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To: Barack Obama


Anaya Gurule


7 October 2015

Statistics show that approximately 800,000 children abductions occur a year,
Innocent children are taken away from their families and their happy lifes
get taken away for other peoples satisfactions. This memorandum is being
written to purpose that communities in Colorado entrain to help stop child
abductions. The goal is to eliminate child abductions from Colorado and have
it spread around the country so more people will get involved to stop
kidnapping. This campaign will continuously create awareness and
encourage people to get involved and help child abductions stop completely.
Kidnapping is a problem that is global. Over 500,000 children around the
world are taken away. The real problem of kidnapping is that innocent
children are being abducted and theyre either left dead or dramatized for
the rest of their lives. Children are weak links because they are vulnerable
and they dont deserve to be hurt by someone who us older than them in a
sexual, mental or physical way. Children and parents of the children are
being harmed. The parents get their own flesh and blood taken away from
them, it puts a huge hole in their hearts. If this problem is not addressed it
will not stop and more and more children will be abducted.
I am proposing that every state get involved and start a campaign so
kidnapping will completely stop. If states start a campaigning then the word
will spread and every states will get involved and help stop it completely.

They should make posters, have meetings, and come up with some kind of
solution to keep children safe.
Child abduction needs to come to a stop. This campaign could save 800,000
children a year if kidnapping came to a stop. Many children can have a
normal life and be happy with the family they were born into.

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