Annotated Bibliography PT 2

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Annotated Bibliography
"Being Adopted." Http:// Nemours, n.d. Web. 1 May
This article is about the process of being adopted and how it is a form of creating a
family. I found this source on the Google engine search. I searched the creation of
adopted families and found this resource. As I was reading the article I came across
accurate and relevant information so I knew it would be useful. This article was useful to
my essay because it gave me information as to what I was going to talk about. For
example it stated how adopting was a step to creating a family.
Lowry, Lois. The Giver. New York: n.p., 1993. Print.
This book is about a community under rules and orders, and a boy who became the giver
of the community. I came across this book because it was an assigned reading in my
English 113B class. This book was a great reliable source which is why I used it in my
essay. The book was useful towards my essay because the families in the community
were a great representation to the difference of how a family is created.
MacFarquhar, Larissa. "The Children of Strangers." The New Yorker.
American Chronicles,
3 Aug. 2015. Web. 02 May 2016.
This article was about a woman named Sue with the desire of adopting. I found this
source through the Google engine as I searched adopted families. When I came
across this tab, I noticed The New Yorker published it and found it accurate. This
information was useful to my essay because the information it carried was about adopting
which I wrote about in my essay.
Meezan, William, and Jonathan Rauch. "The Future of Children,
Princeton - Brookings:
Providing Research and Analysis to Promote
Effective Policies and Programs for Children." - The Future of
Children -. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 02 May 2016.
This article was about the LGBTQ community having families. I found this article
through the Google engine as I searched LGBTQ families. I noticed the Princeton
University Brookings sponsored this article, so I found it reliable. This source was useful
to my essay because it was about how LGBTQ families have the opportunity to have a
Schulten, Kathrine. "How Do You Define 'Family'?" The Learning
Network How Do You Define Family Comments. The New York
Times, 24 Feb. 2011. Web. 02 May 2016.
This article was about how people defined family. I found this source through the
Google engine. I searched definition of family and as I scrolled I came across to
this source. I noticed this source was published by The New York Times and found it

De Leon 2
appealing to my essay. This article was useful because I was able to learn about the
perspective of what people define family.
Sharp, Gwen. "How Do We Define a Family?" Sociological Images How
Do We Define a Family Comments. The Society Pages, 26 Dec.
2012. Web. 02 May 2016.
This article is about the common understanding and views as to what defines family. I
found this article through the Google engine as I searched Peoples views towards
family . As I read the source I realized it had very accurate information, which is why I
used it as a source. This article was useful for my essay because it state the common
views people have towards family.

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