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Imani Simmons

March 6, 2016
ISTC 301

Assistive Technology Questions


After visiting the websites and viewing the videos, I learned the dramatic impact that assistive
technology can have in the classroom and creating an inclusive environment and equal opportunity
for all students, especially students with disabilities. I gained insight on the history of assistive
technology and the legal efforts that took place in order to provide equal opportunity for students with
disabilities. For instance, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) mandated that
children with disabilities are educated with students who are not to the maximum extent appropriate
or in the Least Restricted Environment. The US Department of Education also worked to address the
disparity of students of color remaining more likely to be identified with having a disability than
white classmates, by proposing a new equity in IDEA, which works to ensure that classrooms are
inclusive and that students with disabilities have the opportunity to achieve their goals and develop
talents and skills. Assistive technology is use to promote independent participation and customized
information to meet the needs of the students with disabilities and their academic and social goals.


Assistive technology is used for learning, communication, mobility/positioning, and manipulation.

The websites provided several and a variety of products and resources that will be useful, as I
prepare to become a teacher. I was very impressed by the Tech Finder on, as it
provided parents and teachers with the opportunity to put in their childs needs and grade level to
search for apps or technologies in order to assist the development and education of students. Kathy
Schrocks Guide to Everything provided several products that are useful in supporting students with
disabilities and creating an inclusive classroom, such as concept mapping, digital storytelling, google
glass, QR codes in the classroom, an Edmodo website, sketch noting in the classroom,,

Shareboard, and other resources and programs to accommodate students with various learning styles
and students with disabilities. The University of Buffalo site regarding assistive technology also
provided me with useful tools and resources to accommodate students. For example, the website
provided tools useful for students with language or reading difficulties, such as talking word
processors, graphic organizers, and writing with words and pictures on the computer. Also, alternate
keyboards, page turners, e-books, and audio books are useful tools that I learned from the website that

could help students that have a vision impairment or trouble reading.

Assistive technology helps students communicate, learn, and pursue their goals while limiting
barriers to their education. As all students learn differently and have diverse learning needs,
educators must vary the ways that instruction and information is presented and technology supports
the diversity in students and their various needs. Technology helps students to feel included and in the
least restrictive environment in the classroom. For example, from the video, Susanna uses voice
activated software to type her computer assignments and documents. With the voice activated
software, Susanna is able to complete assignments on Microsoft and on the computer just like her
classmates with the help of technology. Technology helps make it easier for a student with diverse
learning needs to feel included, communicate socialize with peers, get around, read, write, see, and to


turn things on and off.

As a student with a vision impairment, I personally receive assistive technology to assist with my
visual needs in order to be able to receive information in the classroom. I use online software that
converts my textbooks to audio and large print versions in order for me to see the text clearly, as it is
difficult for me to read small print. I also use a SmartPen, which is a recording device, which records
class lecturers while I am writing notes, so that afterwards I can press down on where was writing and
playback that section of the lecture. My former roommate uses the SmartPen also to accommodate
her learning disability, and we both believe that the SmartPen easily helps to meet our needs, as in
large classrooms or in classes where professors move quickly through lectures it can be extremely
difficult to see or understand class notes and lectures, but the pen allows us to follow along with
lectures and feel included in the class and class discussions. Additionally, online software and apps to

enlarge my textbooks allows me to stay updated with class assignments and reading and to be able to
read at a normal or faster pace, as the font is enlarged and easier to see.
After this assignment, I have learned and will carry the importance of creating an inclusive
classroom environment for all students, including those with and without disabilities and support the
diverse learning styles of students. Assistive does not help support students with disabilities, but it
also helps all students communicate effectively and access information more easily. As a teacher, I
will provide new ways to assist the learning, collaboration, and interactions of students to keep them
engaged and support their education and learning goals. There has also been many technology
innovations in the 21st century that can enhance the learning of students, especially those with
disabilities and I will work to stay updated on new technology and incorporate technology into my
curriculum and instruction to support all of my students and provide the necessary assistive
technology to those students with disabilities in order for them to feel included in the general
education curriculum.

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