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Business Etiquette

By: Morgan Sulham

Why Keep Business Etiquette?

It teaches you the proper table settings.
You learn about email and text etiquette, how to correctly
write a formal email.
Also, when making a phone call and no one answers, you
learn the proper way to leave a message.
Learn how to write a resume and cover letter which will help
you so much when you are older.
This class teaches you how to appropriately introduce
yourself to others.
Lastly, doing mock interviews will help in the future for future
jobs; youll be more ready than if you didnt do any mock
interviews at all.

What makes this class a valuable

This class is a valuable asset because more
people need to learn..
How to write cover letters and resumes
How to interview
How to write proper thank you notes
What not to do and what to do in certain
Also, it is enjoyed by many; it is a fun class to be
apart of.

What I enjoyed.
I enjoyed writing the resume and cover letters because
It will help in the future
I will know how to be able to do both for jobs
I also enjoyed the mock interviews we did.
I will now have a general idea on what to expect with a interview.
Yes I will be nervous but I will know what to do in a situation when I
dont know how to answer a question or when I dont understand a
Lastly, the thing I enjoyed the most was doing the group projects
because I liked learning about disabled etiquette.
I know how to treat someone with a disability better than I did before
this class.
I know how to approach someone and I know not to take offense if
they dont accept my help.

Pictures of what we did

Works Cited

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