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Peer or Self Essay Revision and Editing Checklists

Revision Checklist
1. Does the introduction include a hook?
2. Does it catch your attention?
3. Does the introduction include enough background information? Or does it need more?
4. Is the background information about the topic?
5. Does the introduction include a claim?
6. What do you think about the claim?
Body Paragraphs (Repeat for each reason)
1. Does the paragraph begin with a topic sentence?
2. Is the focus of the paragraph clear to you after you read the topic sentence?
3. Does the paragraph include enough supporting details or examples?
4. If it needs more, what kind of details would you suggest?
5. Does the body paragraph include a concluding sentence? Does it restate the topic
6. Do the topic sentence, the details and the concluding sentence stick together?
1. Does the conclusion begin with In conclusion?
2. Does the conclusion restate the claim?
3. Does the conclusion summarize the details from all three reasons?

Editing Checklist

Grammatical Errors:
Subject verb agreement______________________________________________
Sentence structure/placement__________________________________________
Verb tense_________________________________________________________
Mechanical errors:
Lexical Errors:
Part of speech______________________________________________________
Word choice_______________________________________________________

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