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Character Description

Describe the character in a short paragraph.

Shia LaBeouf is an average high school student. Hes tall, has brown hair and brown eyes, and he
has a crush. He has a crush on Anissa Jones, and he has no idea that his secret crush likes him

Character Development
1. What happened to the character before the events of the play?
He was just an average high school student.
2. What does the character want, and what does he/she do to achieve it?
He wants to be with Anissa. He starts to become her friend.
3. Who is the character allied to? Opposed to? Explain.
Hes allied to Anissa, because shes a good person and he likes her.
Hes opposed to Christina and Elizabeth, because theyre bullies.
4. What are the characters beliefs? List as many as you think are important.
Shia believes that good people should be treated good.
5. How do other characters feel about the character?
Anissa, Christina, and Elizabeth all have a crush on Shia.
6. Describe the characters change during the course of the show.
I think Shia became a better person, because of the way he was helping Anissa.

Character Analysis
1. Describe the external traits of the character.
Shia is tall, and he has brown hair and brown eyes.

2. Describe the internal traits of the character.

Shia is a good-hearted person. He truly cares about the ones he loves. Hes a kind person, but he
treats people the way they treat others. He protects the people he loves, and hed do anything for

Character Description
Describe the character in a short paragraph.

Jerry used to be a good man. He was a good husband, friend, and father. When he lost his wife, it
crushed him. He was, and still is, so emotionally damaged and scarred. He blamed Anissa, and
he turned against his own daughter. He started drinking, and it all went downhill from there.

Character Development
1. What happened to the character before the events of the play?
He was a happily married man with a daughter.
2. What does the character want, and what does he/she do to achieve it?
He blames Anissa for the loss of his wife, so he wants to make her pay. He makes her life hard
and stressful.
3. Who is the character allied to? Opposed to? Explain.
Jerry has no one. He made all of his loved ones hate him.
Hes opposed to Anissa, because he still blames her for the accident.
4. What are the characters beliefs? List as many as you think are important.
He no longer believes in God. He doesnt think he wouldve taken away his wife just like that.
5. How do other characters feel about the character?
No one likes Jerry. Everyone knows what an awful man hes become.
6. Describe the characters change during the course of the show.
Jerry doesnt change much. He hates Anissa from the beginning to the end, and hes an alcoholic
from start to finish. Hes bad person through the whole play.

Character Analysis
1. Describe the external traits of the character.
Jerry is a tall, older man. He has brown hair and brown eyes.
2. Describe the internal traits of the character.
Jerry has turned into a bad, hateful man. Hes spiteful and blames others for every problem.

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