Literacy Advocacy Reflection

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UWRT 1102, Advocacy Literacy Project Reflection

Name: Nicholle Ramos

Please provide a short response to each following question or statement.
1. How did you decided to divide up the contents of your project, the composition verses the visual? Why so? How is
your division important to me for consideration in grading/evaluating your project?
First I started off with the essay. I tried to hit all of the points in my essay and whatever I didnt get to incorporate into my essay would
be put into my Prezi. I hit every point in my essay, so my Prezi is just a small summary of what was in my essay but is a visual aid.

2. What do you want me to consider as I review your medium choice? If nothing else, tell me about your risk taking.
I think that its kind of a risk for me to use Kesha Rose as an advocate for animal rights because when people hear the name Kesha
they just think shes just another pop singer who likes to party a lot, but people just need to take the time to do more research about her.

3. Influence me further as to what to focus most upon during grading: what do you want weighed most in your favor as I
grade your project? Why?
I would like my essay to be weighed more because I put more effort and content into the paper than I did in my Prezi. My essay
contains why I chose the advocacy, who is the perfect advocate, and how it influences my personal life. The essay is more personal
than my Prezi.

4. What would you like to change or to work on more, if you had the chance? Why so?
I would have worked more on my Prezi. I feel that it lacks content and its not that appealing. I wish I hadnt hit every point in my essay
because I had nothing left to work with for my Prezi other than repeating what was in my essay, but in shorter form.

5. Based upon what you have been assigned, verses what you have completed, what grade does your work justify?
I think my grade work is worthy of at least a B. I feel that I did very well on my essay, but could have done better on my Prezi.

Rubric ~
Point Value:
Rough Draft with Peer Review
Personal Literacy, Written
Media Piece


* ask me about the asterisks

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