MATH 7002 Computational Linear Algebra (Fall 2013-CASE)

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MATH 7002 Computational Linear Algebra

(Fall 2013- CASE)

Credit Hours:

3 credit hrs course

Area of Specializations:


Course Outline:
This course covers the concept of linear algebra, matrix computation
algorithms for small and large scale systems. This course includes the computational solutions of
linear systems, Eigen values and singular value problems. The course will not only focus on
theoretical aspects of Linear algebra but will have examples of its application in different
engineering disciplines.

Advanced Engineering Mathematics

Topics Covered:
Gaussian Elimination, LU factorization
Vector Spaces, Subspaces, Linear Transformations
Orthogonality, Gram Schmidt, Least Squares, QR Factorization
Eigen values & Eigen vectors
Jordan Normalization Form
Positive Definitiveness, Singular Value Decomposition
SVD and Pseudo-inverse
Jacobi Method for diagonalization of symmetric matrices
Norms, Condition Numbers, Iterative Methods

Recommended Text Book:

1. Linear Algebra and its Applications by Gilbert Strang, Fourth Edition (ISBN 0-03-010567-6)

YAHOOGROUP: cla_case
TA: M.Waqas Afzal
Course Email (for DLs to send their HWs only): and cc to

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