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Proposal for Campus Safety

By: Aidan, Louella, & Ricardo

Everyday UNM Police respond to numerous calls around UNM campus. However, in
this proposal we will be focusing on those texts from UNM police that we get all too often and
hate seeing, the assaults on campus. Those assaults, we believe, can be stopped and it will be
easy to do so. My partners in conjunction with Students for Concealed Carry are hoping to
convince UNM of the dire need to allow students to concealed carry on campus.
Last year we were able to get the support of the State of New Mexico by the passing of a
bill that would allow UNM to choose whether or not to allow students to concealed carry on
campus. The next step is to convince UNM that concealed carry is something that can make
everyone on campus prepared to defend themselves or anyone around them if someone were to
be faced with imminent danger. Concealed carry has been implemented all around the nation
and the results have been surprising to some with the rate of crime dropping immensely. This is
nothing that surprises me because when someone looking to do harm to another human being
knows that their victim is armed they think twice about what they are doing. We hope to make
UNM students look less like victims and more like students who are confident and prepared to
defend themselves.
Problem section
Assault on college campuses is a huge problem across the nation, especially sexual
assault. In fact, one in five women is a target of sexual assault while attending college. Here at

UNM (The University of New Mexico) students are getting assaulted on campus and it seems to
be a bigger problem every year. A lot of students at UNM can say that it is a big problem from
their own personal experience. It doesn't mean they necessarily were victims of sexual assault. For
example when a person gets assaulted, students at UNM get lobo alerts either through a text
message or an email. Ever since I started UNM as freshman and I am now a junior, Ive been
getting these alerts my whole time as student at UNM.
The sad is thing that females are the main targets of these assaults because they might see
females as a weaker person to attack. One of the main reasons why the sexual assaults are
happening is because UNM is an open campus and it is right on central. There are also a lot of
homeless people, as well as potential drug users in the area. This leads to a lot of people just
walking onto campus and students might not know whether they are students or some violent.
With such a big problem of sexual assaults on UNM campus, it cause more females to feel
unsafe walking around campus, especially at night. At night there is hardly any light on campus
and there is not that much security walking around, making it dangerous for any student at night
either male or female.
Solution Statement
The goal of Students for Concealed Carry is to increase the safety of students and allowing them
to protect themselves while they are on campus. We plan to meet this goal by accomplishing the
following objectives:
1. Allowing students to carry concealed guns on campus
2. Allowing students to carry tasers on campus

3. Provide self-defense classes for women

Meeting these objectives will allow students to protect themselves while giving them the option
to choose how to do so.
Objective One: Concealed Carry
Our plan to ensure that concealed carry on UNMs campus increases safety begins with ensuring
that every student wishing to obtain the permit meets the following requirements to do so:
1. Students must pass a background check by UNM police.
2. Students must not have a history of mental illness.
3. Students must currently be enrolled in classes if they wish to attend training courses
provided by UNM
Once these requirements are met, students will register through UNM to attend a concealed carry
course given by ABQ Fast. After completion of the course, students will follow state laws and
requirements to obtain their permits. Finally, they will need to give a copy of their permit to
UNM police.
Rules and restrictions will be set in place for students to follow once they have a concealed carry
1. Students will follow proper concealed carry methods to ensure the weapon is never
exposed. For example, students will be advised to use holster specifically designed for
concealed carry.
2. Students living on campus will have proper storage for their handgun.
3. Students will not be permitted to carry their handguns while attending sporting events.

Objective Two: Tasers

Because some students may not feel comfortable carrying a handgun, we believe tasers should be
an alternative available option. Students wishing to carry a taser on campus will need to fill out
an authorization form allowing them to do so, along with an agreement form stating they will
only use the taser on campus as a form of self-defense.
Objective Three: Self-defense Classes
Providing self-defense classes on a regular basis would allow more students to learn how to
defend themselves against attackers without having to resort to gun use.
IMPACT Personal Safety would work with UNM to schedule classes on campus for students.
We will distribute posters throughout campus and provide information on UNMs website.
Students will be able to register for the class by contacting UNM student affairs.
As the sexual at UNM continues to increase, the need to put a stop to it is very important.
Our qualifications are very professional and they include Students for Concealed Carry
(SCC)/Students for Concealed Carry on Campus (SCCC), Violence Prevention Programs for
New Mexico, and the UNM Police Department. These qualifications are very legit and I feel like
my team can get good support from each of one them.
To begin with, Students for Concealed Carry (SCC)/Students for Concealed Carry on
Campus (SCCC) is a student-run, national, non-partisan organization which advocates for legal
concealed carry on college campuses in the United States as an effective means of self-defense.

With this qualification, I feel like it will be very good to use for our team because it is student ran
organization and there will be a lot of students all supporting the same cause.
Next is the Violence Prevention Programs for New Mexico. With this program, we have
highly qualified instructors teaching self- defense classes such as IMPACT personal safety.
These qualified instructors will teach students how to raise personal expectations, promote social
justice, empower communication, improve awareness, and most importantly teach physical skills
such as self-defense. Students will get the best treatments because all of the instructors are
qualified in teaching these skills.
Finally, we have the UNM Police department. This qualification is probably the best one
to use because the UNM police are the ones who have to deal with sexual assaults and capture
the person that did it. They can also provide us with daily crime logs as well as statistics of the
crimes. It also available to access these daily crime logs on the UNM police departments
website which will provide you with the certain crime that was committed as well as the time and
location in which it happened.
Plan Costs and Benefits
We are asking that UNM cover all costs for this plan, which will cover the rates of ABQ Fast and
IMPACT Personal Safety training classes. Since ABQ Fast offers discount for students,
providing courses will only cost $100 for every two students who register. IMPACT Personal
Safety classes would cost $780 per 20 hour class, which is completed over the course of three
days. If we can provide at least one class every weekend, the estimated total cost is $3,120 per

There are great advantages to setting this plan in place. First, it would contribute lowering crime
rates on campus by discouraging attackers because any targeted victim would more than likely
have a method of protection. Second, students would feel much safer on campus, especially at
night, because they have the ability to protect themselves if necessary. Finally, UNM would be a
major contribution to helping its students feel and be safe at low costs.
We hope that by implementing these changes to UNM policy our students will appear
less like victims and more like students who are confident and prepared to defend themselves.
Confidence is huge when in the face of danger because if you react negatively you give off the
impression that you are defenseless to your attacker. Also with the implementation of concealed
carry we hope that students who are carrying take the time to practice at the range so that if the
time were to come that they have to defend his/herself they will be accurate in their shot. Our
hope for the self-defense courses are that UNM will make it mandatory for incoming freshman to
participate in at least one of the offered courses. Our hope for this proposal is that it opens the
eyes of UNM to the safety of its students and the fact that most students are looking for ways to
defend themselves especially walking around campus at night.

Students for Concealed Carry would like to thank you for your time and consideration. If you
have any questions, please call us at 555-0101.

Aidan Holcombs Reflection

I had a great time working on this assignment and it was mostly due in part to the fact
that my group was so easy to approach and so easy to work with. Another factor to this is that
we all agreed on a topic, because if we hadnt all agreed I dont believe this assignment would
have went as smoothly. I had no problems with any of my group we all worked really hard on
making this assignment perfect and I think that it shows in our essay. I can say that I, myself
really got into this assignment because it is something that I am passionate about. I believe that
everyone needs to be able to defend themselves especially with all the threats we get today from
overseas and our neighbors here at home.
Doing some research for this assignment I have found lots of information that is
somewhat hard to hear about how many people get assaulted on campuses not only across the
nation but even here at UNM. We all get those campus assault texts also but there is so much
more going on everyday and if all UNM students just looked at the UNM police website at their
daily crime log they would see just how bad the situation on and around campus really is. UNM
campus is in a great location for a campus, centrally located close to downtown, but with this
also means that we are also right in the heart of all the lowlifes. The fact of University campuss
being a public place means that anyone and everyone can venture onto campus and at night this
is especially unnerving. The emergency procedures that we have in place now simply dont make
sense, I guess UNM Police expect me to run in circles around the blue emergency post if
someone is chasing after me and hope that that person doesnt catch me before UNM PD arrives.
All in all I really enjoyed this assignment and really enjoyed working with my group and I would
work with them again in a heartbeat.

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