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English 1103, Critical Review Reflection

Kathy Nguyen

Please provide a short response to each following question or statement.

1. Did you feel that the six questions, used as a lead-in, were helpful to starting your own composition? Why so/Why not?
I thought that the questions were extremely helpful to starting my own composition because they acted as a guide on how
to begin writing. All I had to do was answer the questions and put my responses together and I had a completed critical

2. Influence me as to what to focus most upon during grading: what do you most want weighed in your favor as I grade
your overall project? Why?
I think one of my strengths in this critical review was my usage of examples and quotes from the book to back up my
thesis and further explanation as to why those quotes were used. It gives readers a little more background knowledge on
what Im trying to make a point of.

3. Influence me further as to what to focus least upon during grading: what do you want weighed least against you as I
grade your project? Why?
I would appreciate it if my conclusion was weighed least against me. I have never been good at endings, I always find
them to be too awkward and difficult to write.

4. Was the peer review beneficial to you? How so?

I thought that the peer review was beneficial to me because it is always helpful to have another pair of eyes to read your
work and catch any mistakes I may have missed. It is also nice to have someone else give honest feedback on what I
could improve on to make my paper better.

5. Based upon what you have been assigned, verses what you have completed, what grade does your work justify?
I would say anywhere between a B to mid A. I dont believe that what I wrote is anywhere near a high A because writing
isnt my forte but I dont think its horrible either to receive anything below a C.

Rubric ~
Point Value:
Critical Review


EC: Six-Question Lead-In/Pre-writing


+1 - +6

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