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1. In your own words, what happens in the piece?

Focus on the most important details that

shape the narrative. Do not exceed two paragraphs.
In a land far away there was a brave knight known as Lady Tilda. One day Lady Tilda
received a letter from the King himself requesting her assistance in Killing a Great
Dragon, Lady Tilda accepted the quest and without second thoughts and headed to the
Dragon's cave. As the brave Knight walked through the dark and gloomy cave she
stumbled upon the remains of the Knights before her that have never returned back. The
knight carefully walked deeper into the cave until she spotted the Dragon. Lady Tilda
unintentionally woke the dragon from his sleep and the Dragon instinctively attacked the
Knight with his fire breath. Lady Tilda's quick reflexes dodge the fire, the she came
closer to the dragon to find that the he was just a frightened little dragon. The dragon
looked helpless and was shivering in fear then lady Tilda hugged him. "Are you going to
kill me?" The dragon asked. "No" she replied. The poor dragon then cried on the knight's
shoulder and explained to Lady Tilda that he is innocent from the accusations he was
accused of, and told his story about how the knight's before her killed his parents with no
reason and thats why hes so afraid and lonely. Lady Tilda then offered the orphaned
dragon a place in her home between her family and the dragon accepted happily. So
they returned together and lived together in peace happily ever after. The End.
2. What are three (3) things this short tale teaches us?
a. Avoid prejudging.
b. Understanding others problems will solve every dispute and will make a peaceful
c. Deliberation is always useful.
3. What is your overall impression of the tale of The Lady Tilda?
I like it. It gives a priceless advice, Dont prejudge, Understand and deliberate.

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