Activity Seven Summary Page

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Activity Seven Summary Page

1. Cooperative Grouping
Google Drive App allow students to collaborate on their documents and
make a single copy.
Higher order thinking question: Focus on tools the early Indians used
for hunting. Which tools would be most important and least important
for hunting?
2. Identifying Similarities and Differences
Show Interactive App White Board App is used to record voice and
writing, sharing or writing questions.
Higher order thinking question.
How would you reconstruct the journey from Europe to Jamestown?
3. Non Linguistic Representation
Math Teacher App is integrated with speech synthesizer to formulate
Higher order thinking question.
How would you express the class can use Math Teacher app to practice

4. Homework Practice
Sight words by Photo Touch App, for students to practice site words.
Higher order thinking question.
Focus on the word rainbow. How many colors do you see as you are
describing it?

5. Interactive White App explains for better knowledge.

Higher order thinking
Are you able to draw the sequence of a water cycle?

6. Paper Portnotes App use it to modify group presentations. Teacher is

able to create graphic organizers that students can on the website.

Higher order thinking question.

Using your Venn Diagram, how were the first colonies established?

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