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Iran: Political and

Economic Change
AP Comparative Government


Party systems in Mexico and Russia affect the political

legitimacy of each state. (a) Identify Mexicos
historically dominant party, and identify the type of
party system Mexico currently has. (b) Describe two
reforms since 1980 that facilitated Mexicos transition
away from a dominant party system. (

Irans history has included both evolution and revolution

Iran was the first large empire in world history and was a
military powerhouse with strong leaders and a centralized

In the 20th century there were two revolutions

Political and

Both pushed for democratic principles and the second

reunified religion with politics to create the modern

Resources in Iran have varied and have brought with

them benefits and negatives
Lack of arable land has meant little agriculture.
Lack of access to major water networks pushed Iran into
trading by land
Oil has produced great benefit and has greatly helped the
economy in modern times
It has also caused domestic issues as the resource has not
always been used in a way that benefits the government and
the people

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