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Art Education Workshop Lesson Plan: ART 135


Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (please circle)

Print First and Last Names:
Sokthea Chan & Sonja Binner
Students will design a detailed Media and Techniques Workshop and Lesson Plan for college juniors and seniors with limited to moderate
exposure to
(1) painting/drawing, (2) electronic art, (3) sculpture/fibers, (4) ceramics/pottery, (5) printmaking, (6) jewelry/metals, (7) photography, and
(8) collage/assemblage. The Lesson will be inspired by course content re the high school learner: pedagogical choices (Patterson, 2011, p. 6);
special education (Gerber & Guay, 2007); practice and theory (Bird, 2012); key ideas, techniques, cultural contexts, and creative
inspiration (Parks, 2015, p. 4); and assessment (Beattie, 1997).
Lesson Title*: Friendship

Medium*: jewelry/metals

Big Idea*: Friendship

Lesson Overview:
The purpose of this lesson is for students to learn about the history of a friendship bracelet. Students will also describe the qualities of a friend
and compare/contrast between a friend and best friend. Teaching this in a high school setting would be beneficial to the students because
students go through many things such as expressing themselves and opening up to their peers which can be hard for their age. Some students
never actually experienced having an actual friend so by doing this lesson, they will have the opportunity to know what the qualities to having
one are and it can be different for every person. By the end of the lesson, students will answer whether or not we can value or buy friendship as
compared to jewelry.
Key Concepts): What you want the students to know.*
1. paper cutting-triangular shape
2. paper bead rolling
3. Bead gluing
4. glossing the bead
5. attaching to string/wire to create bracelet

Essential Questions)
1. What are the qualities of a friend?
2. What are the qualities of a best friend?
3. Is there a value to friendship?
4. What is the purpose of a friendship bracelet?
5. Is there value to a friendship bracelet?

Lesson Objectives of visual art content area: What you want the students to do. *
1. The students will be able to (A) create (B4) a friendship bracelet (c) by using 3-4 techniques taught (D).
2. The students will be able to (A) compare and contrast (B3) the qualities between a friend and a best friend (C) by orally sharing with their
peers (D).
3. The students will be able to (A) describe (B3) their friend/best friend (C) by orally sharing the class or with a peer (D).
National Core Art Standards: Visual Arts (4): Please list number
and description of Anchor Standard.
1. Creating: Anchor Standard #2. Organize and develop artistic
ideas and work.
2. Presenting: Anchor Standard #6. Convey meaning through the
presentation of artistic work.
3. Responding: Anchor Standard #8. Interpret intent and
meaning in artistic work.
4. Connecting: Anchor Standard #10. Synthesize and relate
knowledge experiences to make art.

Identify and visual art vocabulary that connect to the concentration area(s),
or medium(s)*:
1. Color: refers to the wavelengths of light and hue, value, intensity, and
2. Contrast: the juxtaposition of different elements of design (example:
light and dark)
3. In-the-round: standing free with all sides shown, rather than carved in
relief against a ground
4. Shape: 2D/two-dimensional/flat geometric/organic
5. Proportion: the relationship between objects with respect to the size,
number, and so on, including the relation between parts of a whole.
6. Pattern: An arrangement of altered or repeated elements.
7. Form: 3D/three dimensional, geometric, organic

California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC)

(2003-2004/2010) (3-5): Subject Matter Requirements for
Prospective Art Teachers
Content Domains (pp. 23-29): Please check all that apply and add
number, letter, and description of applicable benchmark
___Domain 1. Artistic Perception
__x_ Domain 2. Creative Expression
2.3B Demonstrate knowledge of materials and tools used in threedimensional art (e.g., wood, stone, metal).
2.3D Apply knowledge of the elements of art and principles of
design to create and express meaning in original three-dimensional
works of art and of design.
__x_Domain 3. Historical and Cultural Context of the Visual Arts
3.1B Demonstrate knowledge of how visual art is used to express
emotions and share experiences (e.g., rites of passage,
__x_Domain 4. Aesthetic Valuing
4.1A Demonstrate knowledge of the relationship involving the art
maker (artist), the making (process), the artwork (product), and the
4.1B Demonstrate knowledge of the use and interpretation of
symbols in the visual arts.
4.1C Analyze the intentions and motivations of artists creating
works of visual art.
__x_Domain 5. Connections, Relationships, and Applications
5.1D Demonstrate knowledge of how art can be used to gain and
express learning in other disciplines.
___Domain 6. History and Theories of Learning in Art
List all materials needed in the columns below.

Lesson Activities and Procedures (Please be very specific by highlighting

various techniques and materials. Also include individual roles of group
1. Sokthea will introduce Group 6 jewelry and metals and speak about the
overview of the lesson, objectives, and big idea.
2. Sonya will start activity of Think-pair-share. Students will first fill out a
graphic organizer comparing and contrasting what is a friend/best friend
then sharing in groups of 4 what they wrote and the image/picture they
brought in talking about who are their best friends.
3. Class sharing- Sokthea will then share his best friends presented in
powerpoint, Sonya will also share hers as well.
4. Students will then given the opporturnity to share their pictures they
5. Sokthea will then go over the memo readings by introducing poetry
activity having students describing their best friends in a poem integrating
what they learned from the readings into the poem.
6. Students will then share their poem (Sokthea will possibly share his first
to model what the instructor is looking for).
7. Sonya will then introduce the project speaking about the history of
bracelets and friendship bracelets. She will do a popcorn read along with
the class.
8. Sokthea will then do a demonstration how to roll the paper beads on to
toothpicks, choosing the right paper to roll the bead, gluing/glossing the
bead, and stringing the bracelet together.
9. Students will then be given studio time to work on bracelet.
10. Sokthea will then introduce another activity close to the end of the
class. Activity will be asking students to become sales associate and try to
sell their friendship bracelet to a customer. Idea here is to answer the
questions whether or not there is a value to a friendship bracelet and can
you buy friendship or jewelry.
11.Exit-slip will be on the back of the rubric asking can you buy
friendship? What are the qualities you are looking for in a best friend? etc

Plastic beads

Paper (mix of
magazines and
construction paper)
Nail polish

11.Exit-slip will be on the back of the rubric asking can you buy
friendship? What are the qualities you are looking for in a best friend? etc

Anticipatory Set (beginning; example VTS)*:

Closure (ending; example ticket-out) *:
Warm-Up describing qualities of a friend and best activity wil be
Exit-slip will be on the back of the rubric asking can you buy friendship?
done by Sonya and a scaffold/graphic organizer will be provided to What are the qualities you are looking for in a best friend? etc
the students.

Readings include:
Materials as art
Style and Stylishness
Color theory

Summative Assessment strategy (studio investigations):

Summative assessment will the product itself and how students become
sales associate to try and pretend to sell their friendship bracelet to a
customer to answer if you can buy friendship/friendship bracelet.

1. What student prior knowledge will this lesson require/draw upon? Students will have prior knowledge in color, contrast, in-the-round,
shape, proportion, pattern, form.
2. How will this lesson allow for/encourage students to solve problems in divergent ways?
Studio time will be given to students to experiment in different thickness of papers (magazines, newspapers, drawing paper) to create beads, use
different colors, collaborate with their peers, creating poetry to use academic language, and additional modeling/demonstration for sequence of
steps visually.
3. How will you engage students in routinely reflecting on their learning?
Pair-share/critique/Gallery walk? Instructor circulating and asking students on ideas
4. How will you adapt the various aspects of the lesson for differently-abeled students?
Students will be given additional demonstration one-on-one. They will also skip several activities to focus mainly on the studio project.
Lastly, graphic organizers, printed visuals, and a wordbank will be provided for the student.
5. What opportunities/activities will you provide for students to share their learning in this lesson?
Gallery walk, pair-share, and classroom discussion

Lesson Resources/References (use APA; please identify):

See in next page.
* Include this information during the peer Media and Techniques Workshop.
Some helpful links to new terms:
Anticipatory set:


Formative and Summative Assessment:

Always all the Time Crafting. 2016. Make a Recycled Paper Bead Bracelet. Retrieved from
Delong, Kat.2016. Making and Giving Friendship Bracelets. Retrieved from
I Love Paper Beads. 2012. How to Make Paper Beads From Rolled Paper. Retrieved from
Kukosk. 2010. Friendship Bracelets. Retrieved from
Webspace. 2016. Friendship bracelets. Retrieved from
Weller, Anna. 2016. How to Make Paper Beads. Retrieved from

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