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Lewis Hall Policies and Consequences

University Standards
duLac: Any person under 21 years of age is underage in the State of Indiana and may not lawfully
possess or consume alcoholic beverages. Students may be subject to disciplinary action for
underage consumption, possession or transportation of alcoholic beverages, possession of false
identification which misrepresents their age or identity, or for providing alcoholic beverages to any
person who is underage.
First Offense:
Drinking under the age of 21: $50 fine assessed to the individual, referral to OADE
Possession of Alcohol under the age of 21: $5 fine per container assessed to the room in which
the alcohol is found, referral to OADE
Providing alcohol for minors: fine assessed is equal to the total fine amount assessed for
incident, including fines for drinking under age, possession of alcohol under the age of 21,
possession of hard alcohol, and intoxication, referral to OADE
Subsequent Offenses: referral to the Office of Residence Life for disciplinary action
duLac: Within undergraduate residence halls, the possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages
that contain in excess of fourteen percent (14%) alcohol by volume is prohibited. This regulation
applies to all students and their guests, regardless of age.
First Offense: $50 fine per person or per bottle, which ever is greater, assessed to the room in which
the alcohol is found, referral to OADE
Subsequent Offenses: referral to the Office of Residence Life for disciplinary action
duLac: Intoxication by any student, regardless of age, whether in public or in private, is
prohibited. Symptoms of intoxication include slurred speech, impaired motor coordination and
balance, loss of good judgment, or nausea. Severe intoxication may involve the inability to walk or
stand, loss of consciousness, or vomiting1
First Offense: $25 for first hour staff must assist, $20 for every subsequent half hour, referral to
OADE; if the student creates a mess that hall staff or our housekeepers must clean up, the student will
be required to assist the housekeepers in taking out the trash from the hall from 1-6 weeks depending
on the severity of the incident. Any property damaged by an intoxicated individual must be replaced
at their expense.
Subsequent Offenses: referral to the Office of Residence Life for disciplinary action
duLac: Consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages in open containers is prohibited in the
corridors and common areas, such as lounges or lobbies, of University residence facilities.
First Offense: $25 fine assessed to the individual, referral to OADE
Subsequent Offenses: referral to the Office of Residence Life for disciplinary action
duLac: A students first incident of intoxication will be addressed by the students Rector if the violation occurs in his or her residence hall and
the behavior does not fall within the definition of severe intoxication. In these instances, the Rector will, in addition to any other sanctions
he/she deems appropriate, refer the student to the Office of Alcohol and Drug Education. At the discretion of the Rector, the student may also be
referred to the Office of Residence Life. Second and subsequent incidents of intoxication at any point in a students academic career, as well as
any first-time violations that occur outside the students residence hall, will be referred to the Office of Residence Life. All instances of severe
intoxication will be referred to the Office of Residence Life.

duLac: The abusive drinking of alcoholic beverages is prohibited. The following behaviors are
among those that may be considered violations of this regulation: Participating in drinking games,
consuming shots of alcohol, drinking to the point of physical illness, shotgunning alcohol, or the
possession or use of any instrument of alcohol abuse (e.g. beer bongs), Consumption of alcohol
directly from containers intended for multiple servings (e.g., quart bottles, 40 oz. bottles, 750 ml
wine bottles, etc.), Possession or consumption of alcoholic punch, gelatin shots or grain alcohol, and
Consumption of alcohol while using prescription or over-the-counter medication where such use is
First Offense: $200 assessed to the room in which the abusive drinking occurred
Possession of abusive drinking accessories (ie beer pong table, beer bong, etc): $25 fine assessed
to the room in which the accessories were found
Subsequent Offenses: referral to the Office of Residence Life for disciplinary action
duLac: Students found responsible for possession or use of illegal drugs or controlled substances, the
unauthorized possession or misuse of prescription drugs, or the possession of drug paraphernalia
shall ordinarily face temporary dismissal from the University. Students found responsible for
distribution of illegal drugs and substances, including the illicit redistribution of prescription drugs,
shall ordinarily face permanent dismissal from the University.
First Offense: Referral to the Office of Residence Life and Housing for disciplinary action
duLac: The University has instituted a policy of limited parietal visitation in its undergraduate
residence halls to foster the personal and social development of students and at the same time
respond to the safety, security and privacy needs of those sharing common living
space. Undergraduate residence halls will set their visitation hours within the following limits:
visiting hours for guests of the opposite sex are not to begin before 9 a.m. on any day and are not to
extend beyond 2 a.m. on Friday and Saturday nights and midnight on Sunday through Thursday
First Offense occurring within 30 minutes of parietals: up to $10 fine
Second Offense occurring within 30 minutes of parietals: up to $25 fine
Subsequent Offenses: referral to the Office of Residence Life for disciplinary action
Any offense beyond 30 minutes will be referred to the Office of Residence Life. Please note that,
as per duLac, An overnight parietal violation will likely result in the loss of on-campus housing
duLac: No open flames or candles in holders may be used.
Open flame, lit candle, or incense: $50 fine, confiscation of the item
Candle or incense that indicates recent use (burnt wick, etc): $10 fine, a second offense may
result in confiscation of the item
duLac: Failure to respond appropriately to fire alarms and emergency notifications may result in
disciplinary action.
Failure to evacuate the building for a fire alarm: $200 fine
Failure to move to basement for a tornado warning: $50 fine
Pulling the fire alarm without reasonable suspicion of fire or emergency: $200 fine
Blocking sprinkler heads or hanging items from water pipes or sprinkler heads: $50 fine after
one warning

Lewis Hall Policies

Smoking within 25 feet of the building: $50 fine
Lost Room Key: $25 fee to replace key
Leaving Items in the Hallway or common spaces after parietals: Items will be confiscated and can be
retrieved for $2 per item (ie $2 for a cookie sheet, $4 for a pair of shoes, etc)
Missing Section Meetings: performing service to the section at the discretion of the RA and the Rector.
If students have a conflict with the time meetings are scheduled, they must make arrangements with their
RA in advance of the meeting in order to avoid this consequence.
Failure to turn in social gathering forms or overnight guest forms: $10-$25 fine at discretion of the
Overnight guest forms must be turned into an RA prior to the guests arrival in Lewis Hall. All
guests age 17 or younger must be approved by Layla prior to their arrival in Lewis.
Social Gathering Forms must be turned into a Head Staff member by parietals the night before the
gathering. Rooms must turn in a social gathering form if there are:
o Singles: more than 6 people, including the host
o Doubles: more than 8 people, including the hosts
o Triples: more than 10 people, including the hosts
o Quads: more than 12 people, including the hosts
o 6-chicks: more than 14 people, including the hosts
Students do not need to fill out a social gathering form if the door to the room remains open at all
times during the gathering. If the gathering disrupts the community, guests will be asked to move
to a common space or leave the hall.
Disrespecting a Hall Staff Member:
First Offense: Offering a personal apology to the staff member in a way determined by the rector
Subsequent Offenses: referral to the Office of Residence Life for disciplinary action

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