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Presentation On

Robi TVC(Television Commercial)

Spreading smiles this Ramadan

SHAH CEMENT(Printed Media Advertisement)

40% Extra STRENGTH

Presented By
SL No.


Student ID.


Tasmia Tabassum



Tasmina Rahaman



Baishakhy Dutta



Sharmin Akter Any




Details of Robi TVC

Client: Robi Axiata Ltd.
Brand: Robi
Campaign: Eid 2014 (Spreading smiles this Ramadan)
Media: TVC
Agency: Advertising Archive Bangladesh
Category: Telecom
Year: 2014
Published on Jun 30, 2014
Nonprofits & Activism

The Appeals that is used in this TVC

Emotional Appeal is used in this TVC of Robi that is based on three ideas so that
Consumer cannot ignore this advertisement of Robi.
Emotional appeal gets noticed extremely by the consumers.
Emotional advertising in this TVC can capture a viewers attention & cause an
attachment to develop between the consumer & the brand.

Kind of Emotion used in this TVC

The kind of emotion or emotional appeal that is used in this TVC
of Robi is passion or feeling.
The passion or feelings for the street children who are deprived of
the joy of Eid.

Justification for :
Why we feel Emotional Appeal is used in this TVC ?
Weve got a message through this TVC of Robi that is

Thousands of children like them dont get the joy of Eid

If you feel for them
Then recharge your Robi number
You will receive attractive bonuses
And underprivileged children will receive the joy of a new dress on Eid
Through this message Robi had tried to make the consumer emotional by using the emotional appeal that is

passion or feeling for the street children.

Most creatives view emotional advertising as the key to brand loyality. After doing this TVC of Robi, the brand

loyality towards Robi had increased by its customers dramatically & Robi had made its customers to feel bonded
with it.

Justification for :
Why we feel Emotional Appeal is used in this TVC ?(Cont.)
Visual cue in this TVC of Robi contribute to the feeling for the street children that is only possible in case of the
usage of emotional appeal.
Peripheral cues used in this TVC of Robi such as the music and the actors are much appropriate to capture the
emotion or feeling of the customers.
The last message of this TVC of Robi that is This Eid on whose face will you bring a smile ? aggregate the
passion or emotional feeling of the customers for the street children.

Executional Framework used in this TVC

The executional framework used in this TVC of Robi is dramatization.
A dramatization is similar to the slice-of-life executional framework.
It uses the same format in which a problem is first presented & then a solution is offered. The difference lies in the
intensity & story format. Dramatization uses a higher level of excitement & suspense to tell the story.
A dramatization story have to be complete within 30 or 60 seconds & normally builds to a crisis point leading to a
suspenseful climax.

Justification for :
Why we feel Dramatization framework is used in this TVC ?
In this emotional TVC of Robi emotion or feeling is presented through dramatization framework
because this TVC of Robi shows the intensity of being deprived in a story format mainly acted by
two street children.
In this TVC, the street childrens story that is about being deprived of the joy of Eid have been
shown in a complete story format within very short time.
This TVC of Robi is made using a higher level of excitement & suspense to tell the story.
The story in this TVC builds to a crisis point leading to a suspenseful climax.
These all statements above justifies that the TVC of Robi is executed through
Dramatization Framework.

Details of Shah-Cement Advertising


Brand: Shah Cement Industries Ltd.
Campaign: 100 Months Celebration In BUET Test.
Agency: Media X10
Media: Press
Client Service: Hasan Arif
Graphic Designer: Rony Skr
Group Head: Sa'ad Ibn Shaheed
Creative Director: Samsuddoha Safayat
Category: Cement
Year: 2013

Structure of the advertisement

The promise of a benefit (Headline): The header, also known as the title, attracts attention to the
ad. Here the headline is SHAH CEMENT 40% Strength Proved.
The spelling out of the promise (Sub headline): Here in this advertisement 100months continuous
success in BUET test can be considered as sub headline.
Amplification: Amplification is the text or body copy of the advertisement. Here in the body copy
they used Performance graph, product image, brand logo, and their tag line.
Proof of the claim: Here the advertisers used the approval seal of BUET as proof of the claim.
Action to take: Here the advertiser aims at making a sale.

The Appeal is used in this Advertisement

Commercial and print ads use some form of appeal to reach potential customers.
Advertisers use appeal to influence a customer to purchase a product or support a cause.
In this advertisement they have used RATIONAL APPEAL to attract customers.
Rational Appeal is used in this advertisement based on three ideas:
Shah Cement can transmit their specialties through this appeal.
They have presented some logical reasons that favor the brand.
Consumers have high level of involvement when choosing cement for building home.

Justification for :
Why we feel Rational Appeal is used in this Advertisement?
Basic product information: They have included different product
informations to attract the customers.
Listing Product Benefits:
They claim themselves as No. 1 brand in the country.
They claim that they are 40% better than other ASTM standard cement.

Convincing Proof:
40% Extra strength.
Continuous success for 100 month BUIT test.

Executional Framework used in the Advertisement

In this advertisement the advertiser used AUTHORITATIVE executional framework to design
the advertisement. When using this framework the advertiser is seeking to convince
viewers that a given product is superior to other brands. Many authoritative
advertisements include some type of scientific or survey evidence. Independent
organizations undertake a variety of product studies. Quoting the results gives an ad
greater credibility.

Justification for :
Why we feel Authoritative framework is used in this
The advertisement used authoritative executional framework because:
They used scientific evidence in the advertisement.
They claimed their product was experimented by BUET in the advertisement.
They claimed the product was experimented for 100 months.
They claimed their product has 40% extra strength.

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