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Alyssa Ambrosio

ENG 103
Mrs. Fogelson
18 March 2016
Textual Analysis Essay
For centuries people have been fighting for civil rights and equality. To aspire the dreams
of all people of all races.It was incoprperated into the United States legislation and amendments
it was embodied by the people, to some extant. However, people choose not to admit the
obvious, some form of discrimination still exist and prejudice is prevalent for all people of
different races, including Hispanics. As there has been an influx in immigration coming from the
Mexican- American border Mexicans and other lations have been affected by the prejudices of
white Americans. For years this Hispanics have been affected in their way of life including for
Mexican-American citizens. Cesar Chavez a famous Hispanic Civil rights activists, is known for
his involvement with farmworkers and hispanic farm workers rights. Cesar Chavez is a role
model to all Hispanics living and working in the United States. He is an influence to all people to
support the need and importance for a more diverse way of life, which can include introducing
heritage like a heritage festival for the Hispanic community.
In Cesar Chavezs speech (untitled), speaks of the American people not learning from Dr.
Martin Luther King's ways and his purpose as a civil rights activist, The men who rule this
country today never learned the lessons of Dr. King, they never learned that nonviolence is the
only way to peace and justice, (Chavez). Through Chavez's speech it becomes evident that his
goal is to achieve civil rights for everyone wether it be for the time being, but he understands that
it takes time and the free will of the people to stand up for what is right. Its a one step at time

process Chavez demonstrated that his protesting and gaining support from fellow MexicanAmerican farm workers was impacting society in that it introduced Latin Americans as important
people in the American Society.
With the influence of Chavezs efforts on the United Farm Workers and MexicanAmericans serves as an inspiration for the United States to delve deeper into the Latino
community and see the injustices that go unnoticed. As stated in the speech, The United Farm
Workers are dedicated to carrying on the dream of Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. My friends,
I would like to tell you about the struggle of the Farm workers who are waging a desperate
struggle for our rights, for our childrens rights, and for our very lives[...], (Chavez). Members
of the Latino Community must be made noticed in society. American History has come to far to
allow the same racial mistakes again. This nation was founded on the belief of freedom and
equality and on the belief Cesar Chavez attempted to make it true amongst the farm workers.
After 46 years since the first Cesar Chavez speech or movement Latin Americans are still
facing injustices. They are persecuted by white American citizens and political figures.They are
often looked at as lesser than human. Cesar Chavez reflects the efforts implemented in having a
cultural festival in honor of the hispanic community. To rid the racial injustices, The powers
that be rule over a racist society, filled with hatred and ignorance. Our nation continues to be
segregated along racial and economic lines, (Chavez). This festival would help level the power
of the races and slowly but surely allow people to understand and see the beauty of the latin
culture and learn about the different races.

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