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1. Player describes spell they are attempting to cast.

2. GM provides a difficulty Target Number to hit using the table and optional ru
les below as a guide.
3. Player rolls. Resolve.

Very Easy & Easy: 2-10

Short Range (touch)
Short Duration (one round)
Single Target (one creature/object)
Cantrips/Orisons, See Auras, Speak Languages, Burning Touch
Moderate & Difficult: 11-20
Medium Range (bowshot)
Medium Duration (several rounds)
Medium Area (several people)
Charm People, Mystic Armor, Heal Wounds, Fire Ball, Polymorph
Very Difficult: 21-30
Long Range (sight)
Long Duration (entire scene/encounter)
Large Area (crowd)
Resurrection, Group Teleport, Earthquake, Anti-magic Zone
Heroic: 31+
Any Range, Duration, Area & Effect
Wish, Miracle
Optional Rules
-Armor spells give +1 soak per 5 TN starting at 6 (TN 6 = +1; TN 11 = +2; etc.)
-Decrease difficulty if spell is purely defensive, like a buff.
-Damage is equal to Wits (as rolled when attempting TN).
-Healing TN is 15 for Wounded, 20 for Incapacitated and 25 for Mortal.
-Increase the difficulty if the spell being cast meets more than one criteria of
a spell of that level.
-Require 2d in Wits to cast easy spells, 3d for Moderate, 4d for Very Difficult
and 5d in Wits to attempt Heroic spells.
-Require verbal, somatic and material components and magical focuses (holy symbo
ls, magic wands, etc.). Removing them can increase the difficulty of casting spe
lls or even deny the ability to cast spells entirely.
-Require Contagious (part affects whole) or Sympathetic (like affects like) magi
-Use Ritualistic magic that requires a longer casting time (say several minutes
or hours).
- Allow the caster to cast several spells (say 1 spell per pip in Wits) ahead of
time that can be "memorized" and then "released" at the time of casting (as 1 a
-Allow sentients an opposed roll (or Wits dice x3 +pips static defense) to resis
t spells.
-Wearing armor increases casting TN by an amount equal to the Armor points.
-This type of magic system is designed to provide more of a "World of Warcraft"
style of spell-casting. As such, spells tend to only last a few rounds to severa
l minutes; there are no "permanent" magical effects (like turning someone into s
tone forever). Obviously, if your RPG group would prefer a more traditional (rea

d: D&D) type of magic, simply modify the durations, ranges, and number of target
s upward at each TN.

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