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Chapter 12

Tower in the sky

Question 1
Why do people in Dubai
want to build a super-tall
structure in their city?

Answer 1
The company wanted a
structure that would serve as
an emblem of the citys

Question 2
What limited the height of
structures in the middle ages?

Answer 2
They only built by making the
walls thicker.

Question 3
What manufacturing
breakthrough led to the
development of taller
structures in the 1800s?

Answer 3
They made steel beams that
strengthened the buildings.

Question 4
What is shear?

Answer 4
Its a force that results in the
deformation of an object.
The objects parallel planes
move past one another.

Question 5
What is a truss and how does
it minimize the effects of a
shearing force?

Answer 5
They are bars that crisscross
to strengthen the buildings

Question 6
Why is it necessary for bill to
design the Burj Dubai so that it
confuses the wind?

Answer 6
If he does not confuse the
wind it will easily topple the
tower over with the winds
shear force.

Question 7
Is the concrete better at minimizing the
effects of compression or tension? What
is special about the concrete that bill is
using as construction material for the
Burj Dubai?

Answer 7
Concrete is better at
minimizing compression. It is
able to stretch a little.

Question 8
How does the Burj Dubai
reflect a New Urbanist's
approach to city planning?

Answer 8
It is built up instead of out to
conserve space, and it houses
many businesses in it.

Question 9
Name a structure that is emblematic to
your city, town, or region. Find out when
it was built and what materials were used
in its construction. What do you think
would have been different if it has been
built more recently?

Answer 9
The RSA tower was built in
2006 with concrete and steel. I
think the building would be
built similarly now.

Question 10
What do you think
superstructures of the future
will be constructed of? What is
special about those materials?

Answer 10
I think they will be made of
glass. Glass is pretty strong
and also allows sunlight in the
building naturally.

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