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Antelope High School

Home of the Titans

Principal, John Becker
Phone: (916)782-6565 ext. 1047

Edward Davidyuk
7801 Titan Drive
Antelope Ca, 95843
Governor Jerry Brown
c/o State Capital, Suite 1173
Sacramento, Ca 95814
To Whom It May Concern:

Imagine a word that lacks the basic necessities for a persons survival. The need to fight for
survival is what most Syrian refugees are now experiencing in the modern world. Many regugees
lack food, water, shelt, protection and many other necesities in order for them to live a normal
and peaceful life. My name is Edward Davidyuk, a sophmore at Antelope High School and I am
currently researching the problems that Syrians face in their home land and how they benefit
from it. The current law makers have rejected the allowance of Syrian refugees because they
believe that they are a threat to this country, however, I believe that this goes against our moral
values as the people of the United States of America and if we reject these refugees, many deaths
will occur that will be on our hands.
Since the past five years, 11.5 percent of the countrys population has been killed or injured since

the crisis erupted in March 2011. Because of such large numbers of deaths and injuries, the
countries economics have been suffering as well as impacted by the civil war. Many fleeing
Syrains fell victim to a lack of medicine, food, clean water, sanitation and proper housing for
those displaced within conflict zones. With such harsh conditions in Syria, many countries are
starting to get involved, but this only causes another problem. Countries like the USA and Russia
are on opposite sides about the situation and cannot come to an agreement. With the internal and
extermal conflicts, no one knows what will happen to the country as well as the fleeing refugees.
These global problems, like the Syrian refugees, have been around forever and they will most likely never
stop. One event that can be compared to the Syrain Refugees is the migration of the Jews to the USA after
WWII. When the Jewish refugees came to the USA, the U.S. put strict limits on refugees fleeing

Europe. These limits were influenced by anti-Semitism, prejudice against the Jewish people.
The USA believed that spies would be planted in the midst of the refugees in order to plan an
attack or discover some type of secrets. Likewise, this is what we as Americans think about the
refugees. We believe that they are a threat and that many of them are terrorists because of the
ongoing conflict in their country as well as ISIS. In the past few years, attacks have happened on
other countries, for example France, by the terrorist group ISIS. This could raise some concern
throughout American. The Jews, however, did not pose a threat to the USA, they were simply
fleeing Europe because of discrimination and mistreatment based on their religion. Because the
4635 Elverta Road, Antelope, CA 95843

Antelope High School

Home of the Titans
Principal, John Becker
Phone: (916)782-6565 ext. 1047

Syrian refugees come from a warzone and the threat of ISIS, many Americans are refusing to let
them in for safety reasons. Although both events share similarities and differences, we must now
decide whether or not we should let the Syrian refugees into our country.
Currently, law makers are refusing to let in the Syrian refugees, but overall they are going against
our countries moral principles and because of their decision, many Syrians may lose their life.
Our country was built on moral right and the use of humanity. The Statue of Liberty provides a
great example for what our country stands for. The Statue of Liberty depicts: Give me your
tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your
teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden
door! When our founding fathers built this nation, they promissed to accept any nationality that
needed help in order to survive and live. It would go against our value to let innocent people die
who are simply fleeing a violent civil war they had nothing to do with starting. Overall,
eventhough some go against our countries building blocks, we should rise against them and vote
for the better of the nation and its people.
In conclusion, Syrian refugees are suffering from the harsh conditions that they face in their
home country and they are seeking our help. It would be morally wrong if we rejected them and
just let them die, therefore I hope that you speak up against the other law makers and make a
change for the better. I thank you for your time and I hope that you take all, that I write to you,
into consideration and change America for the better.

Edward Davidyuk
Antelope High School Student
Respectful. Responsible. Proud

4635 Elverta Road, Antelope, CA 95843

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