Pemell Robert-HERBAL Tractatus de Facultatibus Simplicium-1653

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TRACTATUS, De facultatibue Simplicium , The Second Part Of the oo TREATISE Of the Nature and Qualitie of fuch Phyfical Simples as are molt frequently ufed in MEDICINES. Methodically handled forthe benefit’of thofe that underftand not the Latine Tongue. Towhichisadded many Compound eMedicine, sor many difeafesincident to Mankind 5 as alfo an Alphabe- tical Tableat the latter end very neceffary for the READER. eT By ROBERT PE MELL PraGiiionet of Phyfcky at Cranebrooke in Kents ; ui -poteft meederi Simplicibue, ae it quarit Compofite , jiourmle 29/ LONDON # Printed by 7. Legatt, for Philemon Stephens, at the guilded Lion bP # Pauls Chacheyarde 16$3- 7 Jenene Oe TO THE READER, ‘Kind Reader, ‘ Had not thought to have wfit- ten any thing more of this Sub- jeGt but when I had finiffied ‘my, firft Part, after exatnination, found chat had omitred m2 ay ulelul and neceflary Simpler; I havethere- fore now wrote of the Nature of fach onely gslomitted before: for the more readie find ing owt of what: is contained inthis Second Patt. Here followeth 4 Table of the Simples, and che Chapeee whertia they are’handled. Now my heartie defire’is, that chisand the former Tretife may be helpfulfa any. that fhall make ufeofthem: Defiring thy prayers forme, Itake my leave of thee. Fair, 34, 1652, Robert Pemeli medion, “ATable Aaar Second Parte. oo DidersTongue, Chapter 1 Ae tijait sae y (Chapsat, Par’ Phyfial Simpler: Hlylopei ‘orang veremous Creature, doth pretty SUMLIeReatabh goed eeepc “offic Modine wre maitre. ‘hed Water, The ke, Sytpe — CHAP. a5. “OF Hyp The Name and Tempra: [Saisie ot sd ffope. Te ishocand dic inthe third Degree, The Deraion: | > ewill ep good a year beng did. hes Tia inwed Ufo. Hyfoeboyled ith Rats Hony; end drank, doth ep chofe that Le rouble with Coughs, fhortacle of breath, whet Rheamatick diflaions upon the Langs ; taken aifo wi Teor water abd honey, pret roe bunocr by the Bool, oy emt, seat eae catooe i the ytlow Jounal, belpet che et ae eb eich wih Figs od Nia, Tele is the Falig-fictote, provoken Vine expels wind, aod down Womens Curls, end exfth the harp fis of Ague “Taelilied wae good forte une dif, bot doth age Wosk ip cetaly the Desotion. The fprape fo bath the fe verse. Tie mane of smirng ite Iti gvenin Pe, Deo, andin Beanie Pils gen Fal flee “TakeofHyfope,Hdeboond md Caran of achalfs eam, cftbeRoot ef cote Poe ome dems, of Affe one. BEGET slate re ast cinevery ight ong an thy a a Cee 3 ADe Hiylope ‘Take of Hyfope one rang The Naw of, Paras eA Dueetion, good againgt the Cong and "age Flegme. Deco dtl, Figs bro Ones Sugarcane one ine, bop mina qurof Muli an a ‘oafmed, rai, and drink fall dranghe thereof morning 10d Thesntmard Ufes 1 taketh away black and lew oe firokes, brats ot fal beingboyled and the places buthed there swith, Ttivan exclleot’ Medicine for The inflammations of them 3 Malte them toms ‘being bruifed, and Salt, aston cpa pen Poaeemrnu Honey, and Comms 3s end maths that come by the Quinte, co wath and se Moan’ bdag oped with Figs 4 bath he Tothe SEE ig born Ving vapoatottie led therewith ; the hot in Vinegar, and hon iaien by x Peel iat the Esc exh saecciee ugar pat 0 ie, doch quickly heal any green wound. orcotinehe band, or efewhets, The Villeth Lice, and aber Hot and dtie bodes malt be fpaing ithe fe ofits Pl The bunfat ‘tinancnemy coche Stomach, aad provoke cer th om od gm py, Seseiegs ne fa bom mone Of Jc Medicines mart made thereof. ‘Thediftlled Waeer, Sogn Sop both Sexe ‘Oy thereof being anciated, away the itching of tor hand. faith. eth caftng «ic isbett in ‘Conferve of the Flowers. Species Diaby/= and Compoond, Oye. iil or knots tha red Dae, CHAP. aa, Of Knografi, Tin Nanas aoc T.cpnperamstnl, JTeatediatwite, Papgmiment Cernmmnd fom tiene st ofa binding Nate. rent bath Teneo thefecond The Chap. 22, Part. 3; — Phyftel Shoples. —- Knorgralfes ‘The Duration.” Te will keep good a year. Theinwerd Ufo The Juice or Decoftion therof is mofefleBaal to fay any Iecdrg at che month, and to enol and temper the heat of the biood, rafthe fomach, and wotay any Sox ofthe Blood orkae ‘oor ether ofthe bell, of wom), a8 Coures in Women, ofthe funoingofthe Rei alt. "The pice given beforethe Tet ‘Quartave Ague comes, iid co dive tr away: provoke Urine when is lopped, as allo when rope and with pain, and when itis hor and herp afl, co tale asm of the Powder of the Heb in wie for many dayetoge- thers beig boyled in Wie aod dro, ie helpeththofe chat ae long orbitien by venemoos Creatures, "andthe fameis very eficr Guano lay all fling dow of humor theumatick upon the to- ‘much, tod Kleth Weim fate belly or Romachand eft all i. ‘tard pais chat aie from hes, arpoete and eoerption of blood odeboller, and is good for inward wounds. The died water taken by it elf, or with che powder of the herb or feed is very eft a toalehe pupotes afore Tha manor of Adoring ie Tela chet given in Dec The eatmerd le The juice hereof faye the Beedingof the note beng aplicd tothe rchead and temple, or tobe quired upinto che note: the fae coolth all manner of iafhmmations, even Sit Antheier freor any otherbresking fort of hea, al bot flings and pollmations,alleating tod lweatng, or boring ores and 6fialous Caner, or fou flue, Vlerebring applied or potintochem, but efpecially forall Cores of Vieers and fotes it the privie parts of Men Wore, refraining tie bemenn from fling them, end ool- fog aed diog up thehot end moll tummtion that ate apt to {er folow fac fore in fa aes. Te hepetall fb and gern. wounds by retraining the blood,and quickly clofeth up the lips of them the juice dropped ico Cheenrsilpeth then wonderfully, Atkhoogh they are founand brveroning matter iter. Ithelpeth fotheinfammationef the eesbeing phere i fe 4 . White Lilly. he Natme of Chap. 25. Par2 The Dofe.. ‘The Dofe ia Powder is frombalf drum toa dram, (Of fess medicines as are rane thereof, “The ied waten 5 —_— CHAP. 23. OF White Lilly. The Neo and impramest [isc in Latne i Alb, 0d Bf ni SWhche Lily The eves or Howe are hot and mai and paripaafalefetance, the otis dre inthe fil Deges, and Hoe iathe fond. Tinned Uf “TnéRootboyldin nied water and drank, det fort by ene epee pat lh ere th i ene beg a eget, ved caplet ce poyfon okt inbliteia the oad oped and days tog Toe J eek Datey me 5 and reopen he jue ermpere W Toe a Ee, (OEE, sdf ete diet oe a one one Sr gee an mee nd nor rad eng see eae be rch, The died water bngtake io felcaiedeny ngmce ances Bh Te Hacer bd dia of the Lagy orca of Bret, the Cah, A Patel peed Ble ‘Fhe Rook mlted and.wiel wined with Oyle of Rofes doth fofien berngdaidehereupon, Thame, tamped. rch booy glewethoge hence hat ain er, sft re ans ‘Vert the bea hd lp al arin of BE epee ieer sealed ns lod soal ious, flee autof joynt. The fame Mamaped wit of = ‘Chapr'ass Partai Phyfcat Simpler, Lilly Coural, bane, onthe meale of Barley, cuceth the Tumours and Apoflumes UTRKE privic members: ie brogat tbe hulagsin upon plicerthat Sure bfen burned or faded, if ie bemingled with ole or geal Meth plac snolnted therewith the ame toed in Ebert, end Titnped nth eaven of Ricbresdand Hoge grate, brsketh el- ect botces, and rpeneth Apoflumesia the inks, coming of ‘Venery and ark ike tebe fe mined with ope of Rofescreth ‘Wider borsings and clofehap wounds and ules, end isgood Mio tobelatd op the biting of Serpents The famebopled ia Ve ‘egaeand applied creth cores. To bret 4 Felon “Take of Sorel, Math Marigold, of exch half handful, white ‘Lgetoe adem braf hem aed raftcbem in Ember ns Dock Tae Gad iton otto the pace aBeéed, The oye made of he Tee ood eo foppl mole and diget, excelent ofofeen Tn ee ind eo cre he bardat of the Matix, The difiled tM asied with Campor and oye of Tarcer i wed co beatific the face. Of fac Boscia as ere ade thers -The filled water, Conferve, Oyle both Ganple and compound i ae CHAP. 74. OF Lilly Cos ha Names nd ner: Tiscalled Lilian Cowralln, ia Engi, Lilly Coara Lilly of Teenie Ciprand icon fac. They a8 bot tnd Bi of ewan Thine, “Tue lowes dle ig wnd dich quanti of pon eatin dl rine eden Ealfoe ApoBiy, for eh el afore EY i 00d ead le dalla oftheherd, Tha eumad Vie “Tedd water thereof bepeth he infammation ofthe eyes, ting dropped theca. ‘The powder thercot being, blown mp ito Liverwore: the nol, isa the brain, ‘The flowers pot inco « gla, and The Netwreof Chap. 2s. Part. 26, Enbine and doch draw away cold humor from E dein shi of Ane clot lopped forthe fpace of « mooeth and chen teen oot, therein you fallin liquoe that eet che psin ofthe Goue, and helpeth the Sepigasor Titer Of Fach Medicines ware made tharef. “Thedifled water, both Gmple and compound Spit, Cosfere, ‘Ople Chymicl, andby infton. CHAP. as. Of Liverweri. The Nees end Temperament. Jf i called in Latine Lichen, Hipaics and feemaria, ad chat ihr bra fe elt he’ Lichen Teter, ch dear the ‘kin and mate it rogh, o rom helping the dicate ofthe Liver. Te itcld and dy, and fomewbat boiog. Tinward Ufo TeisGingulae good forall the difafs ofthe Liver, both to cool and cleaner, and hepeth lf iofstamacons in any part and the yellow Jaandifa likewife. Liverwor: being broied snd Bopled in Fenall Bere and drunk coolththebeat ofthe Liver snd Kidoeyt, and helps he runing of therein Men and che whicesin Wome: ‘Teisgood in thehetuck Faver, and allotherhot Feavers, salfoin the Seab, Tex, andall other tuning ore. 1ficbe boyed in Po fer drink and taken, it belprhBecding arabe Note, ‘The mamer of Adwisifring Tein chiety ued in DecoBion. The oarvard Uf Te Moppeth thebleeding of wounds beig applied, and illo « Singular remedy co ftay the Teter or Ringworms 20d or eng oveaed aes Boe TRENT BWONDH Of fuck Medicine a re made tere ‘The difilled water, CHAP, Cchepi2g. Pam a: Phyl Simple: CHAP. 26. OF extnfare The Nemes and Temperament incl in Late Pilfetaand eAnrcala mri tn Engle [i geal io ate Pitan er det, bndog id confoaing quay. Moufeare: The inmed Ufe “The Jicokerofrakenin Wine, orthe Decofton thereof drake doth help the Jaundies, akoogh of long contianance, to drink thereof morning and Evening, and ablisinig from orber drink two or three hours after iis often ued as fpecalvemedy ag the lane and otbet pains of the bowels. The DecoGtion thercof ‘with Suecory and Ceotory, iabeld very effetual to help the Drop fie and them that are inclining thereto, andthe diffs of the Spien Te ayech the Fakes the mouth o nofe, and inward bleeding all, Fore ina Ginglat wound herb: Tehelp= Seeded Pitred Ragehtheamattce of womens Cour. ‘The Jee or Dicottion of che berbraken before the ft of & ane Agoe, is fad tokeep back ot mach to lellen the ft, andby theole ofieotakelequte away. Teis good for Rapearesorburt~ fogs. ‘The ified water thereof is sealable all te difeaea sferetaid, “The fyrope made chercosuffal or foch a are eroubled swith the Cough aed Contampeion, a alo fr inward leedings and ‘Rupeures. Themanner of Adminiftering i Ikis givenin Juice, DecoGton or Powder. ‘The umed fe ‘Thegreenherbbmied, and prefently bound co any feet ext ot wound. doth quickly fodder thelipsthereof; andthe Juice, De- coétion or omer ofthe dried heb is ol ular ‘oye maga of fpreading or fering Cankere or Vicer. Wher Sutera inte math, fret puree of Men and Wo ten, The difiled water isgoodeo wath wounds and fort, nd Coop Tent oclech me hela, The Ponderofthe bb, Nep. ‘The Natsresf Chapa. Paria, fayechbediog tthe ot being put cher, Te iid to be fo chef eobatden ironor ese haf ony edged or pointed rool Fialibe often quenched in the juice ehereoft wil cat allother ion, Hel ot loge wey efigwithou treed o pot. The Df ‘ee given iapomderGromblf dum tox dram, iu from ne iposfl toto. ea Offuch Melis ase mudetberef “Te difilled Water. The Syme: CHAP. 37. OF Hep. The Nemes hnd’Pemiperement. Tiscaled Nepee, Herta Caiteniay ad Herbaé Cat, snd Tene tee ek tated cent themitivesagaift ie Te is hot and drieia the third Degrec, and ofthione pats. ? The Deraties Tewill keep god's year, Theionard Of ‘eis fed to procure Womens Coarls it warmeth and comfort- the coldnele and drieth the over-anch moitare of the mother, ‘which may be the exe ofbarreonef,' and by the frequent fe iy le memento re Fae ood och ‘and pains of themmother or ring oF i. Teisufed in pains ofthe head Ut come fom oy cold cafe, a Cataehe andchiane Reume, and for giddinelecheteof, and for winds inthe ftomach and bel Ifo for cramps or enld aches to difolve th cold and wiode that ‘Meet the place, and tobring warmehand comfort thereunto af terwards, It iofedforcolds and coughs, and (aorenetiof breath, he jue thee drunk in Win it ‘Profitable for thofe. that ase The Plyfial Simples. Onions. ‘Tha manner sf Adeisifrng. tis chiefly given a Decotion . Theourmed Ufo _Abuch made thereof_andufed, orto fic over the hot Fumes, doAA BS co bring dows woment Court, help bacreanet, and Chap.a8. Part. 2° ce nbtepars, The geen bet bral dod applied tothe Fune aan caeeetidingfor, two ot three hours, exh the icpain ofthe ply the jie foie forthe fame pute Pa? Beng nade op into an Ointmece andapplicd, A Decodi- Po rca i commended to wath the herd, cotake away the Paesthercof, and may be effeftual for other parts ofthe body alo, ————— CHAP. 2% Of oniens. Tike in Latin Co ind dri che Fourth Degree. ‘The inward Ue. ‘Onions provoke te appetite exfthe pres of che belly, provoke «grog und’ omens Courle help the biting of ammad Dog, and of Cihcevonemousereatares, tobe ued witha litle Honey and Rac, Sal Tnereae Spermeyefpecialy the eed. ‘They alo kllthe worms Fiehildcenif they deink che water falling whe FTA edd and fae “Onion fied and dppe fungi regen co one ick of Tertian Agus, coe, each Say hc n once or ile fo cain then. The maser of Advising the. “The belt way to -ufechem isto boy! them, and foto eat them wth Becer Vegneand Peper, ortolay them Recpfome ime Inmccrand foro ea ih Oftmund royal. The Nature of Chap. 29. Part, 2. The emard Ufe Tk ie ned pit the ai ugh end ane cechthe Lethargi abd is pood fo Fo elding or burning by ire, fwter orgampowder, and led with Vinegar taketh away llble- Thies, (pce and meri athe ceafeth the pains and fegetheehepeth co ripen and beak Immpftomer aod odher ors, elpecally being fil rotted in Embers, amped with Sale, Rug, and, Hlony, and applied, thy are good aguiatt the iting of aad Dog.’ Thejuceof Oaions mized with the Decodion of Pen finland a doth wt ehercn and applied, eneth the Gout. Some take 2 great Onion, and being made hollow, they Bll the place tri god Trealand thn oat allude Eber, afer i well beaten ae ibe cmon be then ae, ene angled rosny Pago ore, or pose, they Mediie, ‘The ace mized withHonp, and bald herewith cane tebe to grow agin. They provoke the He Tonfoier being Idan them, cer by thee o a tvth Vinegar, ‘Tey belp Kiba beogroated and applied with bt Terorhoge gee The bref quaii Being r00 ofcen or immoderately eaten raw, they breed ill and corrupt humoursin the tomach, inflame the blood, increafe chit, ‘eaufe-drowinefe andthe bead-ache, hate the fight, dolland di- flurb the memorie and underftanding. They are hurtfal vo young ‘men and cholerck perfons. They are fatulent or windic. GHAP. 29. Of ofmmrd royal, The em adTompr. 'T iscalled fin Latine Ofmunda regalis, of the Singular propertie Ape ti Pile aguas Engh Omead rot Ot cn nan wry na ee Chiesa, as wa ete mm Chap. 30. Parte 2. Phyfical simpler. Parfly. The Daraton, “The toot willkeep goad two or thre yest, ‘The inward Ufe. “The Decoétion ofthe leaves oF roots drunks ufful for Roptares or barflings, as alfo for fach ashave filled or brsfed ehemfelves, oF five any inward wound, and givetheafe ro the Colic and fplene= fick dfceens ‘The powder hath ehe fams veicue, and isexccllent for fach axeannoc old cher water. ‘The masner of Admiviftring it in Devottion or powder. The nrwerd Ufe. wounds, brits, broken bones, Raptues or bat ings. boyled into an Ointment of Ole 39a Balfame or Balas, of boyled in alsingene wine, and (o applied in manner of a Pooks. The Deft ‘The Dole of therootin powder, from half a feuple to two feuples. Of finch Medicines as are rade thereof “The ditiled water of che eaves, Syrope. CHAP, 30. Of Perf. Te Names nd Temperament, inclein Laing, Prefs gli, Paey, or garden Trainees Sad defn te leond Degree the eed to in the fecond Degree, and dre almoft inthe thirds the root is alfo of amoderate he The inward Ufe. ‘Teistmuch ufed in meats and brothes in all Countries, and doth helpto provoke Usine, and Womens Coores, and cobreak wind Sothinche omach and Bowel, and doth licleopenthcbody, 4 ‘The Nate of forthe root mich more, ad opens he Sopigsofbh iret Parfley. (Chap. 30. Partas oat ot ie forthe yellow Jedi and Dope, a ie endeku th Fang cet id toprovoks Gee ghrly efpecly ifthe roots be boyled and eaten wit Perse th led ished by molto be mot ficeualyetfomedo rcp: Toe ie ftonged ont che fed eeu provOk thi omen Cour, expel winds, eobrsk the fone Mereside pins and torments therot, of of any abe pria Sakon Body purl wind anda eal gn case par cen omcerpoyton fora Rarot enum athe danger that cometh fo aco tht ave en a aed among ke thing ha ve fr he CANES 5 ed Goldin ie wie and taken belp 0 bog Cont MBit aed ayce Birth Teditled water of beter # sy by Rose for Caren agua widand gapisgsiathe Bal ov omch, The mounr of ediniflering ite Ieischity led in Decotion A Dein ih he Jandy De, Fab: fe tame nthe Bein “Take of Paty feds, Fennel, Anifrd and Carramayes ofeach an Onnceof the foots of Parl Barnet, Saxifage and Carrawayes ‘feachone Ounce and half: et the feds bel athed sod at foal, let them allbe feeped ina pot of white Wine onc ight, and inthe morning boyed ia a cote earthen vel- Tivos died pare or morete walled, whichbeing tsined and Stared, ake fore Ounce thereof ae time, moring and evenog af abitainng from driak forthree houcesfer. The eued Ufo “Theleavesof Parl lid tothe eyes thatareiflamed ith bate orate wollen doth mach help them, if tbe led with bred or Ghai ad being id vo womens bard breallschatcomeby the catd- Ing of tbeiraile, doth abatethe hardneie quickly, if ibe fried ‘mh batter and applied, and doch alfo take away black and blew {pats or marks by bral, fl, See, The joie thereof dropped into the ers ch elite wing enfeth che pains thercof, The (Chap.31-Partan — Bhyftd Simpler. The erst ialite, Pari eaten sua oo Fcgonty, bathe bead, bredeth stoleick blood, ands hardy diated, Women wi terbetoobell rahiclah fo dangetoticas Offa Medicines asare made thereof Pallitorys ‘The ified water.” ‘ : CHAP. 3. OF Pellitrie ofthe wall. The Names ood Tenpeament vealed ia Ltn, Hain andere, eae ai Views inc ed hicon alo Pra adr Balint ar be get err cme ak © ‘and moitt, but furely it is hor, ocherwile it cannot bef ‘effeGtual again{t wind and che ftone. . * Tle Dain, 1e wll ep good « ye settee, eee died hebinpowder dup mth Hoy into anon cx ete rte Beatin cet ae he spear Hons fingular remedy for any old cootinual, or drie ‘uth bore ofeach and wheog the trots the et Fan ‘taken to the quantitie of three ounces at_a cite doth won- etal et ote ae web wh che pein hee ne deel both hegtnd fone" The Boot foot the er beng drank, eafeth the pains ofthe mother, and rovoethhe Coma; the fame alle ht 3 ca he oping of the Liver pen and Rel writer droken wih Saga wee an The mannerof Adminifring it Tein bey afd ia Declan, Dad Pellcory ofthe wall, The Nate of Chap. 31, Part, ‘The entward Ufe Tels moch uled: in Gipfters to enfe prion in che back, fides or bowels procediag from wind, or thalike Goppings of Urine, oF Mocgravt and lone: icworkeththe like ett alfo, if che bred bet praled with oe Mostadine be warmed upon a tile, ot dh apon afew quick cost fall The decottion thereof may ferveas Bey Slag down thet Court, to eae grii Bence lth ete dere pareascoetglthe thot when is fiolen oF EPS i nr mosh ehh ot the eur cath he aoifeand fuming inthe, ae ed footing pos atben. ‘Thee, orb baled Sere ith alleles wry fetta co cea Fite and sed apt wie ikeie ery eeu for any gree wound tht foal hemi bound thereto for trce dayex You ned 0 otter iF ee to beat A Dui made hereof with Mal- eco eda Wie wth Wheat bran 20d Bean ovr, lovey, and poiic theta, and applied warm co any braid ree Clon oe Mle, doth in very tot ine sire Sine ea tucogth, and cath away the pins of bri, and ae ace ecrgaled blood of any beatings, ot falsfom bigh dae Secor the diild water cease skin from aie Feet, Eup, Wha Sunbaro, Morghe, ce, and Spot eet mom tod deli, The faid Water office, eae ae ee impatiomes,butrings or faldings alfoall doth ge igdarnrione, bee Sunt. Antoni Ry Ot othe ot opie of heat bing Bhd fen ith wet dates Fe ccs ore (ad ce made intoan Omen with Cs dpe eo of Rafy ond aoninted chee, which doth aa ne oan oaten Ulcerand fayeth creeping Ucesand n= aoe Cdesstexds, tod hlpth lf o Lx the aig of cm tead, Gre Ths leaves mixed with Oyleof et ‘Rimondsin manner Of a Plt, nd lid toche pied pac, i 2 Pood help for thm chae aretroubld wich the Stongjor eretrow, Ered wich Wind and gepiogs. of Capiga..Pare.2, —Phyfial Sonpler, Pennystoyals Off «Medicines as are mae thre. Thi difid Water. CHAP. 32. OF Penny royale he Names ad Tenpremert. “ised in Latin Pm, bec ket ee being ba dy In Engh, Pony four andPoding graf, Tebow dry in tha chied Degree, and of file parte. eres ibaa Tle Deaton Te will keep good year. The bined Uf an, warmch cold. Romach, and di- gefteth raw matter, ‘boyled and drunk ; it provoketh wo- Sete Comey expel the dea ch and after Bit and lage thegenwiogefihe lomach, Belg mixed with Honey 20d le telleaLigead earthen wah rn Sc DeceAion thereof n good inthe Fallen, Dropte, In orig ft Vi, td ep Disk wth Wing icblpth ch asae ung with veremon bal The mennr of aiminiferingite Ieinciey ofedin Decodtion. The euinerd Ufe “Applied tothe not wih Vineet trigger founding elog Sid sod borne Tengthoet the toms“ e elf cole thar crue withthe gow sped SSR waned pid nacre ch Say fessor ce fe, hp tl hae cack or iver grown fing srpicd with ae, The Deevtion Meh td vec bmg bed cont net into buts for women to fic thee fe help the eligt dao tire, eno Offs gee. Blo eae ed and po into. Vingee it clarfth fo! Vlcr, and eet the Dada mir ‘Temaketh thick legen Periwinktes: "rhe Newey Chap. 33. Part. 25 elpeth black nd blew eye and all difeolor- Ingnot the cep thee. "Beng bole i wide with Hony and Sat ic helpeth the toothache. te Belpachehe cold reso the [execs yh ut ind wang col pc, bag ERs the pst big, of big ber asa Aton tafe wearin, “Take of Penny-royaland Origanum of ich abandf land ah cof Sage a Banfi Boy chemin water, and wath there fhhtherein aig. : “The bf gui Varyhot and dicbodies mult ot be too bate ih ite Of ck Meiners are made tere ‘The difled water, Conferve, Ole Chymicl. CHAP. 33. OF Periwinkle. The Nentt and Temperament. cain Lat, Fora Fever abd Pervines, allo Cli Soices in Bagi, tetvitle, ad Perv, 1ethot the eeond Degree, omething dee end afiogent Theisned Uf “The leave boyled in ine aod atk, ftppsth the lak and booty finn andl ofthe lentes tmped, to the jue there aetyaco drat ia red wibelopeth the ak and bloody ix, fp Mee SFbioed thebleding ofthe iemortoide, and thooveron- gotomes Coutts, which fome filth iaanye 1 alo ‘seeleniniaacd woaods| Themamner of Alaisirig it Iki get in jue, ora DECOR ““Fheoutibard Of, Thejuice order bred, ord ptint the po Loppeth the tng cere. Toone hed Get ae nda ingng of venemousbeulbeiogtheeto al. Thane mingled bay oftoerandgur core ran Felt ot ote Sopplitory fshethnnay he pinstereof. of Chap. 34+ Parts ai Playical Sips, Of [ach Medicines ware made ther. ‘The diftitled Water, Pllewor, See Celaniae. CHAP. 34. Of gurdenand wild Poppies. ‘The Nemes nd Tempra. Glebe opoys clin Lain apece album ium Teri len spr flow chee Papeer rar fatoans tered ell Doe elcd Popo Ric, Peo = Ln gen bai, Ked Poppy aed’ Cora Hegel wai, fle athe chide one teoorth Da . ‘The inward Ufe. “hey ate chic inte coeff, t0 coal thebody, andallo indiclenetthebreatt and ang, peal in the Cush, Hout efi snd Conamprions ofthe Langs. The Caden Hopp beads trick edemade ito frope is fequaty led co proce ret hd ep the ickand wee anda le hoe Rhcumes that fall Hom herd etothellomsch sod pn the ngs, cing neon fiw Cough the forerunner Of 4 Confampeln the fe alo Helpedinchonince ofthe tro, and when one hathloft hie oe which the oy! ofthe fod dot kei Thelack fed Bogle Ipovseand dnok id ofa tbe Rare the bly andtheionao- dente Couttrofwomen. Theempty fics, orbits of the Popoy Scatarcofualy bled in water and vento proieeepfo dothe ter the fm manner,Acandlemade ofthe eds of white PopPY exes Alon lado genet ep The feu Poppy tha groweth inthe Com, whe ic young, i Keb aly in imay place, and i fed Co preveathe Fallnge Feta ‘The yope made withthe Flowesi given totofe hat ven Peuifesandthedid flowers all, ether boyled in water, to Fomder and dune cube inthe died water of them, o in fme th rok, wore hele eAeSuand good Mom Mlotherdifales ofthe head and bres The difiled water exeof inf gant fet dik t evening aod morning 14 Dad's ‘nore Poppies, Qiindes., “athe Rawreef _- Chap.3s. Part, 2. tore cooling chan other Poppies, and chertfore TS: bat Bees Mkfadualinhot Agues, renfes and other inftaramationsthe Syrape Seaver co be als. Concerning Opiam whichis the sie of Pop Sle thihned; lee my fh part ofthe mature of SimpleMedicnes, Chap. 49- ” The macnr of Adsinifering it. ‘Decoétion, Symp or. The inward Ufo ‘A Decoftion ofthe leave provoketh ef ifthe temples andbend? cor ect bebathedtherewittivad the Oyle doth the like. The green fads oc leave brifed and-epplied witha litle Vinegar ox ade ineo Polis with Batley mealand Hogs graf, cooleth llinfam- Batons, asf hat date alld Suit toe Be, Te barifall Qua “Teal not beled in cold and molt body, nor to fac as bave the Pale, Cramp, Lethargy, ct. Of cb Medicines asae made tere Teisule “Thedifiled water, Syrupe Goth Ginple and compound of smanykinds, x wale Lee Oyle CHAP. 35. ~ ‘Of Baines. ‘The Names and Temperament "Pegg ating, malas Cydonia, and: Cotes, berate eey wer fit brought out of Candy, fith line in bisbetaral Hiri, Book 15-Cha aaa Pema Cydesitn, and many tines Cydovinm without a fauoo, re other names given toit, They are cold in the fi aaeigetathe fecond Degree, and very binding, The fwectare aoe focold norbinding athe fore The invard Ufo “They ate good to fay all manner of ftuxes ia,manor woman; ‘nd collec asks, caltings, and whatfcverneedeth binding, sn te page 436. Malum Cotor,— Phyfieal Simple, act tha more wie they are geen, chen anyway prepared by Bre. The Mpemade ofthe fucervery rofisble forthe tte al, (0 speeremtares If atte Vineguebeadded, ic irreth up che wat treet and the lomach vento eating, and if fomefpicabea- apps inforedh and fengthnceh the decayingandfsicing (Pr deep pepe the Liver oppref, thai cannot perfect the d- tin and corti colt an fig, To, tae of te Seteat Caines, ineld a pre(adve agit the force of deadly ston. They, i. good forthot that pit up blood, oF vomit Bidadror for theFcket, ‘The Matilage of the etd taken with a tee Saris good for thebaetheffe and hoafoetie of the eros, TMrosgheete ofthe tongue. Quinees ued before mealsbind the Heil sbuc eaten afce meas they lofethebelly- ‘The wasner of Adnirfrieg them “They maftnot beenea raw, ba ether roafed baked, C-- The enter Ue “Toefl of Quine eaeth away the Meengh of the poron of whites Helebore ich Hanters ake co kil wild beafs by dppiog TE ow heads therein: Te hath allo been found ects, tht that Arovough into» hone where Grapes are hangup tobe Poetics theg en, hey lainey ot whee ver fel ee fare Eee. any outward binding and cooing of #5) themnen he Oyleof Quince, othe other Medicis thx maybe sot ecueenl are very avaable co aoine the belly or ther parts rane lke lengthencth he tomach and bell, a0 the Peper thatarcloofened by tarp bumouraling onthe, and formas iamoderae texting. The muflge ofthe feds made reat exy good co cool the heat, heal the fre brealls oF Wo; waanihe Cotten or Domne of Quice bold wine and applied fo igus ory beth chem op and id av pir made op ih se einingeth iro chem cat Sebald ai kecpeth fom {allogiftebe ready co (hed. The, Geds are very weil in Glier agai ure oF he bel ‘The barsfll quali wince not convenient for fh as are mach trosled with ccoftiveneffe, or much bound in chit bodies. . Ddds of ‘Sige of Jerutaleni The Nawéof —Chap.36,37.Pare.2: Offa tier re male sre Symp dv kndoch inplexnd compousd, Maco myelined Goines, Reb Cydia ence ar Spit Ople- GHAP. 36. Of Sage of Jerufilern. The Nemes and Temperdnes [TiscallediaLatine,Padmsonrie, and Palmoneria macalefato dix ‘iogoilse from the other Langwort ; allo Sympbitem maculs- fom tot, us of eile, Cost of Jen, Sug of snd Fpotted Comfrey. Te is fo ae nadie bpontobeterway. Theinward Uf TeischieSly commended inthe Cough, hortnet of breath eesof the Langs, and for fch a8 are fll of rovten mace, and ‘lo for fach as fpicblood, being boyled in water and drank Tein ‘ery good Poteb, and wach nae frcha purpose Themamnr of Adnisifering ‘ei ee ued in Decodtion, The onward Ufo Tes ufed vo healoltor new wounds, being thereto oe ws te tod bcngel trea Of. fuck Medicines are wade shires ‘The difiled water. CHAP. 37. OF Seniele, or San‘ckle. Tie Names and Temperavnt [risa Hled in Latine, Sanicula, from ite excellencie Kwounds, lo Dipesa in Bagi Sanile and Sancile. 1c ~ ‘hot Ghiap. 37- Pare, 2: Phyl Simplei. Saniclé: tot and driein the fecond Degree, and bitterand aflingent, ot binding, ° The Davaton: 1c willkeep good ayeat ‘The inward Ufec Tebelpeth Weunds, Ulcers, Tmpotamer, or any iaward bleed sod Mem ep tcetie aeon emese nce bbsin any pti the Decoionor jucerbereofbe cakcn, othe powrder inde for thee nc found any herb that can give (ach Frc help citvrtoman orbealt, when the difeafefaleth upon ‘ang oe ehoat, Te ftayethall womens Coures, and al other exert blood either by the mouth, urine or foo}, and lake of the bli, the vlceration of thekigne, Savory expzlleth wind inthe femach and bowels, and isa pe ‘eohelp forthe ring oF the mother procured by wind, provoketh ‘Vrige and womens Costs, and is much commended for women swith cilde to take often ofit, Te procaces a good appetite £0 Recaenery ee fletching tif, en eo inthe chet and lang, and helpeth to bring fe aray, mmosecafly. Te qaickneth the igh, and fome write that it provok- cheney. Theoatvard Ufe Teg ue commended for women with tilde to fel often to ie Tehepeth co qoickenthe dul pit of the Lethargy, the ic iriog fuel up itohe eats = the juice allo is of good ule to te Dopp the rata be dul ies pone of ‘Sinncold tumor dling fromthe bre. The fame ali heed Chap. 4o. Part23 into thc ens, taketh aw Saxifrage. The Naswreof with a fie Oyle of Rofes, and de the noi and finging in them, aid deafnctle alto. Being: __ Sh nea domet ix mane of «Pook, giveth ef othe Scr Sorel eh ee sod waraig se cod cakerh aay che pain. Te akcth-away che gi {Ren aod gd ia Chamber lth le (Of fac things are made here. “Thedilled water, Chymical Ople CHAP. 40. Of Englfh or common Sexifraze. Tha Nemes and Tewperasts, [scaled in Laine Sexfage, and Sesifage Ws stoe eal ad Eaghh Seige thied Dee, a ThDwaina Ic willikeep good « year. re sehned Ue ‘Aeon mide winced ed ont igh, bck ah Deaton mie rithte to chsh ange ea ented Wine a ey aah ono ie Te ere feBaaddnd Seah down a nat pomde, snd akc with S- Ca, Taste dt foc care he gui i goprepmat ray, tee Coli ‘if, and expel claimant ivincirig ef riches a etl Setter Te a ica gigas sil ‘The manver of Adinifing it ‘eis ufed chiefly in Decodtion. PinfcalSiuples,. ——_‘Seabious. The named Df. eis ofed oatweardly in Buthes and Fomentations to provoke Votictnd ep cata pinsofehe belly cP. proceeding frem wind. The Def. Itie given froma dum to dam, both theroot, kerb and feels. Chap.41.Parts as Of fucb Heacines at ae make sere ‘The ified water. ee CHAP. 41. OF Seabias. ‘The Newnes and Temperament -rivcaled in Laine, Seabnfa sin Engi Seabion, Teishoe day inche fond Degree, openiog, cleanfing, digeting, tnd making thinne. The Daration Te wiltheep god aye Theinward Ufo efia for al orevof Cong, hortcte of breath, and all ene lets ofchebet aod lng siping and dgeiogcold Freee sfother tough umoas, voydingthem forth by cog fer, og ieipenthalloalfore figward Vice snd Apo rea eee plea the Deotion ofthe dey ox ge nebe dru fome vimecogethe, thereby hebeing made 0 ean well asother wayes. Four ounce OF Fi reer ceblom caken inch morcing fing, with tbc cli ic or or Venice Tex, dth ree he bet om ny dram of Mage Pefilencr, (0 anu the takiog tbereot ‘nein oc eo hours io hic bes a the fi yeeafter theft the frat tc that ae eed cake the fame proportion {ime a gi ed be, for fearo fuer danger The amet ai a be Gngingof ay venemou beats Te Decoition food eit eputrand fies of thefiden, The Deaton deuce Br fue dayen together othe pow de of en seeferseany of a ramme aa tne, cken #0 Whey, dove Scabious. ‘The Nawe of Chap. 4t.Patt.2: as Mahila Sth, wonderfly help thotethat are troubled with dangeroos noi or fpreadng Scabs, Teen, or Ringworm, Yea toaghthey pred fom French ox, ‘Te jue othe = ‘coon drak doth very much help thole that are broken om ato fiabsanditchs. ‘The fame allo wonderflly-bepet all inward Words be they oadey thr foke, by he dying, ean, Aedeagal tec a Sype tne ofthe jcand fer rverp caro ache purpe afore, and foisted Kfied water ofthe herb and flowers mide inde tie, ‘The mamerf Aésinfring Iti given in Decodtion chet. A Decelon, guod agsinfthe Cough and “foratfeof breath, Ces “Take of dried Sesbiousa handful, Licors broied, Anniteed and emcee bated of econ One, wit Orin for ot thin jes balFan Ounce Figset into pieces « dozen Let alibe for anit, ne qurtotacwater (ox tate info ah ise) boyling them the next day, until tied part beconfamed at tbe leat bere cake a deanghe every morning and eveisg warm, with Hony of Suga. Theemward Uf. ‘The greeabetb bred and applied to any Carbuncle of Plague {foreis found by good experience to dive or break it within tbe fee ofthreehoutess the fae applied helpeth the flinging of ay venemoos bell, The jice mde wp into an ointment with Hoge- sreaehelpeththeiech and fea, beng thereto applied. The Dezo- Sioa ofthe becb and roots applied, dothhelpall fortsof hard ot fold vumout, of (wclliogsinany part ofthe body ; sods alfoat ‘tical for toy thrank focw or vetoin aay place. The ice made tup withthe powder of Borax and Camphoty doth clean the sig ‘of te face, or any other pare ofthe body, as Freckles, Pipl, ‘Morphew and Leprie: ‘The fame Decodtion helpeth the rede and fporsia the white ofthe eyes, ufed either by i elf or with the juice of Fees "The head” waded with the ame Decoétion, clean(thit from daadafie, feo bs, fores itches and the lite, ‘bem vied war Teots alo dipped in te jac or water thereof, doth healgali gran wo nds old ores and neers. The be bruied 0d Chap.42.Pattia: Phyfeal Simples., Scurvy-gratfe. and applied, doth loofen fplinter, broken bone, arrow hexd, or o- her Fah lke thing ying in th ft, xnd cf ico be ely drawn forth. Of fu things as are made thereof. “he dled wate. Sjapbochtimple and compound, Cone feveatthefower, Sa CHAP. @. OF sempre The Nemes nk Tempero. tHe common Scary gale red Ccfewin and Fe etek fre mith ound nes caed i ate, i tod Coe ates Engh, Seu Cah roma the wih fod nes aed Date ar of Pe haan dry i the condor hd Deges ipa he garden Sarr The ined Of ‘The Englih Scary gaieinmoreufed forthe cbee- eqvrobitdoh merit open sdf, barthe Dutch or gu Se eae orteter cic, and ey ed iicmay be Heart cas have Savy efi to page tod Sen be Bod nd pir Ai iortogsae Sy eng theca he Spring erry tre tbs cup of drinks The Decoion good for che eae te dhe becanoed op inew drake by fle a ere hinge orients obtadion ot oppingeand eer te and feguak tumou both eth Le {End pc saagandcentnge figs dee rand Sr pcry Hampag tothe body 2 more ey oo tot ie madeot te Laverna deliate Medic He aeog ade Momae and workcth he fame ef, ak Gong alte omy thei doth he Syrape The maener of Admiiflering Ieisgivenia juice, Decodion, ore, Th hepheards pure. The Naiere of Chap.43.Pai Tie exmard Uf ‘The Juice helpeall foul Vee and rein mouth, if icbe oni tach, add thesia doch acaties tine fon a nk rks he buppneth thet. Of fach Modine sare made thre. ‘The died. Water 5 Sprope, Confer, Sil, and Spit of seary-pafl Sengrton Sei Hoafe- lnk CHAP. 43. OF Shepheardsparfe. The Names and Temperaaent rin calledin Latine, Bafa patois, of Pera pater a Engi, Testes pi or cy ots No Pckeprtand Cat weed, Ie iscounced by mott to be cold and dry,and muck binding. ‘Thy Darstin. Te will keep good «year Theinwerd Uf. Te flayeth ll fluxes of blood, av alfo the faxes ofthe bell, the bloody fax and che abundance of womens Coures, or the piffiog of blood, the juice or the Decoftion of ehe herb with ome Pantane being deonk,or any othet way caken, Tha mien of Admnifterng it Ieischiel given ia Decodtion. The oustrard Ue In a Gfteritcaeth the bloody fix, and brated and applied it beget inflemmations, and Saint Ancbnes fire, curetd green wounds, and of great eff being imade into Salve for wounds ined faythebebeting hol een meade, being thereto applied. Some hold that het brie a oubaeo theta ofthe band, and ler of thee, wil help he yellow Jani, and micigace che fics of Agues of Chap.g4. Parsi: Phyfal Shople, Of fas Medicines as ae made there. ‘he difled water. Smallage: ——— CHAP. 4 Of Smallz, The Remes and Temperament. isclled ia Katine, pina, Apis pl Teenie Stale aby. in the hed Degee. sod Pin ie aed deere Theinmad Ufe. Ieopeneth the Noppvgs of the Liver and Spleen, maleth thin thick eegme, and cleanfeth i and the blood wihal. Te provoketb ‘Vein and Womens Courtes, and is good for the yellow Jaundil and for the certian and quartsin.Agocs, if the jice thereof be {ake butefpecilly madelnco a Sprope. ‘The feed isufed ro break tedexpel wind, cokillworme, and to beipa Sinking breath. The took ieetcetual for all the porpoles aforetaid, and is tronger ‘erin thc the Be, uc efecto pet Hoppin, wed to ways eee oe here beraken a wi Ste De ea Ae re ‘propertie againft the poyfon of Spiders. Th ntard Uf ‘The juice put to hony of Rofevand fomt Batly water, isvery gontedrele hc ouh and trot of fe da ave reread asin ‘tod wil uty hel thes the felon a teak cane tbe loca ecsod canter eee, {Co eoniel hee The haves bred to boyd wih Hg pte tod nde tacos Pos, coh eons and bie fete be gen, beng tbo ple he br ule Tema ace fd in very otend ry bode Of fncbi Medicines sare made there. ‘The diftilied water. Syrnpe.. Ece CHAP. 4s Sanne. + The Retire of Chae sare 4s CHAP. ‘45. OF Sorrell. The Names and proce Tin called in Laine Oss of the harpe taf and Ace, in ‘Englib, Sorell, and Garden Sorrel. It is cooling and drying inthe fecond Degee. Theiaward Ufe Teper in alt dif col sy ifn, beat ‘ofthe lood in Agues Peflleacial ot Cholrick, or thes ickneten ‘tod faintngs fing from beat, andco refee che overfpent spices sree lene eit fe of Ages oh ed o procure mn Appetiein fantg an it fal the patfaton of thebiood, hilt worms, tndis 2 ‘Govdial tothe hate, which the feed doth mote ceeally, being {mbtedeying nd bindiog, and thereby alfoayett the oe ike of ‘womens Coarles, be of humours inthe Blotdy fx o ax ofthe Foinach. ‘The roots allo ia Decottion ot in powder i effetat forthe (aid porpotr + bodh roors and ede, as well at the Bet ‘ahise powerful eet che poyfon oFthe Seoplbn fo hut heehee ‘fuih eke eheseo?, bal fee no pun’ being hung: ‘The‘Decodion of the room iseskencohelp the aoedle, and t6 expe gravel andthe fone inthe Kidncyer... ‘The Decodtionof the Flowersaade with ‘wine, and drank helpeh he black Jaundif as alfo the iowarda- ‘eats of the body or bowels. A. made with the. Juice of Sor- ‘arid Fusnicorie is a foveraiga be kill the forse of chofe (harp: dimmueeharcanfe thee foc led water of he et the afore porpofe. § : Tlevnnad U7. Ake jtice with a Hicclevineger Ws wlefulfor frertings and galling of cat ut codec rences ae Ibo ode Bue or dpe terse i thechnt, and the okogge athe ow bi hee aad ina en rh ‘eae, The leaves weappedop in aCulwoce a or 2 wet pee foafed tert ute tapped osabard impo Fd bor paso, be ne te fat, . The Chapags: Parcs — Phifieehs Siempher, The kaif gua, Teishurefal eo melancholy perfor Of fick Medicine a art med here “The tiled waten: Conerve-Syap. ‘Splange’ CHAP. 46. OF Spice, ‘The Neier end Temperament “Tele Eating, Spidehia and Spinach ofa in Eli, Shiege and Spoich Tes cle and malta the. cond Degree The ivard Ufo. cing young and tendericis ued ia Salads, and loofah the ily mae soe te Ln cic Chl sia the eo thethrostand'wied-pipe, a0 it fortholethacbayebot ad colli lochs. in Franca bt fhred'and made upin bab, fried with Oyle aod. Vieear, in tha tine of Lene, iletbop the room of 3 ordary dit : The sured Ufe Ieisoutadly fede 901 ndarpnations, to cool he het of he Somach and Liver ands upon boe felling, fecakech aay the teat cero, nd difolverh heel The bart gal Te merkneth the Romichgocteafeh wind spd wateis amour, sadyildehlitle ooo nourfbnen a al, bute te egmatich, sodbeing often fed breeds melanchly blood. Of fuck thing as eermadetbie. Pras The died Ware, Eees | CHAP. 47. Tankiee’ cod to wath thofe hat are (ajeto lice and nis. The athes of $e wood areued forall the afortid ee, and betder doth ‘gully the liters riled. by Buaiogs of faldigs by fie ot The Nidwrief Chap. igs Pate. 2 water. Of fuch thing tart ade thereof: ‘Theextra@. Sale, CHAP. 49. OF Tange. The Names and Tomeremtt Tincledin Laie Tact brent the yellow Flowers Tiftedin da ting, doearayeor wiber edly si opi “Tener Ie shoe and ry inte cond ot itd DAG ‘The inward Ufe. TheDecofin of Garden or common Tae, orth jt dente fo Wine. a Gopane rece forall the ge of the ‘Vine co provoke i bang opp, top thot ta hive the eto dodhave weak rdeedseye and cha enoa make thea er barby dap: Te expelth wind othe Romach orb irene Cty nd wince ro tie uch ed in Len and ithe being ofthe pe Conteh uyouoged ender come Tropecta ore Drie for tote Romace hat ae told aha bana faving tecnc, bothto hep co dige shy andy cei aaa re ohihea a aurag domuwars . eeoe venta chien chit wort. and he ot grein dk Sica forthe fame. THe edt Sef etaedy for them that havethe cold Gost, if they eakithereof falling forcer- rayetogeic. Page erase en Tabane of ppcaeots The ontwmd Ufo ww Being boyled in Oyle,rivis.' iroiitably af ifort se Seen enc oruehtarse 7 F Chaps'po. Parcs 2:_ Phyficel Shiple ‘Thyme: fit be braifed and fimelled onto often, asalfo a tothelower part ofchebell eis ford co bapeokabe for och women esate Bin oo miler in child-bearing to case chem ogo out thet Filme wichout danger oto, ‘The bartfall qualitie, ‘Ieis hurtful to young, perfons and chollerick bodies. Of fc thngt ere me ihre. “The diftiied water. GHAP. 50. Of Thyme, - le Names endTomperamet. aed in Latin, Tigmnané hymen; a Engi, Te. Shocand dry wierd Degree The Deri re willieep good ayete Theinmard Of “Tyme doth help fmewat to pare Sqm, ifitbe taken wih Bare dae Wigs Te Drcadon hte good fr cane Br setsied wid faoweccof ben, llth worms ithe teiprocaret the mpetly cour of women expel te fet Ber Sed seri tg Sey oe aa eect cogh pve be cx brooghe say, biog cles craton tn ny, cde tite Freee iat good setts andro co arm scam fat pomachs nd to eiptobenk rad se wel forte eka Heed vey pofibem the Cali and ack andNe- ir rik pafiony and moflexcceotagaint Mclancholly and top EppotineMais;and diflrth doced or congealed blood a the hod, e-erar faith tha faare drae of dried Thyme ia onde givn (in Oxy fig) co hem uate Gout, iebepeth hem, Forigpurgeth Cboler and other tharphon Sige aed haf on ram shee hen fling wihmeade, of ee 4 @ Chapcsr.Pareis; ff 2. ‘hare ligt pat sell acai he Vex vain. difeates of the Liver and fleo i ver di olathe Cough, thor bey. icra fore and pinsin thet loynes and hips: that have fvelings ince chat have great puna thir es su given Fling 0 eal in all dienes of the tele of Breath, and whee None inthe Rent dtayeth Dledings and ue of the bel- oftable- ip eakd difeaes.of thechead and cyes re- The manner of Adviaiferieg it. ‘Tein chiely given in Powder, oF in DecoGton. fen eich ig He Fe emai if Libr eis chiefly ufed io Decoétion. ‘The Deion thet dio . they are frefh, being bathed herenith, ‘The fete bog tncltd or bibed tthe pce nh forme Vinge fof eel ode ‘ ee Err eyed base tee wid tnd oe Se ya ‘The juice thereof being oofe orhanging war sous aie ini, Fifoacs nh lege of other hy ot ued with Hogs thelweligs.and panes of the fecet parts of mortioid.. Applied with ‘and af Vers ofthe Te is given in powder from 2 dram to two orthice drams, _ Of ach Medicines are made ter. ‘The difled water. Spirit. Chymienl Oyle. Syrope. oo, sal hele of Rots aad Vinegar nfo Mpehiseaeibe old part the that are fallen ioto 2 Frenf. aca an Tepe, cof heck doth cleanfethe skin, and ake 9 lkeinftammations and them mixed with fome Vinegte, 1, Feekles pfs, or the he Decoion ‘The 3 filling, beingBsthed or “The Decodion of the leaves “The leaves braifed and boyled in Hoge gre rf the ehroat and the Gout being: rater of che het whenit isin hi The Names and Temperamert. Tis called in Latine, Verbena, ix. Teihorand dry beet the Quik, fx te from films clouds oF Optick nerve, and it ey anich chen Its btn, ec he arate os wo ls an opener of bio, a old recor geen wounds. ‘Droply snd. the Gout, sale the dete ben : Of fc Medicines x are wae there, invead paineand tormentvofube bédy, tiieaves id dank. The fame is beld eo begood agi the sand ies anv Mab ‘The difiled ter, Oyatmeat. CHAP. 52. Violet. The Naweret Chap.s3.Pane, 4 CHAP. 53. ane OF Fieletse 8 The Names end Temperament. scl inLatine, Vite a Foleo Dpegaren ad id ides td The Deraton. Te will keep good a yeare. Theinnard U ‘Violets are ufed to cool atiy heat or diflemperature of the body, inflammation the ees ip the mothe,oria the Findament when they ae fallen dawh dad ake illo pao, Iropolomes fo and he {welings, to drink the Decoftion of the aver ot Rowers made with wine or water icligewife exfeth guns in the head esfed through wane of ret. A “dram of the did leave ofthe A Engle Vjlet, ‘of Violes doth purgethebody of Chollerck humoars, and xfwa- th the et, ei eaten dunt of wine, ortherden, powder ofthe purple eaves of the Homers onely pick and di ed, and drank in powder wich water, is id co help the Quinte and he Fallngsickatc in children, elpeiall inthe beginnag of the difae. ‘The fed ting cakenreflfeth the ore ofthe Scarpi- cn, Thebetb or flower til ty are frefh, othe Rowers when they are dry are in the Pleurfie and allother difeates of the Langs, to lenife the tharpaefi of ot Rheumes, and the hoa tel of th thre, the heat fo of the Using, andthe fbarpeetie she tii oil oo Me gad Mii? de ved Jl Bo ei tocoat ee ay, god gueich hits but Be Syrpe oft and of better ste belng ean in owe cpeweaes quo, tndifa itl ofthe ace orSyrope of Lemons be pattie ord fo dopo beopleof Vida made hreythetmore power falrocoalthe ea and coqnechthe tid, and bcd te ea, fivcnco ce dak Clecialoun snd Ge ipl? Eipro teed, Viele eaten ot ude up wih one doh ere lsat ign cole, and with Suge cool, The ded owe of Vs Sceacooted amg the Cordial Gower, tnd Fos Chap. 3,Panyah «Pleat Simples.. Water Orelise ire fed in Cordials, drinks, Powders and other medicines, epee eet couing Corda a Rol wi Sandersare ue The manner of Adeinitting it. Ie jeu in Decotion, Synnpe, Powders chr, : Thaemreged Bei 1 ass ingoatniidly apled, they mitige®alkind of fot ofa ation filles dowa andl of pu, Tonpllomes fo and hoe Me wich Oye of Rote and spplicd, ic eafeth pans in Tahichare aured through want of leep, ori soy other place ating of fest. The green aes acealwayes afd wih ochet p hyo of Eto id pepo fo TE lier aad the ‘The difitled Wats ape both Ginpleand compound. Jax iti de, Vinegar oF Vl ~ CHA P, 53° Of truer ctfes. Tha Nengs aed Tempore ating. Walhwrtines qquationmy in Englith Water Ving anette a 5 Thiinwar Ole. F ‘Water Cts ae aod ala che Stic, dnd to cleans the od : foc ah oes mbcegao Broking ocr nekoerag ater ee Sulscy ved fey Mtl che Gree Gdn reyce ha pede du Tua, sy Theat earth blood, nf god amour, tes pro- Hee ptige oF the Lie and plete, andinthe Drop, figs The ‘Wood Sages» The-Nesare of ~° Chaps $4. Partin, Tieden a ree 4 he Decoétion thereof ifs cobe good to wath ata estetcl fae watelay “ing of Je gid beagin ote ero parts troubled with freckle pimples-fpon or the fikeat night, 20d say, ot wailed awayia the morning. The joie mixed ‘Vinegit, and the fore pare ofthe head bathed therewith a very good for thofe chat are all and drowfc, os have the Le- Of es Melisa art: ae ere. “Thi aie wate. The Spite. : 4 CHAP. 54... : OF Wad sage. * The Newir and Temperament. [js called io Laine Satin gratis in Engi, Wood Ss Wille Sg ed Gut Sie ot ad eo vide BLAH OD Baraion. Ie wil teepgood Vjeat 0 einer GY eo ive to hott Wok itle and Weneds CouiTes alte is Chapis 5. Partisi 1 3 rbeloieinad Ope Being beuifed and appiied in mani OF4 Poult i elpeth burt ings, The juice of the hrbyor the powder thercof dried i good for ‘mol uleers and fre in the legs or oth. rythem and thersby to tanfe them co heal the more fedily = Ie inno Jef fe, Gail pte ereswotnds, tobe wed poaanyoccafion.. Of feck: Medicines ax rt wide thiref, ‘The diffilled ws Pinfeah Simple, Wood Sorts CHAP. 55. ‘OF Weed Sorell. The Names end Temperament Tietintang_Zride dete, eae hat in fowet ;. AUldeja was wont to be fangin the Onarehes fh, Wood Sorrell, Wood Sower, Stubwrort, and Sortell Dubois. It is cold and dry inthe fecond Degree. TheDaration, Te will keep long dry, but we may ind ic almof all the yer. Theinward Ufe. Teismore efeQuatthen other Sores are, efpeeally in hindering the purrfacion of blood and ulcers ia the mooch and body, andin ‘cooling heats, and inflammations, to qe eft, co flrngthen « ‘reat Momich, to. protean appt, to fay vomiting, and - tmofk excellent in any contagious feknefc or peitilntial Feaver. ‘The Syrope made ofthe juices efeual in all the canfes aforehid, and foisthe ified water af, The i WoodSomels ahd Maitrbof — Chaps .Partia: The mapeeeh Adeslfieg it. 1 Tein.gimin, DeseSion, oxi badat 4 iy The emtward Ufe. 4 i sponges Tih’ clothes etn he it sd applied oetumee nd dinate ob ercegpecte at heey The ame ace kee the moth entre gig ro i, Tod epee and feeb eaken, wl woodsefully helps her or Vicer there, and helpech mel alo co ftay he thfouand Lge? Te land abincothe dbl the wounds pet net OF fc Metines a are ade hare. he dite. Water; Cane Synge en The Alpheberica % 7 Anse ian chaps 84 ‘igs qiabete ig 32.360: st Aes ats cap. 13.20.34 52 Almonds /woilen, chap, is ‘ope tepile, they 200% r period Apoptsinehype tbat Apolane eb, 1an.23038: ‘45-52 ‘golume desea 3 Bit paige. 3 R BiAckpined chap, 13:32 53 og Table: i t ‘as are mentiojed inthis! : ccd fart. A Bach sea, chp ‘Barren, cba ea Agno Beaters thet cap ‘Acheseald, Chap. 37 % ‘Aeeibchs cap. 2.94637:36~ Balypite cape > 7.8 Bisb40.50 Beesfiogings obeys ©" 9039 ‘Ages toting, ~ chap pat Biker Bote ebay. 45 i “aavstas-a7 Dey tolletap. B goes eg simian, ha Belly pied hapten 14. 36 “Bich brng nay chaps 2.4. p30 8054 Blacktie ud fp fe Spee ‘and Brailes: ladder tociante chap. 17 Bladder panedcbptort 3.16. = Bleeding inhard, chap: 18:26. 375145 ‘Blood fpivtng, chap. 19- 368748 ‘Blood pif, ce. 3 Blood veining, chaps: 1.35% Blood cngele chap. 315-815. Sesost Blood sles chep. 4 23-43- 444553 ‘The Table. Blood bit, Chap. 20.22.45. mbit at Borer chap. 234s Bow it meet! Bee a, 2 Bet els Brest of tome

Dandie, cher a Batete a, 3945 Digehion bap chape. : icra, her Dogenad, tang tro, od tar, Drees of the Second Pare. ‘Dropie. chap. 4.7: 14.17. 2%: 125.16. $0..32647. 48. 51 53 Dyfentery flex. bap. 37, E ies paid, chap: 28,30. ar 48 Eanes inflamed, chap.“ 21 Clap. 22 Eee, nae thera, ebap, 21 3139 options of he shi, chep. 20. 3 Enpelny See wile Eyored cp. 134 304. raise Brad ee ae Janae : Frawelayeck, st perch 798 Eysfrotm. chp. 0 Erepainel S i oid se Ereflossit cla. "7 ie fr chapers 5a Bae re te ace, fps thereof. chapter 3. 3841 coma fe. caps 38 Falieg ff ager 35. at4qn: 54 Gall fo 16.23430..52. 540 52 Fall Sea Braifer ‘Reaver burning. chaps 10. ais aver pontiac. 1.45 Raver leticty eh, 1733 Felon. chap. a Biules, chap. st 1 lege engl chap. 1-28. 39+ 44.50 ‘Flexef the bel. chap. 3.19.20, 22s 3435.45.51 ‘blued, chap. 22. 26.33. Freckles chap. isenangt ns Featect 200403 Fe Po ig Se ‘Pundament inflamed. er = s clap x Gating inch. 47 fie sin Gangreen. chap. 5.48 7 Grins Se ring oe Rei. «the Table . capes aS 24:283., Hike Chip swiss Cee HC! Hippie chp 38 Gone cold 49.51 Hip gout; fee Seiatice Sine, ue voi gecks, Hebel cap vege 3552 fefckon a3 Hocwrntings 20 Se ee ian st tlomoctis Sg chap Grote beeper ‘ape Hye fis Eine Macher rH Omitting. a 7 Seman dl 5: Seaham 3k Jhb p37 1688 " ” 1 25.26.30, 32.43. 44-45» * 47-48-50 ss Jaundife black, eps 48 Hans a as: lack pion, chaps $0 2B5U 355% Impottome 5 fee Aponte: Head-acheyehyp, © Yo.t8-14" TaRuehmationy cap. 1.9548. Face of toby, TT" soahnga45 4647 51 35 Headaches bt chager” dard ports birt, 4 2 Haatgee ete ct op ECE Bhakti paness 2 K a 3 Bin hth. Hone ecaiaig sxc KR 1912445447 Kibes, chapter # Hates afivages chap. 52. 35 Kidncyesalcerate, chap. eoroidse kp ip 7- Kge yee sea igi g2 Banos prony aes t Himorehde Hed. se, co LPa linn sate. Tepipolen oa 4 iemorsbodes pipet ter ahead le Na Tapes telat of thie Seond Pare. Ledacg chp. 22a 39:53, Matherifamad. chap, 7 Hjcesoje chap, 2. a8 ‘nbs ear. chap. $2 Motbec hard: chapter, 29. 2 Litharge taken. cbep. 30 Leeday a5. pase Mother nin sre, cep Joateaeaeays3- tr 2 ba aps aaah. Maes, ol Ae the fengiben chap. $1 a7 ncapekian 35 seat chp. so3tee Live gromnjehap. 5.38 MASS Loathing ofmeate ebayer. 39° Mouth Weeding. chap. 23.37 Toynes pained. chap $0 chapter 33. Ate N Langs infeed, shar 45. NJ eling to rake, Chane Langs aleerated. chapter Bion ly § 8 funy trap, Nodes te fe at % aaa Lor alts eves, chop, *E ernie Luft to abate, chap. st ° “ in mecha hp Acre pet tap 33, her Mitte ae 38 Opi wweee to Prag Mauteberd Gly, oP Navel. shper P Mikemtd Mcgee of he mh fae Mira” rat Ect Mother firs ter 17. 27. efilential boteh. chs 23 fi char 7 ee char 15-33 pe cops 7 Fans weve sn3Ts ty. ellentil Peover, Se Fea. Fit ‘ies ‘The Table Piles See Hemorrbider, —_—Ropearer. —_ahapter 4: 325. Pip ie Panlrinchep. 38 38: 26:29.37. ae sd ° 37-4 Plague. sat ee SAdaettchap yt Piagoeore chap. 28.35.58 S'Sabe chop’ 25.31.38 445 4t-48 Plerife. chap, 8h 34 Sea running. hapa A152. Sealdss Set Burning. Poyfons chap. 3. 15.35 Scitica. chap. 39. Pontes, of eect.” 35 0 Pate,” lgpe 47.48 Sete. op. 5 31 4 accion te hdr Chigtr Seu, chapter "4.42.93 35, Scorpion flinging there. cap. 52 e Se thet aan ges See dpm om Oo unc Bip sas g5% Serpents divs cha.“ Tryapartssr RK Soup lamar 1 pre ap aa incre rnin chops. Stages, 3S Rerefotin ing, ait Mig Rete peed, caps 1 om Reins ot. ca 3 Silent che lp Ro vo cleo. chaps 17.97 ie : a “3 Reine ramsing here. chap sect 5 Rheumes. chap, Thay ei Rcomecid chp, ‘ga? Sinner so fegiton hap 3549. Rhemebe chs 205432 Ringworm, See Zeite, ofthe Seodind Pare, Sti caaeba 9-48 34, Stach ing Stomach be, toe, 3 Sin gi sr. Cher Sepsorear se ah Sie elder Se wid Seta ndrmingcha tei ey "t Seontizo bring aay. chap ' 31-4045- eet a sept 1B weap ee et Sega Se ce aad racerfranci. 7 35 Sims ap. 1 Selo aban ip. 37 cepts it ae tna we is a ew let Ngee ay a wee = i oes noes sq.t72ga7 38 ‘Swoonings. chap. 33-47, Tr lon bide hp 38 Tone a 146529. 30: 31-4 Spleen hard chap. Spleen to frengrben. Sisk ag. sar 38 8. 15.15. 17.21- 28.3003 Sacgtyayy Teter cay Sues bard, 7 "Gin a8 Teeth fer chap Sehr lca. 5 Tht oes i Sema ce a Ta ques cap 2 é deer rama hapee, Toon bof elope "$2 Soma ade ag. Traatfegap. A831 Tiros Thre age gee ‘oe Spins te “38 Toothache, han seat te hse Taman edn ite er Bias broke.. bape aye Vinfrens ch Venesy.te provoke, eb. od ‘Wena ro.crpel. Sapa: se Vesomoat Crear ‘Sornfcbr3.a5. od ic Aging thet Wig omens. Vueravecre ch s.38.43.37. 38.41.48. 51055, Vieers maligne, che aa ‘Vicets moilt, eb 34 ‘Viger oftbeleg. chapes = 3 ee a ‘ Of the Second Part. tings chap, aBiah PB costes Le os Li ot gyngs leap 93:n§. an. Yee, ee Wr 8 NGA Ba ke abasaa.gost Tah pst BAS ESE Wounds tcures chap. §.23.26> ‘Vicetsia wardchaye a 45 “yA ky amas Chapler a9. 3097-5155 Sl chap 7.50 Wounds veding: chap. 18: a ae cng ner Cit 35.43 Hee a bon che leaf tbe idan? 35. Woupdsiemed. chp | eee if ti enki, a Wont tame ch Te. Wounds -gren ebay. ent aa. bgp. 27 1228631, 36.41 42. 54 Be 0. WISE eae, chap. Wheels and la Wouttdiinbard, chap, 3-5-2%. aaa wig ep. sedis Yer. 2 - Wosndefee ad cap the [ere pete. Whites nomen, cbup. 4625, Filet pene cs 5. Th Sidiverchopeg.xraoa233- Woondstoclenne. chp. 19: ‘Wher ofthe Langs fee Langs i34-3842-47 36 ‘Wieerstorleanfe. chaps 19. Wind re expe chaps 2.6.14. 16- Wounds nthe brea chap. irda gs I wink hp Wendt acct, 3. Wee Pos 5 Womb windieohapi' 6 arddlifered, chap 38 Vanna, cb Veni panda Veine fap Chapter 2. embers 47.49: ‘Vring fltving t0 fiop.. Ci fe Vrice bot and foorp. come Vise ef fee Pale it W Wate The Books following are to be fold by Philemon Stephens; ac the guilded Lion in Pan/s Church-yard, 4 S Tx Books written by the learned Knight Sic Henry Spelman: 1. De non temecandis Ecclefiis: ; or, of the Right and Re.’ A"; petts diie unto Churcher which are noeto:be violated, *'; - a. Tythestoo hot to bé conchtd, (hewing that Tyches ate dug by che Law of Nature, Scripttire, and Nations; and therefore nci- ther Jewith, Popithinor Inconvenient. ‘Whereunto are annexed cer= ‘that “Arguinens by other Authors with a perfect 3+. Concilia, Deciera, Leger, Conflitationts de Re Eccleferwm Orbis Brittamnici, abinitio Clriftiqna ibidem Religionis; cums Annee iquavh lofts. Opn. ecintiquitatis fendiags 5+ Plalterisin Davidis Latino-Sintnicum;.. Po. Spelman, Hynrici Ft Patrig thecain lucene editums: ubi ad. i Hfcijnfque Pfalmniipred i i 6. De Sepultura. The Civil Magitrates Power in matters of Religion modeltly. debated, and impartially ftatcd according tothe bounds & grounds "| &f Scriprore,and anfwee-returned to.che Objections againit the fame * of any feeming weight. Written by Thomas Cobber, Pattor of the ' Chorch at Lyn in New- England. Thomas Garoker, B.D. his Vindication of the Amsetation: by him publithed on Jer. 20.2, Agsioft the feurrilous A(perfions of; Me. Witiaen Lilte, wherein toepreccndéd grounds of Judicarie A- | frologie, and the Scripture proofs produced'for ir, are difcuffed and refuted. ra | Thoma Gatakeri de Nomine Tetragrammato Differtatio; Qua } Vocis Jchova, apud noftres recepta u/us defenditur, & 4 quorundam cavillatiouibus iwigis pariter atqne inanibns vindicatwr. i

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