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Career Prep Exam Review

You will have 90 minutes to do 50 questions online on Quizstar. You will receive your score immediately after you finish (just
like our other tests). That score will be 20% of your FINAL GRADE for this class on your High School Transcript. STUDY!
Hint Hint: You are welcome to review/study from your past tests on Quizstar as you prepare as well. That would be wise! ;)
On the front & back of this page, you will find the topics for all of the exam questions. I divided it into unit/topics. Feel free to
go back through to review and gather more information to refresh your memory.
Job Seeker Skills (13 Questions on Exam)
1. What should you wear to an interview?
2. What should you NOT wear to an interview?
3. What things should you be sure to do during an interview?
4. What things should you NOT do during an interview?
5. What should be done BEFORE an interview (to prepare)?
6. What should be done AFTER an interview?
7. What is the purpose of the W4 form?
8. What is the purpose of the I-9 form?
9. What is the purpose of a resume?
10. On your job application, who should you list as a reference?
11. What does job shadowing mean?
12. Where should you look for jobs?
13. What types of businesses usually hire part time and seasonal (Summer/holidays) workers?
Troubleshooting Skills (15 Questions on Exam)
1. Ctrl + Alt + Delete: When do you use it? What are your options?
2. Restart: What does this mean? How do you do it on your computer?
3. Task Manager: How do you get to this? Why would you need to use it?
4. Checking cords/cables: When would you need to check these?
5. Close program: When would this be the best solution? How do you do it?
6. Refresh: When would this be the best solution? How do you do it?
7. Windows: Which computers/devices use this Operating System?
8. Mac/iOS: Which computers/devices use this Operating System?
9. Google Drive & Google Docs: What can you do using this? Why would you use this instead of a comparable program?
10. Converting MS Word files to PDF: Explain advantages
11. Backing up files: understand basic process & purpose
12. Compressing files: understand basic process & purpose

13. Unzipping files: understand basic process & purpose

14. Troubleshooting various situations: What should you do if ___________? *2 Questions on Exam*
Personal Decision Making (2 questions on Exam)
1. Trade-off (describe & explain role in decision making process)
2. Opportunity Cost (describe & explain role in decision making process)
Digital Citizenship (12 Questions on Exam)
You should be able to:
IDENTIFY _________________,
DEFINE ____________________,
HOW TO HAVE/AVOID _________________________,
& EXPLAIN WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN ________________________ HAPPENS TO YOU
1: Digital Citizenship
2: Cyberbullying
3: Sexting
4: Digital Ethics
5: Unwanted Sexual Requests
6: Catfishing
7: Digital Literacy
8: Online Privacy
9: Inappropriate Content
10: Plagiarism
11: Copyright Laws & Fair Use
12: Evaluating Websites as Resources
Workplace Behavior/Job Success (8 Questions)
Review the GCF Learn Free Lessons on the following topics:
(April 15-29 for 5 day students & April 25-May 6 for 2 day students)
1. Time Management
2. Setting Goals
3. Business Etiquette
4. Avoid Common Work Related Pitfalls
5. Common Workplace Communication
6. Listening Skills
7. Coping with Stress and Anger
8. Resolving Workplace Conflict

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