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The rule of thirds is a process of taking images like films and photographs although it was first used in paintings
as it helped painters to get the paintings looking more visually appealing. This is basically two equally spaced
horizontal lines and two equally spaced vertical lines, it is suggested to have important compositional elements
placed along these lines. It is called the rule of thirds because it creates 9 boxes so there is 3 lines of 3.

By putting these important compositional elements along these lines it creates more interest and more tension,
this can come from just centering the image sometimes.

In the picture below of the bird you can see how they have used the rule of thirds to create energy and tension
this makes the image look so much better as you can see the eye line is in line with the rule of thirds. It just
generally makes the image look better.

The second image below it shows on the left the image taken without using rule of thirds and on the right the
same image but taken using the rule of thirds.

Rule of thirds is used in film widely as it creates the story for example the picture of a face below shows they
have left one column blank this is to show which direction he is talking in

Below is an example of the rule of thirds in action from a chipmunk music video.


The 180 degree rule is used in filming. this refers to the spatial relationship of two
characters or a character and an object in a scene.
When two characters are talking an imaginary line is drawn as shown on the images below
this line is called the axis of action then they are filmed from one side of this line and
never from the other side as if you switch from side to side it puts everything out of
proportion and confuses viewers.
Sometimes this rule is purposely broken to confuse the viewers this is done say if a scene
in a film the character is intoxicated it is used as it can have the same effect on some
In the picture with two people you can see how it would be a strange camera angle and
wouldn'tt make sense to viewers if the 180 degree rule was broken in that music video

If I Were A Boy by
Beyonce shows
the 180 degree
rule as the camera
has to keep on the
right side of the
two actors for the
conversation to
make sense to the
viewers without
crossing the line.

There is loads of different shot types such as establishing shot, close ups, two shots and loads more
they are all used differently for different scenes for effect and to create tension they also help
develop some films and they are a critical part of every film or video production.
Establishing shots these are usually the first shot for a new scene used to show the setting of the
scene so the viewers can understand where the scene is being shot for example in the picture
below it shows the city this is the shot that would be seen before then moving into the main
character in a film just to show the viewers where this scene is set
Close ups these are used lots in most films and was particular put to use in horror movies like in
the picture of a man below that scene is the man is trying to kill people who has shut themselves
in the room he has just broke into this helps to build tension especially in horror films
Two shots these are usually used to show two characters talking or standing together as in the
picture below with two people thats why it is called a two shot and is used to show both the
characters at the same time so you can see what they are both doing.

Here is an example of an
establishing shot in Cheryl Coles
call my name music video. This
shows the viewers where the
video is set.

Here is an example of Cheryl

Coles Under The Sun music
video with a close up. This clearly
shows her face to the audience
which adds to the overall

Here is a Two Shot of Cheryl

Coles Under The Sun
showing herself and a love

Mid Shot- a mid shot is taken from mid distance and shows the person being filmed
from the waist up they are normally used as general shots
High Angle-a high angle shot is a shot taken from a higher angle than what is being
filmed normally this is done to create the effect that the thing being filmed is
smaller than it actually is
Low Angle- a low angle shot is a shot taken from a lower angle than what is being
filmed this creates the effect that what ever is being filmed is bigger than it
actually is.
Extreme Close Up an extreme close up is a shot taken from very close to the object
being filmed this is usually used to have an interesting effect artists will usually
do these shots on certain body parts like feet or lips.

Here is an example of a
mid shot in Azealia
Banks The Big Big Beat.
This further establishes
the artist.

High Angle example in a

music video is Ok Gos I
Wont Let You Down. This
shows the directors vision
with the dancers holding
umbrellas. Often used for
artistic purposes or to show

An example of a low
angle shot is in Rita
Oras How We Do
video where it shows
the dancers in an
superior light.

An example of an
extreme close up is
of Azealia Banks
212 which clearly
expresses the lyrics.

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