Straight Sex With A Twist

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Im stood in the lobby of the theatre, checking my phone obsessively as I curse

to myself. I pace on the spot and stare outside the doors intently, hoping that my
friends are not far away. I check my phone again. No new messages or calls.
Fuck! I say under my breath as I continue staring out the doors to see if I can
spot them among the crowd that is trickling through. We were supposed to meet
here, before taking our seats together but with ten minutes before the show
starts it was looking like they were not turning up.
My phone vibrates as an alert comes through. I glance down to see a message
from one of my friends.
Hey Kasey! Im really sorry but were not going to make it tonight after all.
Family emergency, were needed at home. Enjoy the show anyway and see you
soon. Xx
I shake my head and switch off my phone, as I head into the auditorium its a
good thing I dont mind coming alone I thought to myself. I settle into my seat
and take a look around and notice that the vast majority of the audience is
female. I see a small handful of men, but for the most part the audience is
A woman squeezes past me along the row, as she takes the seat immediately to
my right. She gives me a shy and brief smile as she sits down and shrugs out of
her jacket. She quickly scans the theatre as though looking for someone, and
then takes out her phone. I hear her mutter shit to herself as she switches off
her phone and puts it back into her bag. I glance in her direction and note that
shes looking angry. Im about to ask if shes ok when the lights dim and the
performance start.
During the interval I leave my seat to use the bathroom and get a small tub of
ice cream. As Im in the queue to purchase my ice cream, I notice the lady sat
next to me talking on the phone. By her movements I can tell shes talking
angrily. As I walk past her to get back to my seat I overhear a small part of the
Where are you?
You were meant to come to the theatre with me tonight.
Yes, that was tonight.
No, forget it. Youve missed half the show so no point turning up now.
Im just about to sit in my seat when she comes storming back in, so I step aside
to let her past. She pauses briefly to thank me before she sits down into her seat
heavily and sighs. I sit down and try and think of something to say to her but
draw a blank.
So, good show so far right? I cringe to myself at such a corny start to a
She looks at me with surprise Huh? Oh, yeah it is pretty good.
I nod my head and fall into silence, not sure on how to pursue the conversation.
Looking at her more closely I notice she has a rather square jaw, but with

feminine softness. Her eyes, though angry, are a delicate blue in colour. She has
rather thin lips, which made her appear stern but the softness in her eyes made
her face kinder and less aggressive. The lights began to dim again and I pull my
gaze away and back to the stage.
Out in the lobby, following the end of the show, I stood and put on my jacket
before doing it up. I took out my phone and switched it back on, to see if I had
any missed calls during the evening. I stood to one side and let the initial rush
leave the theatre, I thought I might grab a drink before heading home so that I
wasnt stuck in the post-theatre traffic. I had just switched on my phone when I
heard a voice behind me.
So, pretty good show tonight, huh?
I spin around and find myself face to face with the woman I had been sat next to.
She is smiling at me. She was a good 5 or 6 inches taller than me, but that
wasnt difficult considering I was only 51. Focusing on what she had asked me, I
nodded my head.
Oh, yeah it was good. Though I didnt plan on coming alone.
She let out a laugh, which upon hearing it sent a shiver through my body. It was
a gentle natured laugh and warm to hear.
No, I didnt either. And I guessed you werent intentionally alone, as not many
men come to The Full Monty on their own.
I find myself smirking as I responded oh dont get me wrong, I love watching
men get their kit off as much as the next person. Just, I dont like being stood
She raises an eyebrow in curiosity so, youre gay?
I smile gently I dont really like labels but no Im not gay. I still like women. But I
like a lot of things, not just men or women, you know?
She nodded slowly, and smiled enigmatically I get what you mean. That makes
so much sense to me.
I glanced around and noticed we were almost the last ones in the theatre. I
glance down at my watch and see its 11pm. Looking back up I ask. Would you
like to come and get a drink with me somewhere? Unless you need to get home
of course.
She blushed a little and gazed at the ground, before bringing her eyes to meet
mine again no, I would like that. Im not in work tomorrow so Ive got time.
Walking to a bar nearby, I held the door open for her to walk through and she
smiled well, looks like someones mama raised her boy right. I blushed and
followed her into the bar. We found a table in a secluded part of the bar and took
off our jackets and sat down. The dim lights of the bar reflected off her eyes, and
gave them an intense glaze. She seemed more relaxed as she rest her chin on
her hands and gazed around her. I found myself transfixed by her eyes and
couldnt stop staring, my face blushing as she caught me staring. I quickly
averted my eyes, grabbing the drinks menu and staring at it intently, waiting for
the flush to leave my face. Her voice broke the silence that had fallen.

So, whats your name?

Kasey, my name is Kasey.
Hmmm, Kasey, I like it. Well Kasey, my name is Michelle.
Huh, I knew a girl in school named Michelle. We used to play these games I
quickly trailed off, not sure if I should finish that particular story.
Michelle cocked an eyebrow games? What games? there was a smile etched
into the curve of her lip and her eyes were alight with curiosity and amusement.
I let out a small groan I really dont know if you want to hear about it. Its a little
fucked up considering we were both kids.
She let out a soft laugh now I really want to hear about it. Come on, how bad
could it be?
I held up my hands in mock surrender ok, Ill tell you. So we were about nine
years old and wed go to a really quiet corner of the playground. There we would
play mummy and baby. One of us would be the mummy and the other the baby,
and wed pretend to change each other. There may have been inappropriate
touching involved.
Michelle paused for a few seconds before dissolving into a fit of laughter. Every
time she tried to speak, she would be overcome again and lose control. Finally
she was able to control the laughter long enough to choke out her sentence
youyou mean at nine years oldyou played kinky games with a class mate?
I raised one finger to argue my point they were not kinky games! They just had
a mildly sexual undertone
Michelle suppressed the last of her giggles before standing up Ill get us some
drinks. What are you having?
Oh, well just a coke thanks.
Just coke?
Yeah, I dont drink alcohol.
Ok, I will be right back. And you can tell me more of your naughty stories she
winked as she walked towards the bar.
Michelle came back with a glass of coke and a bottle of beer. She sat down and
we sat in silence as we sipped away at our drinks. I could see a smile playing
around the corner of her mouth as she drank, and I knew that I wasnt off the
hook just yet. She put her bottle down and then fixed me an intent stare and I
knew that more questions were coming about my sordid past.
So, spill. Whats your most embarrassing sexual moment?
I swallowed the mouthful of coke and put down my glass.
That ones easy. I was giving my boyfriend at the time a handjob and my mum
walks in.

Michelle gasped and covered her mouth with her hand oh my god. Did your
mum seeeverything?
I shook my head oh no, we were under the duvet. But she saw my hand moving,
so she got the idea pretty quick. Not very sexy when your boyfriends dick goes
soft in your hand.
Michelle shook her head a little with a laugh no, I can imagine that kills the
mood pretty quickly.
I smiled and nodded yeah, it did. Ok, your turn. Whats your most embarrassing
sexual moment?
She sat and thought for a moment hmmm. I think probably when I was making
out with my ex on a park bench and I got hard Michelle suddenly stopped and
hit her forehead with the palm of her hand.
Fuck, shit. I didnt want you to find that out this way.
I quickly grab her hand and squeeze it reassuringly hey, its ok. I dont mind,
She looked at me with tears in her eyes you dont?
I shook my head no, I mean it makes what I had to tell you easier for me too.
She looked at me with confusion tell me what?
I drop my eyes before saying quietly Im trans too. Im a pre-op trans man.
She looked at me in shock for a few seconds, and then relief swept over her face.
She then began to laugh, more to herself rather than at me.
I cant believe youre trans too. And to think I was so scared you would up and
leave the minute I told you! Waityoure not going to are you?
My eyes widened at that comment are you kidding? God no. I think youre
gorgeous, you being trans be damned. I mean you dont mind that I am, do
She shook her head no darling, I dont mind at all. Youre still a sweetheart and
so handsome.
I clear my throat a couple of times before asking tell me to fuck off if you want,
but have you had the lower surgery? I mean is it something you do want?
She smiled no, I havent had lower surgery. Im happy with my penis, I actually
kinda like it. I might change my mind one day, but for now Ill use it. She paused
how about you, have you had any surgery done?
Ive had the chest surgery done, I had that done three years ago now. I needed
that done because having breasts just didnt feel right. Ive not had lower
surgery, and I dont know if I will. Ive kind of learned to embrace my vagina.
Michelle smiled widely at that point fuck yeah. I love that attitude. Heres to
loving the junk that we were born with she raised her beer bottle and I raised
my glass.

Michelle continued to watch me as I gulped my drink, as I tried not to voice the

thoughts that were going through my head. At that moment she spoke.
Whatever youre thinking, you can say it honey. I wont mind.
I glanced at her before replying this is going to be really forward, and really
fucking crazy because I only just met you tonight. But I really, really want to fuck
you. Or be fucked by you. Youre so sexy that youre driving me crazy right now.
Michelle blushed and smiled before leaning in close to my ear, and whispered.
Put your hand near my dick.
I look at her to make sure I heard her right and she nodded her head. Sliding my
hand under the table, I place my hand on her dick and gasp softly. She was
completely hard. Acting instinctively I rubbed her dick and she moaned softly in
my ear. Leaning in close to her, I whispered to her.
Do you want to get out of here?
Without answering, Michelle took me by the hand and led me outside, where she
hailed down a taxi. Jumping in I gave the driver my address, as I only lived a
short distance away. Michelle placed one hand on the back of my neck and
brought her lips close to mine, eliciting a moan of longing from me. Then she
pressed her lips to mine, the softness feeling so right, I gently teased her mouth
open with my tongue, and her own tongue met mine. I deepened the kiss, as I
ran my hand up her thigh and let it rest on her hip. She broke the kiss and kissed
and nipped down my neck which caused me to gasp and moan with desire. The
taxi driver at that point cleared his throat and we both looked up. He tapped a
sign that was next to him.
No passionate kissing and or sexual foreplay in my cab, please.
Me and Michelle looked surprised but then had to suppress our giggles. For the
duration of the journey, I held her hand in mind and stroked my finger along her
palm. Finally we arrived at my house, paying the driver with a 10, I waved away
the change and stumbled out the taxi with Michelle, both of us giggling like
Wrestling my keys from my jacket pocket, I fumble with the front door. We begin
to giggle again as I struggle to open the door, finally the door opens and we
topple into my house. Once inside I throw my keys on the desk and turn to face
Michelle. She smiles at me and steps closer to me, with a teasing look in her
eyes. I pull her close to me by the hand and bring her face to mine, kissing her
with unrestrained passion.
She grinds her body against mine, and I moan as I feel her hard cock pressing
against my pussy. I grab hold of her ass and pull her close to me, her own hands
finding mine. I break the kiss and bite into her neck, which causes her to gasp
and then whimper, I stop to check if shes ok and she just whispers fuck, you
feel so good. I take hold of her hands in mine, and slowly lead her into the
bedroom, wanting to feel her body against mine so badly.
Sitting myself down on my bed, I look up as Michelle stands over me. I run my
hands up and down her thighs, her cock right near my face. Pulling her even

closer, I kiss up her thighs and rub my nose teasingly against her hard cock, now
straining against her jeans. I continue to kiss along, before I run my tongue
across her cock, and lightly biting through her jeans. She moans and holds my
face against her cock and grinds against my mouth. I let out a moan and feel a
jolt of arousal in my pussy, my clit beginning to tingle with pleasure.
Looking up to meet her eyes, I undo her jeans slowly and push them down. With
her jeans pushed down, I can see her cock more clearly through her underwear. I
run my hand over her cock through her underwear, stroking it teasingly and
kissing along and down her cock. She moans loudly and grinds against me again,
causing me to grin at how much she wants me. I finally push down her
underwear too, and her hard cock springs free. I grin to find myself staring at a 6
inch cock, with considerable girth. She pushes off her jeans and underwear,
leaving her completely naked from the waist down.
I take her cock in my hand and stroke it lightly, kissing the tip as I do. Then with
a grin I lick my tongue up her shaft, before taking as much of her into my mouth
as I can. I begin to stroke her dick again as I lap my tongue over the head of her
cock, which makes her moan and thrust into my mouth. I gag slightly as she hits
the back of my throat, but continue licking and stroking. I keep this up for a few
moments, before letting her cock fall from my mouth.
Standing up, I remove my top and pull her top off, leaving her completely naked.
I drop my head and take her nipples into my mouth, my hands squeezing and
massaging her boobs. She runs a hand through my hair and moans fuck that
feels good. Keep going. Her hands slide down my jeans and into my boxers, and
straight away finding my clit. I bite my lip and let out a moan, as she runs her
finger in circles lightly on my clit.
Undoing my jeans, I push down my jeans and underwear and step out of them,
leaving me naked. She begins to kiss down my body, taking care to lick and kiss
around my nipples. Dropping to her knees she breathes in the scent of my pussy,
before bringing her tongue close to it. She licks up my inner thigh, before parting
my pussy lips and sucking on my clit. I moan loudly and hold her head closer to
my pussy as her tongue teases and plays with my clit. She picks up the pace and
I know that shes going to make me cum, hard. I push her face right against my
clit and pussy, and begin to face fuck her mouth, wanting her to take as much of
my clit with her tongue as possible.
After several moments, my body begins to shudder and I feel the orgasm
building. I moan as she licks faster and harder. I let out a louder moan as I begin
to cum in her mouth, my clit throbbing with the orgasm. She continues to suck
my clit as the orgasm hits me in waves and I gasp with arousal. She finally drops
her mouth away and stands up to kiss me deeply, leaving the taste of my pussy
on my lips and in my mouth. She rubs my pussy and smiles as Im still wet. I
glance down at her rock hard cock with a smile I think my pussy needs filling
with that. With a playful growl she pushes me to the bed and lies on top of me.
Rubbing her cock against my pussy I smile. She looks down at me and asks do
you want me to wear a condom? I shake my head no, Ive had my
hysterectomy. I cant get pregnant, I want to feel you cum inside me. She leans
down and kisses me deeply, my hand taking her cock and slowly guiding it to my
pussy. Nodding my head, she slowly slides her cock inside my pussy, both of us

moaning as she does. I know that she can fuck another orgasm out of me,
especially with her on top and me rubbing my clit.
As she begins to fuck into me harder, I reach down and begin to rub my clit
again, knowing the next orgasm wont be far away. She doesnt break eye
contact as she fucks me, her cock feeling so good inside my pussy. I wrap my
legs around her so I can pull her in deeper, which causes us both to moan and
smile. I bring her face down to mine and kiss her, my tongue yearning to play
with hers, and take in as much of her tongue as possible. She begins to fuck me
faster, and she moans as she does so I wont take long to cum she gasps to
me. I smile and rub my clit faster good, I want you to cum deep inside me. I
want to cum on your dick as you fuck me. She moans again when I say that and
fucks me even faster and harder. I bite down on her neck, leaving a small welt of
blood where I bit her.
Fucking me as hard and fast as she can go, Michelles breathing quickens and
she closes her eyes. I run my hand up her torso and squeeze her boob and
nipple. I moan as I feel my pussy clench onto her dick, knowing my orgasm is
very close. I pull her in deeper and stutter out babe, Im going to cum again.
Fuck, please cum inside me. At that point Michelle lets out a long moan and
shoots inside me, thrusting several times as she empties herself inside me. Her
orgasm sends me over the edge and I feel a second intense orgasm rush through
me, my pussy clenching onto her cock and pleasure wash over my body. We both
moan from our orgasms, as she pulls out. Her cum leaks out of my pussy onto
the sheets, and we both smile.
Michelle takes me into her arms and cuddles against me, our naked bodies close
to each other. We both fall into a sleepy silence, both of us smiling from the
pleasure and intensity of the orgasms we just experienced. She strokes my hair
as I drift into semi-sleep. She then mutters into my ear so was I worth seeing
naked men for? I let out a soft laugh and stroke her arm oh baby, you were
definitely worth it.

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