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Do you use your real

name on all of these sites?

Why would you choose for a pseudonym instead?

Do you put your entire

facebook profile on
'public' or do you opt to
hide certain things from

Do you know how to check

exactly how much a nonfacebook friend can see
when visiting your profile?

Do you only accept

friend requests on fb
from people you know?

Do you feel like you can be more

honest, share more information
when anonymous online than
when using your real name?

Top 5 most shared information on Social Media

5. How Im

2. Personal information
(where I work, who Im
dating, Etc)
1. Pictures of oneself

Where Im going on holiday and when

3. Pictures of my friends and fam


45% of people say that people share too much

online, not understanding the dangers

But they told us what can be found on their profile when

cracked open.

35% says its important to guard ourselves from

profiles we dont know

But 47% cant tell what someone else would see of their

21% thinks online anonymity is only for

bullies and trolls
But 86% tries to keep strangers away from
their accounts.

+- 20% of people thinks its okay to assume

another identity.
One percent more people consider it ok to
impersonate someone than to create a new

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