Gay Rights

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Katherine A. Edmunds
Mrs. David
HELA 10 block 3
14 February 2016
The Fight to End Sexual Segregation
Love is not a political matter, it is a human right. (Chozrick) The debate to end or
strengthen gay rights has been an endless struggle in the past and especially now. When in
reality, love is a right, not a debate. With our country being founded on the man marries women
ideology, does the allowance of gay marriage and rights hinder the foundation of our country?
With the impending president election, this issue is a main focal point. The reality is that gay
citizens should have the same rights as other American citizens because it is an issue of equality,
it will promote acceptance of others, and marriage and society have evolved since the founding
of the United States. These factors all contribute to the big picture that is equal gay rights.
The equality and freedom that is promised with being an American has been debated for
ages. With the recent approval of same sex marriage, more talk of reinforcing gay rights finally
gives more equality to gay citizens. The equality U.S. citizens were promised is interrogated
because some didnt have the right to get married. This issue was brought up in the Los Angeles
Times and brought to a clear answer, The high court struck down part of the federal Defense of
Marriage Act and said the marriages of same-sex couples deserved equal dignity and respect
under the law. (Savage) Equality in America means that race nor sexuality should be segregated
from their freedoms, and that is the right what everyone deserves. The L.A. Times also
highlighted the decision court made, Though the court's 5-4 opinion is tightly focused on the
question of same-sex unions, its broad wording and soaring rhetoric will reverberate beyond the

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two-decade-long battle for marriage equality. (Savage) Some could argue the mix between gay
rights and freedom of religion go head-to-head throughout this topic. A high positioned
government official argues that she has her own religious integrity but also allows same-sex
marriage, which goes against her spiritual beliefs. "Whereas in the past they were willing to
respect religious freedom, now that they believe they have the upper hand they are ready to
disregard religious liberty altogether." (Richey) While government officials should have
religious rights, when it comes to their place of work, they need to obey the law and let others of
different religions and sexualities have their rights. If this freedom is given to all of America, it
will make us a country based on equal rights for all.
The government making the decision to allow gay marriage to be legal, changes lots of
perspectives on the topic. What gay individuals desire, is to be accepted and treated like
everyone else. This new law has created more approval and generosity towards gay people.
Although some are still agitated, this is because of their lack of awareness about the topic. Thats
why gay rights advocates are trying to increase sex education. In this Boston Globe article, it
states, "There is so much difference of opinion in this country about what kids should learn about
sexuality that the default position of a lot of schools is just to do the bare minimum to not invite
controversy. By doing that we are missing the mark," (Jan) Education and allowance combine to
make acceptance flourish throughout our nation. Acceptance can be argued as non-essential, but
to have a kind and understanding community is supportive of a successful country. Although,
acceptance may question the country and others integrity and what our country was founded on.
Our country was founded on traditional values and beliefs, but times have changed. The
beliefs of people and our country have drifted drastically over time. Not only have our opinions
been altered, but so has our society and way of life. Even the president declared that June was

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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month. In the DoD News, Air Force General
Counsel Gordon O. Tanner discussed LGBT Pride Month by stating, LGBT Pride Month is an
opportunity to celebrate the achievements of LGBT members of the defense family. Tanner
works with LGB military leaders on how to be open and honest about the topic and the respect
they will receive for opening up about it. This really shows how society has severely changed to
being truthful and open to topics like this. Also it shows how widespread this issue is as its
extended in all facets of life. People are becoming more understanding of others and will not be
persuaded otherwise.
America promises freedom and equality, but doesnt remember to mention that not
everyone can love one another with a marital status. Accepting those kinds of people in our
society creates better people overall and a greater reputation. Americas society has evolved to be
more accepting and flexible towards other people.

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Works Cited
Chozrick, Amy. "Clinton and Biden, in Dueling Speeches, Focus on Transgender Rights." New York
Times. 04 Oct. 2015: A.22. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 08 Feb. 2016.
Jan, Tracy. "Gay Rights Advocates Push to Broaden Sex Education." Boston Globe. 10 Sep. 2015:
A.1. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 08 Feb. 2016.
Richey, Warren. "Gay Rights and Religious Liberty: Can Americans Have Both?." Christian Science
Monitor. 16 Apr. 2015: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.
Savage, David G., and Timothy M. Phelps. "'Equal Dignity' Under the Law." Los Angeles Times. 27
Jun. 2015: A.1. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.

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