Open The Door To Room 305 MAY 11, 2016

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MAY 11, 2016

Lesson 32 Spelling Test; Geo Quiz 10
Wednesday Science Vocabulary Quiz Vocabulary is in the Astronomy Journal
Spelling Test, Math Quiz
Thank you for your quick response with the Family Life permission slips. We have started our Family
Life unit and have already discussed family, mood, communication, changes, and parenthood. Friday,
the boys will meet with Mr. Zajac and the girls with me, and we will begin discussing some of the more
interesting aspects of human development. We will continue these sessions for the next two Fridays after
that. We are both emphasizing that the best people to go to with questions are Mom and Dad. So you
may be getting some unusual questions during this period. If anything seems too unusual, I would
appreciate it if you would let me know. I have found that if one child misunderstood something that was
said in class, others did, too. They just dont all speak up.
Summer uniform rules go into effect Monday. Girls may wear navy blue dress shorts and a white polo
shirt or blouse. Boys may wear navy blue dress shorts and a blue shirt or polo shirt. Cargo shorts are not
allowed. Regular school shoes must be worn. On gym days, the summer uniform is navy blue St. Viator
gym shorts, a St. Viator tee shirt, and gym shoes with socks that cover the ankles. The children should
still have a change of shoes on gym day in case of one of those sudden Chicago spring rains.
And with summer approaching, it is time for the Student Councils end-of-the-year student gathering.
The format of the gathering Fun Night at the Gym is a little different than in prior years. It will be a
night for the third floor to socialize, share a little pizza, play a few games, and watch a movie (or, at
least, talk quietly with friends in a corner while the movie is playing ). The permission slip and
payment ($7) is due a week from today. To help with food and supervision planning, admission will be
by advanced notice only there will be no walk-up sales that night. I hope your child is interested in
coming, but, to the best of my knowledge, there have only been about 3 total responses, and none from
this class. If there are fewer than 20 children who return the permission slip by next Wednesday, the
event will have to be cancelled. I have attached another copy of the flier to this email in case the first
one has disappeared.
In Math, the students are working on multiplication of mixed numbers. In Social Studies, the children
are continuing their preparation for the American Revolution Game.
In Language Arts class this week, the students began their research report process by starting to write
note cards. All students should have at least three sources, which they will bring to class, where they
will work on their notecards. There still is not a due date for the final report. We hope to complete the
verb/adverb unit this week. The spelling lesson is due tomorrow.
Morning Mass, Wednesday, 8:15. Please join us if you can.
Fun in the Gym Night, Friday, May 20.

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