1984 Essay

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Raphael Ramos

January 14, 2016

English 12- 1st hr.

1984 Essay
1984 by George Orwell is a book that is based on a world
that is opposite of love and peace for the world is full of hate and
war which is known to be a dystopia. The book takes place in
what appears to be based in London, England but in the book it is
called Air Strip One and it all begin with a man name Winston
Smith. Winston had vivid memories about his childhood before
the party ever existed, He would mention how the world was after
the war of the 1960s for food was scared and homes were partly
destroyed. As the years went by when Winston grew up the Party
and Big Brother changed everything, they took control of a lot
land from both Americas, the Atlantic Islands, South Africa, all the
way to Great Britain and also they controlled their people making
them live in fear and war for they manipulate their own people
into believing whatever they say is true even if its saying that
they invented the air plane, their winning the battle against
Eastasia, or that they were bombed by Eastasia when really they
bomb their own people to leave them in fear instead of giving
them hope and the Party and Big Brother have surveillance every

Raphael Ramos
January 14, 2016
English 12- 1st hr.

watching their people. The Party and Big Brother had two slogans
War is Peace, Slavery is Freedom, Strength is Ignorance. Who
controls the past controls the future, and who controls the present
control the past. They also had control over language for they
are making it shorter and shorter every year and they had four
ministries that had a purpose Ministry of Truth (media, education),
Ministry of Love (law and order), Ministry of Peace (war), and
Ministry of Plenty (economic affairs). When Winston talked about
how the Party and Big Brother were treating their own people it
was unbelievable to imagine what power can do to people heads
and for their own personal gain.
Big Brother is watching all of us.
With Big Brother controlling a lot of land, the Party has so
much power. In history back in the ancient times its been said the
more lands a group conquers and controls, the more resources
and population a group will control which result into the idea of
having more power over everything that group controls. With the
idea of being in superior with power it leads to other things that
benefit into personal gain for the group and by doing so the

Raphael Ramos
January 14, 2016
English 12- 1st hr.

leader or the group itself has a goal even if its taking control over
so many people to help benefit for the group even with the
Superstate at consist battle to occupy Northern Africa; Oceania
will always remain as a superpower with or without Northern
Africa. The Party manipulates the heads of their people into
believe what the group says or does is right and with all the
torture they do to their people shows that those who rebel against
the group should know theres no way to escape from the hand of
Big Brother or the Party. A wise man once said to his son you
cant turn against your government because at the end the
government always wins no matter how much your try to
sabotage them.
Big Brothers ideals are somewhat understandable. By
making a society strong they want to eliminate their weaknesses
by making people live in fear, they want to get rid of the idea of
love, hope, and faith. In Orwells book it mention that there is no
law nor religion meaning the world is way different compared to
the reality we live in. In the book with no law or religion meant
that whatever the party saw that was acceptable in their eyes

Raphael Ramos
January 14, 2016
English 12- 1st hr.

was okay but whatever was unacceptable to them wasnt okay for
there was a major punishment and the only crime that you could
commit in Winstons world is Thoughtcrime. Thoughtcrime is
when you think of socially unacceptable thought and this affects
speech and writing. People get caught committing Thoughtcrime
if someone reports them or if the telescreen heard them then the
Thoughtpolice come and arrest he/she and take he/she to the
Ministry of Love and they manipulate his/her mind and thought by
torturing he/she as they go through the three stages of
rehabilitation (understanding, learning, and accepting). The
purpose of the torture is to vaporize rebellious thoughts and make
those who rebel love big brother for this is they control their
Would the United States be better governed by Big
No, reason why is because living in a world thats a dystopia
is like living in a world thats the version of hell. The world we all
live in now is great the way it is because people can trust one
another, be free, live in peace, and become really educated into

Raphael Ramos
January 14, 2016
English 12- 1st hr.

become bright minded people to shape a future of peace and

prosper. If Big Brother ever governed the United States it would
reflect a negative change on all of us that most of us in this
generation would be killed or tortured until we learn to become
the people that the Party wants us to be in their vision as they
want us to look at Big Brother as if hes god whether we are
Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Catholic, etc. we are all same even to
the eyes of the party even if you are rich or poor. The poor would
be the proles, most of the middle class would also be proles but
some could be an outer party member, the rich would be the
inner party member as for Big Brother he is God for the pyramid
says it all that hes above everyone and no one can take that
away from him for him and the Party will always be forever.
Peace is War, Slavery is Freedom, Ignorance is Strength and
(Truths are Lies) Who controls the future controls the past and
who controls the past controls the present-True point of view
opposite to Big Brother and The Partys Slogan. 2 + 2= 4, not 3
nor 5- True point of view opposite to Big Brother and The Party

Raphael Ramos
January 14, 2016
English 12- 1st hr.

Yes, reason why big brother would be better to govern this

country is because with all the social class differences maybe, just
maybe the idea of the Party will make us a strong society. How
will it make us as a society strong? Well, society has its ways of
living based on norms, morals, language and socialization which
is one of the few factors that makes up our perspective as an
individual for every perspective in a person makes up a
combination of multiple interests that forms a society as a whole.
By minimizing language, breaking the barrier of trust, hope, faith,
and love they are eliminating social and individual weakness and
weak links that will get in the way of any goals that Big Brother
and The Party has for its people and their selves. Another way to
make us strong is to get the idea of illegal drugs and sex out of
our mind making us better minded people that wouldnt have to
even think about doing something that we might regret ever
doing in our lives for this makes us less regretful but one problem,
the old generation will have more temptation then the new
generation the ones that are called the unborn. War is Peace,
Freedom is Slavery, Strength is Ignorance and (Lies are Truths)

Raphael Ramos
January 14, 2016
English 12- 1st hr.

Who controls the past controls the future and who controls the
present controls the past- Big Brother and The Partys slogans
true point of view 2 + 2=5 or 3 not 4- Big Brother and The
Partys true point of view.
Big Brother will always be watching all of us, Forever.
Orwells book had a good point of view on what the world
would be like if a political government had so much power. In the
book it mention that Oceania had a flag that had a V that was in
the middle and it stood for Victory as it had to hands one white
normal hand and another hand that was black that looked like a
machine for that symbolize we as the people are enslaved
machines program to believe whatever Big Brother and The
Partys says to us for the white hand is Big Brother and then you
have the word Ingsoc meaning English Socialism. In addition the
moral to the story is never let any government poses that much
power for power is the most ambitious will to posse in life. The
more power a person has, the more it will make he/she/them
realize that they have total control over everything they desire for
its the route of all evil.

Raphael Ramos
January 14, 2016
English 12- 1st hr.

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