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I stood in front of the mirror, scrutinising my appearance.

I examined the clothes

I was wearing from every angle, and checked, double checked and then triple
checked they werent marked or stained. The anxiety was causing my stomach
to churn and my mind to race. My palms were clammy with sweat and I was
shaking slightly from the anxiety. Turning away from the mirror, I took out my
phone and dialled a number before waiting for a reply, resisting the urge to just
hang up.
Hello? the voice answered on the other end.
Fluffie, its me. Im freaking out.
Ok, slow down and talk to me. Damon said to me gently.
I was crazy for agreeing to this. I dont know what Im doing! I almost shouted
down the phone in a frantic worry.
Cutie, you were hardly going to say no. Whats bothering you?
What will I say? How should I act? What if she doesnt turn up? What if she
does? What if I freak her out? What if she thinks Im boring? Why would she even
want dinner with me? The list goes on fluffie. Oh god this is such a stupid idea.
Damon waits until Im done before answering.
Slow down there cutie patotie, its going to be absolutely fine. So lets break this
down. One, youll find the words you always do. Two, act like yourself that is all
she would want. Three she invited you for dinner, so shell be there. And no, its
not a stupid idea, I promise you that.
Damon, my usual self is staring at pictures of Bunny on her Tumblr, and going
all goggle eyed, soppy and exclaiming how cute and adorable she is. I dont think
shed want that!
Imagine that its a friend taking you for dinner. Youre meeting a friend for
dinner, youre going to talk, eat good food and just have a nice time. Forget that
shes Bunny, forget that shes from SPG. Just think of her as a friend, who has
invited you out for dinner.
I let out a slow, calming breath ok, I think I can do that. Yeah, I can do that.
Thanks fluffie.
Of course you can do it, I know you can. And youre welcome cutie. What time is
she meeting you?
6pm, in the motel bar. I glance down at my watch its 5:45 now. Id better go
down to the bar ready to meet her. Wish me luck?
You dont need luck, but good luck anyway. It will be fine! And let me know how
it goes. Ill be thinking of you both.
Ok, thanks. And yes Ill let you know. Ok, bye for now fluffie.
I end the call, glancing at my reflection one more time I grab my room card, my
jacket and my wallet and leave the room. I push the elevator button, but realise
its taking too long and so take the stairs down to the bar. The walk does me good
and helps me calm my nerves and clear my head.

I walk into the bar and situate myself on one of the stools at the bar. I catch the
attention of the bartender and order myself a soda. Sipping at it slowly, I begin to
check my phone for the time obsessively. The minutes drag by with agonising
slowness, and I begin to worry again that Bunny wont show up. I load up the
game Angry Birds on my phone, hoping to pass some time with the game as a
distraction, however I struggle to focus and so close the app again. I tap my
finger nail on the side of the glass, my leg tapping the stool nervously. Just as I
check my phone again to see the time, I hear a soft voice from behind me.
Hi Kasey.
I look round and find myself looking at Bunny, and Im momentarily stunned by
how amazing she looked. She was wearing a black, knee length dress, a black
leather jacket with fur sleeves and black, heel shoes. Her lips were made up with
red lipstick and she had some light eye shadow on her eyes. I looked down at
myself and suddenly felt under dressed: I was wearing a button up, blue shirt
and a pair of jeans. However I didnt have anything smarter packed so had to
make do. Bunny smiled at me as I got up from the stool to greet her.
Bunny, hey. Im so glad you were able to make it. You look great!
She gave a wide smile Awww, thank you. So do you, smart but casual.
I blushed a little as I examined my outfit once more I dont know about that. Im
feeling a little underdressed next to you!
She waved her hand No dont be silly, you look just fine. So, shall we get
I nod my head of course, let the evening commence.
She smiled warmly so I know of this great little Italian place, great food. Are you
ok with Italian? she added nervously.
I gave a small laugh at that point are you kidding? I love Italian food! Id live off
pasta if I could, hell I practically do.
She giggles at that point and ducks her head youre cute, I like that. She then
turns and leaves the bar and blushing at her compliment I follow.
We arrive at the restaurant and are greeted immediately at the door.
Good evening sir, and madam. Table for two?
Bunny speaks first yes please. And could we get a fairly quiet table as well?
The waiter smiles and nods of course, if you would like to follow me.
Were walked over to a table in the corner, which still in sight of staff but also a
distance away from the hubbub of the other customers. I pull out Bunnys chair
and she takes a seat, a surprised smile forming around the corners of her lips.
Well someone is a gentleman. Your mom raised her boy well.
I sit myself down opposite her Ill be honest, Ive seen that all the time in
movies and have always wanted to do it.
She chuckles youre big on romance, arent you?

I nod my head with a shy smile yeah, Im a schmuck for romance, always have
Dont be shy or embarrassed about it, thats a good thing.
I always got the impression that people didnt like romance.
She smiled those are just the wrong people for you. The right ones will love it.
At that point a waitress approached our table hey there. Can I get you two
something to drink?
I smiled at the waitress Ill have a pepsi, thank you.
The waitress smiled back thank you sir, and yourself madam?
Ooh, Ill take a pepsi as well please.
The waitress jotted down our drinks Ill bring them right to you. By the way you
make a really cute couple.
As the waitress walked away, me and Bunny exchanged glances and then
laughed to each other.
I didnt realise we looked like a couple I said with surprise and amusement.
Well, I guess we do look a little like were on a date Bunny replied thoughtfully.
Not knowing how to respond, I picked up the menu and studied it to see what to
order, looking slightly bashful Bunny did the same. Several moments passed by,
with the both of us scrutinising the menu, occasionally exchanging glances and
smiling when we did. The waitress came back over with our drinks and placed
them on the table.
Are you both ready to order or would you like a few more minutes?
I replied Im ready, Bunny would you like more time?
She shook her head no, Im good.
I grinned at her in that case I will have the spaghetti carbonara please.
Bunny responded a little more slowly I will have the lasagne.
The waitress noted it down would you like any sides?
Bunny piped up well take a side of garlic bread please.
The waitress finished writing the order ok great, it will be ready as soon as we
can. Enjoy your evening.
Bunny sat and watched me, as I scanned the restaurant and watched other
diners. I looked back at her and she was still watching me, with a small grin on
her face.
So, tell me more about yourself Kasey.
Oh, well what do you want to know? Im not so good at describing myself.
Anything, just tell me whatever you think I would find interesting.

Ok. Well uh I guess well start with Im a Pisces. Me and my granddad shared
birthdays, Im a writer and studied creative writing at university. I love all things
cute and fluffy. I still love Disney and Pokemon. Im pansexual, polyamorous and
Bunny stopped me at that point wait, youre trans too?
I nodded my head yup, Im also trans.
She looked surprised but she was smiling wow, I didnt expect you to say that.
Are you a trans guy?
Yep, and pretty much done with transition now.
So how old were you when you came out?
I was 17, I wasnt ready to come out but life kind of took matters into its own
hands and it happened.
Bunny looked a bit worried what do you mean?
Well, I ended up coming out to my dad, in the car on holiday. He drove us for a
little bit of father/daughter time and said we werent going back to the hotel
until he knew what was wrong. And so I told him.
Bunny looked taken aback and how did he react?
Well, he was shocked but he was ok with it. He said hed stick by me and wed
work through it as a family. But at least I wasnt crying when I came out. My mum
was another matter altogether.
Bunny looked sympathetic you were crying as you came out to your mom?
I nodded yeah. I was so scared to tell her, of being rejected by her. In the end I
was lying on my bed, crying so hard. There was my mum, sat next to me, holding
my hand and waiting. I finally told her mum Im a transsexual and well her
reaction was brilliant.
Bunny smiled what did she say?
I laughed at the memory well she said at least youre not pregnant to her that
was the worst that could happen!
Bunny started to laugh and couldnt stop herself that has to be one of the best
reactions Ive heard. I think I love your mom.
We finished our meals and the waitress came to collect our plates.
Can I get you anything for dessert?
I looked at Bunny Nothing for me, Im stuffed!
Bunny shook her head No, Im good too. Can we just get the bill please?
The waitress smiled no problem, Ill be right over.
The waitress came back and Bunny settled up the bill thanks, I hope you two
enjoy the rest of the night.

Bunny and I stepped outside the restaurant, taking a moment to enjoy the cool,
summer air. I smiled at her as I put on my jacket.
So, you want me to drop you off at your motel?
I smile yeah, thanks. That sounds great.
Ok, hop in and Ill take you back.
I jump in the car and Bunny drives me back to the motel. When we arrive I step
out and so does Bunny and we walk to the front door of the motel. I turn to face
Thank you for tonight, I had a really good time. Thanks for offering your time for
She smiled at me I had fun too, it was really nice. And dont forget you get to
meet the guys tomorrow too, to make up for not seeing them at the expo.
I look surprised yes! Oh god, I had completely forgotten until you told me just
now. Thanks for reminding me.
She laughed no problem, I guess with me as your companion this evening it
slipped your mind.
I smiled heh, yeah I guess so.
We fell into silence as I wrestled with the question that I was dying to ask her,
but didnt know if I should.
Um Bunny, would you like to hang out with me in my room for a while? I blush
and look down at the ground, anxious for her reply.
Yeah, sure. Id love to, that sounds really nice.
I beamed widely at her great, well I guess we can head up then.
I let ourselves into the room and walk in, slipping off my shoes and jacket. I walk
over to the bed and throw myself down, groaning with relief as I lie myself down.
Nothing beats settling onto a bed, after an amazing day.
Bunny stepped further into the room and looked around.
Wow, nice motel room youve got here. Its cosy.
I smiled its a bit basic, but its all I need really. Anyway, make yourself
She slipped off her heels, shrugged off her jacket and came over to lie next to
me on the bed. I felt a jolt in my stomach and the blush creep up my face when I
realised I was lying on the same bed as Bunny. I lay in silence, just enjoying the
moment, and scared I would say something to ruin it.
Bunny turned her head to look at me and I looked at her too, she had a curious
expression on her face.
Can I ask you a rather personal question? she blushed a little when she asked.

I grinned go on
Well, when you said you were fully transitioned, what does that mean for you?
You mean like surgery? she nodded in response.
Well, I had top surgery to remove the boobs, didnt want those. And I had partial
genital surgery. So they constructed a penis but I kept what was there before.
She considered that for a minute soyou have both I guess?
I nodded yeah, I guess so.
She nodded to herself huh, well thats different.
I looked wary good different or bad different.
She looked horrified oh not bad! No, just different. I havent heard of people
doing that before.
Well, I could tell you why I made that choice, but I dont know if you want to
She looked intrigued well now I am really curious.
Alright, so I kept the original bits because I enjoyed themsexually. However I
wanted a penis that looked the part and allowed me to pee. Which is what I
She smiled that makes more sense. Thanks for answering, wouldnt have
blamed you if you hadnt.
I smiled back dont mention it, Im pretty open about it anyway.
We fell into a comfortable silence. I glanced down and saw her hand was close to
mine and I realised how much I wanted to reach out and touch it, but then
remembered I couldnt do that. Instead I lay in silence and allowed my mind to
wander over thoughts. A memory of an earlier conversation with Damon flashed
by and I began to laugh to myself.
Bunny looked across with a smile on her face.
Whats so funny?
I composed myself before replying Im just remembering a conversation I had
with Damon, thats all.
She looked interested now what was it about?
I smiled you actually.
She smiled more widely me? What about me?
Well, I saw one of your pictures on Tumblr and I told him how I would love to
play a game of boop the nose with you.
She giggled a little boop the nose? Like I boop your nose and then you do it
I nodded yeah, something like that.

She smiled at me with a cheeky grin you mean like this? she booped my nose
with her finger boop!
I smiled and blushed yes, just like that.
She raised an eyebrow well, its your turn now.
I bit my lip slightly and booped her nose back boop!
We continued in that pattern, laughing and giggling as we poked each other on
the nose, her body language completely relaxed as we played this game. During
a brief interval, in what was a moment of spontaneity I leaned forward and
kissed Bunny on the lips. I kissed her for about 30 seconds, before coming to my
senses and breaking the kiss.
I am so sorry, I dont know what came over-
Before I could finish my sentence, Bunny had leaned in and kissed me back, her
lips feeling soft yet firm against mine. I moaned slightly as the kissed continued
and soon I stopped thinking and just enjoyed her lips on mine. Her hands were
gently cupping my cheeks, and my hands hanging limply at my sides. When we
broke the kiss, I noticed that she was blushing.
I cleared my throat before saying well, that was nice. Are you sure you want to
do this though?
She took one of my hands in her hands and smiled I wouldnt have kissed you if
I didnt. I have high standards, so youre doing well getting even this far.
I stroked her cheek with one of my hands, her skin was incredibly soft. Leaning in
closer I kissed her again, deepening the kiss this time. She moaned this time at
the kiss and pulled me in closer by the waist, her arm wrapped around it. I ran
my other hand through her hair, gripping it tightly in my hand but not enough to
hurt her. Her other hand stroked down my side and up over my inner thigh. I
broke the kiss to look at her.
Just checking, you absolutely sure you want to go this far? I dont want to
pressure you into anything.
She responded with a hard kiss I want this. Do you?
I smiled you have no idea how much I want this.
Bunny rolls me over and lies on top of me, the full weight of her body pressing
against mine. She kisses me once again, this time her tongue teases my mouth
open to find mine. I moan as our tongues dance with each other, wanting to take
as much of hers as possible. I arch my hips and grind slightly against her, my
hands reaching down to squeeze her butt. We break the kiss, both of us a little
breathless, looking into each others eyes. We agree what happens next without
Bunny kisses along my cheek, down my cheek and down to my neck where she
kisses along my neck. As she does so, she begins to unbutton my shirt. She
removes my shirt and continues to kiss my neck, biting it a little as she does. I
moan at her bites and feel heat in my boxers and my pussy become wet.

She lies me down and runs her hands over my chest, pinching my nipples lightly
with a smile. She kisses down my chest towards my belly, her eyes on mine the
entire time. I feel my arousal building as she undoes my jeans and fly, her head
and mouth now at my crotch. She pushes down my jeans and rubs her face
against my pussy, my clit responding to the arousal and I moan. She slides her
hands on either side of my boxers, sliding them down where she removes them
and my jeans, leaving me completely naked.
Upon seeing me completely naked, I see arousal on her face and in her eyes,
which makes me blush. She stares at my cock and my pussy, curiosity, arousal
and desire all apparent in her face. She runs her hands down my cock with
wonder, then looks more closely at my clit and pussy.
Wow, this is so fascinating, but also so sexy.
Without another word, Bunny lowers her mouth to my clit and sucks it into her
mouth. I let out a loud moan of pleasure, and I run a hand through her hair and
hold her head down. I feel her tongue begin to work in circles around my clit, and
my pleasure begins to build even more. I feel my pussy become wet, and I know
that I could easily be fucked by her if she wanted to. I feel myself close to
orgasm already and tap her shoulder.
Wait, stop. I dont want to cum just yet.
She comes back up and kisses me deeply, her tongue sliding into my mouth. I
can taste the taste of my pussy on her lips and I moan with pleasure. I kiss down
Bunnys neck as I proceed to unzip her dress, pushing it down to her waist. She
lifts her hips so that I can push it down past her legs and she can kick it off onto
the floor. I run a hand over her breast, and she moans a little louder at my touch.
I remove her bra, and lay her down on the bed, my hand now caressing her
naked breasts. I glance down and notice that her dick is hard, and that she is
straining against her underwear. I kiss her deeply as I slide my hand into her
underwear and take her cock into my hand. I squeeze it lightly before slowly
beginning to stroke, my thumb stroking the head of her cock. She lets out a
breathless gasp and another moan before she says in my ear.
Youve done this before.
I chuckle Ive had practice with guys.
As I continue to stroke her cock, her hand finds my clit and begins to rub it slowly
in response. For several minutes, all that can be heard is our moans of pleasure
and our heavy breathing. Bunny then slides off her underwear, leaving her
completely naked. Her hand runs between my legs and she smiles when she
feels how wet I am, her cock is now rock hard in my hand as I stroke it.
I kiss her firmly before saying.
I want you to fuck me in the pussy.
She blushes you do?
I nod would you do it?
She smiles yeah, Ill do that. Do you have a condom?

I grab one from the table beside the bed.

I always carry one, you never know when you might need it.
I take out the condom and roll it onto her cock, she smiles at me as I do so. I then
lie on my back and she lies on top of me, her cock positioned against my pussy. I
guide her to where she needs to be and then with a nod, she slides into me.
We both moan as she slides her cock into my pussy. She pulls out and thrusts
back, starting off slow before gradually picking up the pace. She begins to pick
up a rhythm, as she leans down and kisses me deeply. I reach down and begin to
rub my clit, as I wrap my legs around her and pull her cock into me deeper. She
breaks the kiss and looks into my eyes, as she begins to fuck me faster and
harder, her eyes not leaving mine and full of desire. I moan at the feel of her
cock inside me and rub my clit faster, knowing Ill cum soon the more she fucks
me. Bunny drops her mouth to my ear and whispers to me.
Fuck, Im gonna cum real soon.
I moan oh god me too. Cum for me baby, please. Cum inside my pussy
She moans at my words and fucks even harder and faster, as I rub my clit as
hard and fast as I can in response. Our moans get louder and our breathing
becomes heavier, as we find ourselves closer to orgasm. I feel my orgasm build
and I have time to gasp fuck Im cumming before I feel the orgasm rush and
pulse through my body. My pussy clenches and then throbs as I cum, the
sensation rushing through my body and I moan. Barely seconds later, Bunny
bursts out fuck, Im gonna- and cums deep inside of my pussy. She continues
to thrust for a few more seconds before stopping, falling onto me with a sigh and
a moan, pulling her cock out of my pussy.
When we regain our composure, we lie with each other and smile, neither of us
exchanging words. I pull the duvet over us and rest my chin on Bunnys shoulder.
Kissing her on the cheek, I wrap my arms around her, before closing my eyes to
sleep. The last thing I remember is Bunny saying thank you baby before falling
asleep with her hand in mine.

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