
their living style but they have the smallest chance of fully being able to make it out. Children
don't really have a state of mind towards working when they are young, however child labor
starts at age 6. Statistics show By the age of three, poorer children are estimated to be nine
months behind children from wealthier backgrounds, By the end of primary school, students
receiving free school meals are estimated to be about three terms behind their peers, and By
16, children receiving free school meals are about 1.7 grade points below their more affluent
peers average GPA. These three statistics prove that not only does food poverty need to end but

child poverty needs to end as well

Household poverty refers to the state of well being of the members within the household.
Many people don't realize but poverty has a tremendous effect on one's health. When one is

living in poverty they have a low income of money traveling back and forth, and as a result they
tend to be around living conditions that are not beneficial to the human body. Studies on the
health of one living in poverty have shown that poverty is the reason why there has been a higher
rate of poor health and chronic health conditions in children. This is due to the fact that since
they have a limited supply of money they don't have eligibility to provide the money to get
certain medicines and treatments for diseases they may carry. Statistics also show that 4 to 5
million children (majority of the 4 to 5 million are poor) stay in older homes that are over
capacitated which result in the safety of the child is lowered. As a result more than 1.5 million
children who are younger than 6 have health problems including elevated blood levels.

When issues like this are occurring in the world we then become unstabilized; this whole
situation can be blamed on money. If it wasn't for money we wouldn't be in this situation now.
Money tends to bring up inequality because the wealth of one's countries is poorly distributed
between people. When part of a country receives more money than the other part they don't have
as much of a financial benefit and as described before, it puts more of a toll on their life. This
money factor can be interpreted through the different levels of class income.
There are three different classes of income; high class, middle class, and low class. The
difference between each class is basically shown through home incomes. If you make a lot of
money like around $60,000 to $150,000 per year on average you are categorized as upper class.
Middle class incomes tend to make around $32,500 to $60,000 per year on average. Lower class
incomes tend to make $29,440 and $27,090 per year on average. From the statistics above it can
be interpreted that low class is not the class to be, upper class is the place to be, and middle class
is just right. The reason in which middle class is the place to be is because this level identifies
how far above or how far below a family can exist without reaching the poverty line or the next
level of success.
Not only does the class you fall in affect a person within an household but it also affects
things such as war, education, population growth and death rates.
When people think about war and poverty as a whole, some believe that living in poverty
causes a war to occur but really when a war beings it causes one to go into poverty. War is
actually one of the main reasons poverty exists. It is a known fact that some wars often take
place in areas that are poor or less financially aided than another. That puts a toll in this area
because war cost money and starting a war in a less fortunate area just means you are taking
money away from the ones that barely even had it to call their own in the first place. When war

occurs it tends to change the social cohesion and norms of cooperation from what we are use
to, to something we are not used to. This change begins to impact peoples ability to rely on
certain resources in times of difficulty. This includes the state of one being unemployed or
financially unstable. As a result this causes people to move from one place to another trying to
start all over again. Starting over as in without living in the life of poverty; something better for
both them and their family.

One of the most concerning links on the effect of poverty is within education. Due to the
relationship between poverty and education, you can infer that low income households relates to
poor achievement of children in school. Children that grow up in this type of environment tend
to end up uneducated because they decided to drop out. As I mentioned previously children with

low income families have to start work at a young age which causes them not to be able to go to
school. After a while when they are able to attend school they don't do as well as other kids
because due to their circumstances they end up falling behind. However some kids are able to
actually finish what they started whether they are behind or not. They end up breaking the cycle
of poverty and creating a new life for themselves.
Poverty also plays a role within the population and death rates of a country. Countries
who are involved in poverty tend to have a higher population growth rate. Poverty countries not
only have higher population growth rates but they also have higher population death rates. This
may seem a little awkward because how can a countries population growth rate be increasing
when the death rate is increasing to? This is because of the fact that for some reason low income
areas tend to have a lot of babies; but the fact that they don't meet the financial line they don't
have the materials they need to keep them all living. Some believe that high fertility is the cause
of poverty and that lower fertility is the key to reducing and maybe ending poverty. This
statement is actually true. When you have more people in the household that means the more
money you are going to need to supply everybody with an sufficient amount of necessities. The
less amount of people you have the least amount of money you are going to spend when you try
to take care everybody within the household. The key to it all is to stop making babies.
Poverty is one of the most important international issues. It affects everyone.
Nobody is safe living in poverty. There are many factors that contribute to poverty such as lack
of education, high rate of unemployment, diseases, poor government and many more.


Bazilian, Morgan D. "Power to the Poor." Foreign Affairs. Mar/Apr 2015: 133. SIRS Issues Researcher.

Web. 29 Sep. 2015.

2. Deen, Thalif. "Richest One Percent Undermine Fight Against Economic Inequalities." Global Information
Network. 19 Mar. 2015: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 29 Sep. 2015.
3. ProQuest Staff. "Global Poverty Timeline." Leading Issues Timelines. 2015: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher.
Web. 29 Sep. 2015.





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