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Alyssa Ambrosio

English 101
April 19, 2016
Cause and Effect Essay
The United States since early America has struggled with immigrants and integrating
them into society. History has shown the harsh measures American Citizens took in their dislike
towards immigrants which some include, however not limited to; African Americans, Japanese,
Germans and many more. In more recent events the Hispanic population is seemingly viewed as
a problem, an increase in hispanic immigrants across the Mexican American border has caused
outrage amongst most citizens. Prejudice and discrimination still exist affecting this minority
group and must cease to exist in order to create a more diverse society.
The Hispanic population within the United States continues to grow, reaching an all new
high of 55.4 million documented hispanics residing in the U.S.,with such high influx it would
seem as though Americans would feel open to new culture, however this is not the case
(KROGSTAD, JENS MANUEL). With creating a more diverse community for hispanic
populations can reduce prejudice drastically. In the state of California a lawyer found that
discrimination exist amongst Mexican populations including stereotyping into hate
crimes(Gibson, R.). The need for two different ethnic groups has never been greater to end these
stereotypes and discriminatory remarks in order to create a more unified nation.
The injustice does not just end there, it carries on in hispanics day to day lives. They are
faced with the discrimination in the community and in the workplace. Female Hispanics often

experience glass ceiling. This is a term that refers to female employees who are eligible to
advance beyond a particular pay level or position due to their ethnicity or race, ().This intern
affects other employees perception of latinos and the difference in ethnicity. It also affects latinos
from becoming a prosperous group in the community which in turn would eliminate prejudice
against hispanics financial state. If prejudice is reduced and eliminated from the workplace
hispanics would be able to live freely and comfortably without having to worry about all the bad
Negative perception of hispanics affects the minority group and their perception to the
rest of the United States. By creating a more diverse society all ethnic groups would be able to
live freely, comfortably, and free of discrimination. For years people have been fighting for civil
rights and equality, to aspire the dreams of all people and of all races. It was incorporated into the
United States legislation and amendments it was embodied by the people, to some extent. Now it
is up to the Hispanic Civil rights activists to stand up for the latino people and their rights to
equal opportunity and freedom.

Work Cited

Edditor, Cheif. "Discrimination Against Hispanics in the Workplace |"

NLCATPorg. NLCATP, 24 Mar. 2014. Web. 26 Apr. 2016.
Gibson, R. Sebastian. "Discrimination Against Hispanics, Latinos and Mexican
Americans, and the Need For More Civil Rights Lawyers in California." Legal
Reasources, n.d. Web.
KROGSTAD, JENS MANUEL. "Hispanic Population Reaches Record 55 Million, but
Growth Has Cooled." Pew Research Center RSS. Pew Research Center RSS, 25 June 2015. Web.
26 Apr. 2016.

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