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This POST is especially DEDICATED my Friend, Mentor,

Philosopher and Guide Shri Ravi Shankar Batra on his

Retirement Today on 31/07/2015 .
Why cant we get all the people together in the world that we
really like and then just stay together? I guess that wouldnt
work. Someone would leave. Someone always leaves. Then we
would have to say good-bye. I hate good-byes. I need more
hellos. I need more hellos from the person who always taught
me the qualities and strategies to achieve my achievements.
How lucky I am to have something that makes saying
goodbye so hard.

This is a very nostalgic moment of my life, with very heavy

heart I bid farewell to Mr Batra, who is retiring from the services
NHPC on attuning Superannuation. Parting is always emotional,
and much more, when it is a beloved person who was a part in
my daily life over a few decades now.. I will be missing his eversmiling- face. There will be void in my life from tomorrow
The official wording says that he is being "relieved" today. That
is true. After many years of strenuous commute from Rohini
and, now he is getting relief from those strains. We say he is
retiring; I am of the opinion that the right word should be RETYRING and not RETIRING.. Mr Batra is now going to repair all
the wear and tear of his many years' of hard work, and roaring
to go for a refreshed life.
It may be said in a funny way that "a retiring man is a full-time
job for his wife" and "when a man retires his wife gets a full
time husband with half his income". The graceful lady she is,
Mrs. Batra, will not mind all these quotations and she will
welcome her husband to be at home. I had a few occasions to
experience the kind hospitality she extends to her guests.
Mr Batra is an example to me, in showing how to rise to higher
positions in career by sheer dedication and handwork. He is a
benevolent boss to his subordinates and a much sought after
Although I will be missing his physical presence in the office
from tomorrow, he will still be beaming inspiration to me.

Ambitious, analytical, cheerful, focused, intelligent, motivated,

and a lot of qualities like this he had shown and taught me
many things by being a successful leader. He was always there
to give guidance, so that only few things go wrong in the end.
When things did go wrong, he would help out and support me,
and not point the finger at me.
I wish Mr Batra a very Healthy, Wealthy and Happy post
retirement life..

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