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Class Date

Approx. Time

Anticipatory Set

Day 10
60 minutes
Students will gain confidence collaborating with other students
Students will recognize the importance of collaboration with others.
Standard: 1. Oral Expression and Listening
a. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups,
diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues, building on others ideas and ex
clearly. (CCSS: SL.8.1)
i. Come to discussions prepared, having read or researched material under study; exp
preparation by referring to evidence on the topic, text, or issue to probe and reflect o
discussion. (CCSS: SL.8.1a)
ii. Follow rules for collegial discussions and decision-making, track progress toward
deadlines, and define individual roles as needed. (CCSS: SL.8.1b)
iii. Pose questions that connect the ideas of several speakers and respond to others
comments with relevant evidence, observations, and ideas. (CCSS: SL.8.1c)
iv. Acknowledge new information expressed by others, and, when warranted, qualify
views in light of the evidence presented. (CCSS: SL.8.1d)
v. Identify a central idea and prepare and ask relevant interview questions for researc
ideas further

In order to get students interested in the tasks ahead of them, have a fresh plot diagra
board. A fresh copy should also be distributed to each cluster. On the copy at the sma
your ability to rewrite your morning into a story. You should fill out all portions of th
students for help. This should be a fun and humorous activity that all students can fe
participating in.
(5 minutes)

Now, ask each cluster to work together and create a funny (and appropriate) story th
the classroom. Encourage them to break the boundaries of normal life. They also do
story that involves their days.
(5 minutes)

Teaching/ Presentation:

Now, ask one representative from each group to come to the front of the room (they
their desks) and share the bare bones of the story that they created. After each presen
students laugh for one another.
(5 minutes)
At this time, reopen the classs master copy of the plot diagram over Out of the Dust
that they should be on page 95 in their reading. They should have plenty of rising ac
they might have a climax at this point. However, it is important to explain that this c
more rising action. Together fill this out.
(5 minutes)

It is now time for students to get out their double entry responses. They may have th
devices or on hand written notes. Ask them to get them out. Ask students to get their
out. You should also pass out the discussion leading worksheet to each student.
(2 minutes)

Together, go over this worksheet. Remember to ask for questions.

If a student does not have any entries, they may silently read Out of the Dust, an
compiling entries.
(3 minutes)
Teaching Strategy:
Guided Practice

At this time, students should be pared into groups of 2 or three. They will be given th
period to discuss their double entries.
Remind students that their discussion must be polite and meaningful. They also mus
and presenters.
(30 minutes)

Teaching Strategy:
(Independent Practice)


Name:____________________________________ Date:_______________________________
Class:___________________________ Partner(s) name(s):____________________________
Double Entry Discussion
1. Reread through your notes and make marking for the following

1- a time that I had a question

2-a time I was confused on what was happening
3-a time I made a connection
4-a time I noticed a literary element being used
5-a time I noticed dialogue being used
6-a time I responded to an impressive passage
2. Have a discussion with partner. Both of you should discuss which passages you chose about.
Remind yourselves what the context (when it happened in the story) was for the passage. Then
discuss how you responded, why you responded that what, and what your writing helped you
Entry 1:
Entry 2:
Entry 3:
Entry 4:
Entry 5:
Entry 6:

3. If there are any misunderstandings that your partner helped you realize, write them here:
Entry 1:
Entry 2:
Entry 3:
Entry 4:

Entry 5:
Entry 6:
4. What are some ideas that are new to you after this discussion? Will you be practicing journal
writing like this in your future responses?

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