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Assignment 2

1) RGB- It is an additive colour model where red, green, and

blue light are put together in different ways to produce a broad
array of colours. (red,green, and blue)
CMYK- It is a subtractive colour model used in colour printing
and is used to describe the printing process itself.
(cyan,magenta,yellow, and key-black)
2) Images are stored in a computer in a grid form or pixels. The
pixels have the images colour and brightness information in it.
The image editing can change the pixels to enhance the image in
many different ways, they can be changed as a group,
individually, and by sophisticated algorithms within the image
3) The RGB color space is defined not by color information
directly, but rather by three individual grayscale channelsone
each for red, green, and blue. Each of these defines the
brightness value for their particular color for each pixel, and the
three values combined determine the actual color of each pixel.

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