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Professional Experience Program (PEP) for Primary Courses (Melbourne Campus)

EDFX goal setting plan

Pre-service teacher name: Monika Mikula
What do you want to
accomplish in terms of
developing your professional
knowledge, practices, or

How will you know you have
accomplished your goal?
What evidence will you
collect and analyse?

Professional knowledge
1.5- I would like to
extend my
understanding and
knowledge in relation to
differentiating teaching,
to cater for various
learning abilities.
For example; through
the use of suitable
extending and enabling

-Build knowledge of
students and how they
learn and their learning
abilities firstly through
discussions with my
supervising teacher to
become informed.
- Analysing work
-Collect feedback from
the supervising teacher
on the effectiveness and
suitability of the
extending and enabling
prompts I intend to set.

Unit: EDFX 316

What steps/actions will you
take to attain your goal?

1. Find out about the

learning abilities
of the students in
the classroom by
conversing with
my supervising
2. Observing how
students work.
3. Analysing work

Why is this goal important
for your career as a teacher?

When will you achieve this
goal during this placement?

This goal is important as

students unique learning
abilities need to be
recognised and catered
for, in order to support
students reaching their
full potential.

This goal is ongoing and

will be worked on
throughout the
placement block.

Professional Experience Program (PEP) for Primary Courses (Melbourne Campus)

Professional practice
4.3- Manage challenging
I would like to extend
my knowledge of
effective strategies in
relation to managing
challenging behaviour.
-Work on a firm and
consistent approach to
classroom management.

I will know that I have

accomplished this goal
through feedback that
reflects achievement of
managing challenging
Furthermore, through
observing that all
students are listening
and are on task.

-Observing and
documenting the
supervising teachers
behaviour management
-Communicating with
my supervising teacher
about how to manage
challenging behaviours.
-Receiving feedback
from my supervising
teaching about my
management of
challenging behaviour
and seeking any
suggested improvements
to this practice.

This goal is highly

significant for my career
as a teacher, as
managing challenging
behaviours in important
for the smooth running
of the classroom and
school learning
-Furthermore, managing
challenging behaviours
is crucial because if not
effectively managed, it
can impact on other
students and their

Again, this is an ongoing

goal. However, although
it is challenging focus
area, I hope to
strengthen this practice
throughout the
placement block.

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