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Adult Roles and Financial Literacy

Essay 1B

3rd Black Concurrent Enrollment

According to The Marriage and Family Experience: The kinship system is the social
organization of the family. It is based on the reciprocal rights and obligations of the different
family members, such as those between parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren,
and mothers-in-law and sons-in-law. (Strong and Cohen, 2014, p.17). In other words, kinship is
the relationship between us and our family or extended family by descent from a common
ancestor (like a grandmother, grandfather, etc.). This is known as a consanguineous relationship.
A kinship relationship could also mean a relationship to a friend that we consider as family
because they are so close to us. This is known as fictive kin. With kinship comes different roles
and expectations in our relationships with different members of our extended family. With the
many roles that we play as a result of being a member of our extended family also comes rights,
and obligations.
Some of the kinship roles that I am asked to play within my extended family include
cousin, nephew, son, and grandson. The role of son includes the rights of parental and sibling
support, and the obligations of being a good son and sibling, and of protecting my younger
siblings. The role of cousin does not entail many obligations. The main obligation is to give up
time and spend time with people that I might not spend time with otherwise. People my age that
are often quite different than me and from places miles and miles away from me that I get to
meet and know (for good or for bad). The right that comes with being someones cousin is the
right to have some kind of support system, and someone to turn to that has a family obligation to
help you out. The role of nephew really does not have rights or obligations other than basic
common courtesy and family support. In some families, uncles and aunts might play an advisory
role, but not really in my family. The role of grandson, however comes with a lot of rights and

Adult Roles and Financial Literacy

Essay 1B

3rd Black Concurrent Enrollment

obligations. The rights include an inheritance, Christmas presents, guidance and stories, and
financial and moral support. The obligations will include (but do not include right now), the duty
to care for them, and support them through health problems, death, and any other problems.
Overall having extended family and kin does not affect me enormously, but gives me a sense of
pride, a sense that I am part of something bigger than myself, and a greater sense of loyalty to
my family and what it stands for.
As far as fictive kinship, my family has a lot. Because my father is the bishop (pastor) of
my church, many of the members can be considered fictive kin. Many members visit, and are
comfortable around our family and in our house. The main example of fictive kin in the Starr
family though, is my fictive sister. We met her at a pioneer trek thing. She was in a bad situation,
with one parent in Mexico and one in Sandy. She was renting from a family and it was a bad
situation. So our family decided to take her in, and she became a part of it.
In conclusion, kin are an important part of the Starr family, and make me proud to be part
of it. Fictive kin from my ward, and my new older sister only add to that. Responsibilities and
rights come with that. My biggest responsibility to my family is to work hard and represent the
Starr family the best that I can.

References: Strong, B, & Cohen, T.F. (2014). The marriage and family experience: Intimate
relationships in a changing society (12th edition).

Adult Roles and Financial Literacy

Essay 1B

3rd Black Concurrent Enrollment

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