Network Fundamentals - Test 1

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Test 1

No Of Questions: 20

Network Fundamentals
Duration: 1 Hr Max
1. Difference between Router & Bridge?
2. List the Layers in OSI & TCP/IP models?
3. List the port numbers for the below services?
e. RDP
g. SSH
4. List out the cables(Which type of Cable) required to make the below
a. Router Monitor
b. Router Switch
c. Switch Computer
d. Switch Monitor
e. Router Hub
f. Hub Switch
g. Router Computer
5. What is the size/length of MAC address & IP address?
6. What First half of the MAC address will describe?
7. What is the Range for Private IP addresses?
8. What is the Range for Class A, Class B & Class C IP addresses?
9. Write an example of each Class A, Class B & Class C IP addresses?
10.Subnet the following network in to 8?
11. What are the different modes in Router?
12. What is the path for accessing Router console?
13. Command for changing the hostname as NETWORK in Router?
14. List the commands to set a password for first mode?
15. List the commands to set a password for Second mode?
16. List the commands to set a user name & password for first mode?
17. What is the difference between password & Secret?
18. List the command to encrypt the passwords in a Router?
19. List the commands to assign IP address to a fast Ethernet interface in a
20. List the command to save the Configuration after doing the configuration
changes in a Router?

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