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Antelope High School

Home of the Titans

Principal, John Becker
Phone: (916)782-6565 ext. 1047

Nathan Le
7801 Titan Drive
Antelope Ca, 95843
Governor Jerry Brown
c/o State Capital, Suite 1173
Sacramento, Ca 95814
To Whom It May Concern:

Millions of Syrians need our help. According to the U.N., it will take $7.7 billion to
meet the urgent needs of the most vulnerable Syrians in 2016. Hey, my name is Nathan Le and I
attend Antelope High School and I am graduating in 2018. I have a very good work ethic willing
to accomplish anything that is handed to me. The Syrian refugee crisis is a very huge conflict and
it is rising worse day by day. The terrorist group ISIS has infiltrated the country forcing the
Syrians to flee with the civil war against the Syrian government and ISIS causing over 220,000
civilian deaths.
Syria has been an ongoing warfare for the last five years and it caused a dramatic
population decrease and also a devastating economic loss. In all, 11.5 percent of the countrys
population has been killed or injured since the crisis. With over 10 percent of the population
unhealthy it acknowledges that Syrians have no choice, but to flee to another country. This
explains why there is a huge stream of refugees wanting to enter the United States. Another
example that Syria is lost for any hope in surviving is Overall economic losses are estimated at
$255 billion. The anti-government group has caused the country so much trouble putting the
country into an economic collapse. With the loss in money there are less jobs deteriorating
employment for innocent Syrians.
The Syrian refugee crisis is on a totally different spectrum than the WWll refugee crisis
with the reason that the Jews during WWll were not dangerous and the Jews fled Germany for a
different reason than the Syrians. Jewish refugees were not a threat to the countries where they
sought asylum. However, in the Syrian crisis as many as three terrorists has hid with the Syrian
refugees. This reveals that transferring the Jews at the time was not as dangerous as transferring
the Syrian into countries like the US. There is too much risk in putting the other countries in
danger. The Jews fled Germany because discrimination and mistreatment based on their
religion. On the other hand, the Syrians fled more because their home country is a war zone.
This shows that the refugee crisis between the Jews and Syrians were different because the Jews
was not as violent as the Syrian crisis. The Jews fought for freedom while the terrorists were
fighting for political power. In all, the crisis between the two races was very different.
4635 Elverta Road, Antelope, CA 95843

Antelope High School

Home of the Titans
Principal, John Becker
Phone: (916)782-6565 ext. 1047
The law voters are wrong with their decision to allow the Syrians to flee into our country. They
are wrong because even though there is a high tech security system they have to go through their will
eventually be a mistake and the last thing the US need is another terrorist attack. If even a few Islamic

State fighters slipped in with the refugees, that could be a huge problem. If even one somehow
gets into the US that one person will spread the word on how he got through and there will be a
constant flow of terrorists into the country without the US even knowing. With terrorists literally
passing the border right in front of the security system the country will be in shock with all the
attacks going on. As many as three terrorists has hid with the Syrian refugees. This is a major
problem because those three terrorists can take down monumental places in the US destroying
the countrys foundation. Even worse it will add to the United States economic loss and a
population decrease just like what is happening in Syria. In conclusion. The law voters are wrong
by allowing the Syrians going into the US because there is a bigger risk factor than reward.
Finally, the Syrian refugee is a major crisis globally which is why it would increase to the
global crisis if they fled to the US. The problems ISIS is causing for Syria will happen to the US
if the country allows more refugees to enter. This Syrian crisis is totally different than the Jewish
crisis during WWll because the Syrians are fleeing of violent acts in their country while the Jews
are fleeing for religious freedom. The Senators have to deny access for the Syrians to enter the
United States because there will too much conflict uprising if any terrorist get through. Thank
you so much for you time and have a great afternoon. If you have any further questions call the
number on the top right hand corner.
Nathan Le
Antelope High School Student
Respectful. Responsible. Proud

4635 Elverta Road, Antelope, CA 95843

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